Is dating an asian, the most beta thing you can do as a white man?

Is dating an asian, the most beta thing you can do as a white man?

Its up there...

but cuckoldry is top tier

Dating outside of your race is the most beta thing you can do as a white man.
We get it, you're effeminate and white women rejected you, so instead of improving yourselves you decided to take a shortcut and go for desperate non-white women because you're a loser who can't face a challenge.

yeah, white women are such a treasure

Of course not.
The most beta thing is to date a black boyfriend and prove that you suck better than white women

I can't wait for the day we can all get together as brothers and hunt down the last of the white women for sport or meat to cure for the winter.


I prefer white women but I just wanted to say you're a huge beta cuck, leaf

at least cuckolds have white wives

>caring what other people think off you