Why are women too smart for us?

should we just end ourselves now? we are no match for big strong women. so smart.

really makes me think

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why cant she find a man



>Andrea Gould, 41, believes her intellect has prevented her from finding love

Yes, I'm sure it's that and not the fact you're 41.

>we are no match for BIG stron women.
I can agree with you on that

Nah, you being a FUCKING CUNT is the reason

Turns out the wymin in OP's pic is 'educated' in media and communications

My gf is brilliant but fortunately she settled for a fuckwit like me.

If they want a boyfriend and they're unable to think of way to get one, then they can't be all that smart, can they?

>tfw to smart to find a boyfriend

You can always be my girlfriend (male) little fingol

What a delusional and smug cung. Well there you go, sweety, get used to be alone.

Isn't this just being a fedora

They're right. It does sound insufferable smug.


laugh of the day

They haven't considered being feminine and stroking a mans ego as options to make him invested in their relationship.

>average woman gets into university
>3.0 GPA
>has vagina
>"becomes smart"
>too smart and busy for kids
>"where have all the good men gone?"
>35 years old
>drinks cheap vodka with cats watching Netflix alone
>perpetually in a state of sad, menopausal anger

>average man can't get into university
>3.5 GPA
>goes community college/trade school or start working.
>doesn't "become smart"
>finds 19-24 year old girl who wants to have kids
>lives a happy, average life

90% of women are like this. They make a huge stink about having a master's degree in womyn's studies or other made up busywork for pussyholes and then try to lord over working men with bachelor's degrees or in the trades.

With the climb in their personal accomplishments rises the demand for a man with superior accomplishments.

im starting to admire these bait articles from the daily mail. those dudes are chuckling as they type them up, trust me

No one really cares. Both women and men are choosing other options . Women ride the carousel. Men buy pussy and jet skis.

>too clever to find a boyfriend
And people think race realism on IQ means we think whites are somehow "superior" to blacks.

The future belongs to those who show up.

"Good husband material" doesn't come in the form of a resume.

The reason why these women can't date is because they act like uppity entitled cunts.

See. When its a smart girl struggling to find someone its because all the men are imbiciles. But when its a smart guy struggling to find someone its because hes ugly awkward and just overall unlikeable. Its always mens fault right.

Women have to think in these terms for emotional stability, accepting the truth is too much to bear and in some cases has lead to suicide
An acquaintance knew some guys who put up the content on the Daily Mail website, he said they basically have free reign to post whatever they want

Women equate being smart with being right.
No one wants to be with someone who has to be right all the time,


Yeah, that's what it is. Cunts are just so educated these days we can't compete. If it makes them feel better then let the roasties roast.

>her media and communications course
Jesus fucking Christ

I know this feel. Girlfriend is a doctor and I'm just only starting a masters going back to school.

"Before setteling on Labour leader Jeremy Corbin, a surefire way of striking up a conversation!" Hah wow no i get why you are single.

>Carry dwarfism genes.
This keeps getting worse as I read it.

If you're appending time on a date talking about how smart and special you are the dudes might not be calling you back simply because you're an arrogant self righteous douchey bitch.

>over 6ft
>fairly fit
>no blacks

Aaayyyeeee I guess beggers can be choosers.

>She PREFERS instead to date older men she meets through her part-time job as a nightclub promoter.

>which include a radio documentary she recently produced on ‘the pressure that black women are under to adhere to white beauty stereotypes’.

It's called being a sapiosexual silly girls. I had a good laugh at you all pretending to be smart though!
What a great joke!

They're so smart yet how many of them become electricians, carpenters, pilots, underwater welders, tunnel boring operators, etc...

>white knight faggots telling lies on the internet
Such is your right.

You know whats odd about this one is that she actually very hot. I'm sure she didn't have issues for a long time. No it's men are assholes.

Why women would need a grade to make sandwiches?

Rape her and get her pregnant. Minds that can get through medical school are wasted on medicine. They should instead be the best of mothers and pass those genes on.

She won me over with "no blacks". I'm buying a plane ticket at this very moment to be with my true love.

I've literally never met a woman smarter than me. And I honestly would consider myself just slightly above average intelligence.

>Part-time nightclub promoter

Should I continue reading about how smart she is or?

>lower the bar to some retard level grunting
>rich and intelligent men leave to start new society

>"We win peoples now too good for dum mans.... they not fuck us now!! PUSSY NEED FILL!!!!"

no thanks

These are the worst women because they think an intellectual debate is you agreeing with them. Disagreeing with them and even providing good counterpoints would be a sign that you're "intellectually inferior to her".

She's actually right, she just doesn't know why. Attraction is a primal thing, no man will give a shit if a woman speaks 3 languages, or has travelled and seen the world.

They will on the other hand give a shit if you make their dick hard. That's it. Make their dick hard, don't be an insufferable cunt. Don't be the town bike. Educated women are a turn off, were trying to fuck you, and you want to tell me how many languages you speak, and how many years you studied for whatever it is i've forgotten already.

Why do women have to ruin things?

>tfw 2 smart too breed

>dogs not cats
Hey those used up old wymin are really smart.
Dogs won't eat your eyes out right after you died.
So good choice.

Women always want a man that's superior to them. That's why women are unfit to be leaders, it's simply not in their ability to be a powerful, confident leader like men can. When they try they just come off as shrill old hags like Merkel, Hillary, etc.

A woman's place is at home having children and supporting their husband. That's what all women want deep down anyways. Instead of having children, modern women direct their motherly instincts to animals. They masturbate to rape fantasies then complain about the patriarchy an hour later.

Sad truth is women are easily led astray by propaganda which is why they are much less happy now than the 50s.

perfect video for this thread and that shitstain of an article you posted. lol.


I've met women who can score higher on tests than me, and I've met women who have better vocabulary than me. Mostly, these women were limited to a HS program I was in that separated the smart kids from the Elementary Smart Kid programs into a HS version.

I think one of these women is married, maybe two, but the latter was a huge slut and married a beta. The rest are teachers with cats.

I never felt they were actually smarter, just more invested in schoolwork.

nobody likes a smug know it all-- it's not that smart women are less desirable-- it's that our current social climate, by making over women's personal achievements as if they are somehow earth-shattering achievements of high consequence for the world at large by virtue of the fact they accomplished their goals while female---encourages women to take on an attitude of false superiority and an inflated sense of pride and accomplishment-- you got a college degree-- so do most-- you've done nearly 12 years of compulsory schooling from the age of six-- another four years as an adult... big whoop.

>Yet even more mature men fail to show the requisite enthusiasm for her university projects — which include a radio documentary she recently produced on ‘the pressure that black women are under to adhere to white beauty stereotypes

>Since the breakdown of her most recent relationship, with a DJ ten years her senior, Natasha has had a handful of dates, but declined to take things further.

>Throughout her 20s and 30s Andrea — who worked as a foreign languages teacher before setting up an online furniture store — struggled to find anyone suitable.
>Her longest relationship, for two years, was in her mid-30s with a musician. It ended because she disapproved of his use of cannabis.

Ya they're really looking for intellectual men here

>so smart i can't figure out how to do something

>If talking about Jeremy Corbyn increases my chances of getting laid then stop the world because i'm getting off.
Alright, who here was it?

highbrow-- all the women think they're Einstein now---ego ego ego is a killer of relationships--love be not proud--

someone who has to be right all the time isn't very smart.

>Becca Porter, 23, says a man factory worker turned her down for being too clever
I guarantee that wasn't the reason he turned her down.

When women say "smart" they always mean "has money." The complaint is that they dated attractive, assertive, outgoing men but those men didn't want to drop everything to make more money for them. that's the crisis in a nutshell

at least the filthy slut waxes her legs still. so bitch, when's the wedding?

oi bruv that snapper looks right dry eh

These women =/= all women
Why does Sup Forums always overgeneralize so hard.

at least it's to beauty or travel lmao

>i have 5 wonderful children and another child named brian

Poor Brian. What a cunt.

were so clever.

>why don't u like Hillary
>your not a feminist?
>you don't care about migrants
>I only slept with 5 niggers and spic but I am ready to settle down now....

funny because they're neither.

You can fill someone's head with facts and make them memorize dates and multiplication tables by rote, but that doesn't make them smart.
Nor does their prized 'degree' make them educated.
I bet her problem solving skills are nonexistent, she is incapable of thinking critically or forming her own opinions, and she's about as creative as a pile of dung. Let's be honest, half of college graduates would probably fail the fucking mirror test.

She Mentioned Jermey Corbyn.

Seriously why did he not slap her throw drink face walk out.

Seems he tried suppress anger and played dumb


You probably just THINK she is brilliant because you are stupid...

You fell for the click bait propaganda jew
Good on you OP, you sure are a faggot

She could, if she put that thicc milf ass on my cock

These women choose their career over having a family and are bitter and childless.

>Shortage of Educated Men

More like that we are all working shit paying/manual labor jobs because despite having degrees in STEM, we can't get jobs because "diversity" quotas were needed to be met and some girl with an ART degree was given a gig at Google to be a developer. Then the girls are mad because they can't find guys who make more than them.

I fucking HATE this time era I live in currently.

>tfw not enough intel of gents to care about Corbyn

It's funny how we don't treat women like this how we do the smug fat NEETboys who claim the same.

>She PREFERS instead to date older men she meets through her part-time job as a nightclub promoter.
If a woman told me that, I'd assume she was a hooker.

>tfw too intelligent for a bf

My last Fling was higher educated than me, its got nothing to do with it. These stuck up bitches Just have stupidly high expectations when theyr a 6 at best.

What does this even mean?

Metro is such a shit tier publication. Around here I've heard that the homeless use it as insulation material during winters, which is probably the best use for it.

Are there any female "Einsteins"?

Bitch literally nobody wants to hear your pseudo intellectual rant about the patriarchy and how the Vagina Monologues changed your life.

they`re not smart enough to realise that men don`t care that much about womens intelligente but her youth and looks, if you`re an intelligent woman yuo have to compete with beautiful young woman who don`t need to be smart


user, that's the one who's 24. She also has a lazy eye.

>prefer men over 6ft
>fairly fit
>with that hambeast

I mean she might get some weirdo with a extreme fat fetish to fuck her but surely she can't expect anyone to date or marry.

Suck a guy's cock the best and you'll trap him 4ever.

Feminists now think Vagina Monologues is "problematic" because it implies trannies aren't women.

they're probably fucking those dogs anyway

white women have such a fixation for bestiality it's unreal

Foreskin fetish

iirc the current highest IQ living person is a woman and shes doing fuck all with it

>Becca Porter, 23, says a man factory worker turned her down for being too clever.

Ok first of all who the fuck still works in a factory what the fuck, and we all know clever means being a bitch

Hah. Well the problem with these women is that they're not too smart, it sounds like they're just plain boring.

>What does this even mean?
Without even realizing it she said women need to be in charge.

I'm in my 50's. I've never seen a "smug" single woman in her 40's. Hell, most of them figure out the deal when they hit 30, unmarried and childless.