why don't actual right-wingers disavow idiots like Alex Jones?
he's making a mockery of right wingers by making them out to be conspiracy theory believing hillbillys. we should be working to separate him and infowars from modern republicans
why don't actual right-wingers disavow idiots like Alex Jones?
he's making a mockery of right wingers by making them out to be conspiracy theory believing hillbillys. we should be working to separate him and infowars from modern republicans
You can't in any meaningful way. It's like disavowing David Duke; you can, but the left will tell you he's in your camp.
>he wants to self-identify as a republican
lel, have fun being a cuck
Go ahead and name a claim Alex Jones has made that isn't true or conceivably true. I'll wait.
The frogs are legit turning gay.
Gay frogs
Well you can do as a 'modern republican' what ever the fuck you think is good for the 'modern republican' what ever the fuck that means but the right is pretty fucking wide spectrum so don't expect anyone giving a fuck.
Search engine Atrazine.
It's most of the most commonly used herbicides in the US and Australia and it's an absolute fact that it can turn male frogs into females.
>idiot is pro-catacuck independence
fucking dropped, alex jones is a stooge
>why don't actual right-wingers disavow idiots like Alex Jones?
They do.
he is libertarian.
Alex Jones is a prophet
now buy a goddamn water filter
As bad as Alex is he's miles ahead of the MSM
Yep, it's the current year
what's wrong with David Duke?
Is this the height of liberal comedy?
The jews have never made a sincere effort to shut down AJ
It really works my walnuts.
>As bad as Alex is
Same thing as OP faggot, name one thing he's wrong about. You weak willed fluoridated millenials are brainwashed not to listen to Alex Jones. Why might that be? it's because they're scared and they know he's laser smart bomb accurate.
Did anyone else see Alex's bit on Friday about Kim Jong-un? Holy kek
Rocketman BTFO
At least if we embrace him we can steer him in the right direction once in a while.
That was discovered by Tyrone Hayes when he was paid by the manufacturer of Atrazine to conduct some testing on the product, after which the company tried hard to discredit him. He even got threatened.
But then, Jones talks about it, people make fun of it, and now it becomes a meme.
"Who's alex jones?"
has anyone hating on alex ever actually listened to him?
>why don't actual right-wingers disavow idiots like Alex Jones?
Because I fucked your mom's asshole. That's why, Schlomo.
The worst kind of content is rant-based. That's why Alex will, for the most part, only embolden those who already agree with him. Even if he's right, the way he does InfoWars is low-brow.
>why don't actual right-wingers disavow idiots like ?
>conspiracy theory believing hillbillys
>why don't you punch right goy?
Sorry kike, Alex Jones is for minimum 130+ IQ people who can grapple with the vampire pedophile menace at large
Leftists aren't even trying anymore.
You do understand, I was mocking all leftists for their common tactic of telling people to disavow / hate / mock / ect, people they have been told to hate despite never knowing that person?
This, actually.
The guys not a republican but you can't convince lefties that think he's in the same camp as "AM radio"
That's true. Some amphibians, including frogs, are capable of changing sex. Chemical runoff in the water is causing them to go haywire sexually.
big if true
>disavow Alex Jones
go back to Discord shill
Why is his head so fat?
$.02 has been deposited in your account.
Plot Twist:
His filters give you AIDS
Alex Jones isn't nearly as asinine as many people believe. Some of his rants are just your basic Republican talking points.
Inter-dimensional Alien vampires are causing pedophilia, or something. It was on the JRE.
and that they did land on the moon, just not the time they told us they did. because reasons.
he's retarded. amusing but completely retarded
The more you disavow, the more (((they))) will ask you to, alienating your supporters so you can fail to appease kike media
Did you catch Alex Jones anti white speech over the weekend lol? He claimed the "whites" were behind some of these movements lol
Why can't this fat toad just call out the jews for fucks sake?? oh wait...he's controlled opposition...nvm
because criticizing zion at his level is very dangerous. He is a tool for convincing normies to be on our side. I dont care if he is controlled or not, we can come in and help them further along when it comes to the day of the rope for (((them)))
Hows the control room look? You guys comfy in there?