I just got a free trial from (((audible))) and they have no Evola. I'm pissed. But they do have Mein Kampf, but that's such a "go-to" book, I might leave reading it for a bit yet any other Fashy books I should be looking into?
I looked for 200 Years together but they only have one Solhneyzitzen book there.
Sup Forums approved Reading List?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not there either. These fucking amazon kikes.
Should I just say fuck it & get Mein Kampf?
Any Nationalistic Authors I should be on the look out for?
Okay Sup Forums which translation of Mein Kampf is less biased, the one by Micheal Ford or Stephen Pastore?
"ride the tiger" was WAY too wordy, and unnecessarily complex. Painful to read. I don't recommend it.
read whatever the fuck u want loser
I'm just looking for Books that fellow-minded anons like.
I plan on Reading Revolt Against The Modern World first anyway
What are you looking for? (State-) philosophy, economy, theology? Which perspective do you want t hear? You need to specify what you're looking for.
Thre was a good list posted in the /SIG/ thread with a mega link to the ebooks.
Will try dig it out user.
Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey
Sometimes you'll find it under his pen name: Ulick Varange
>Yockey actively supported many far-right causes around the world and remains one of the seminal influences of many White nationalist and New Right movements.[3] Yockey was a passionate proponent of antisemitism, and expressed a reverence for German National Socialism, and a general affinity for fascist causes. Yockey contacted or worked with the Nazi-aligned Silver Shirts and the German-American Bund.[4] After the defeat of the Axis in the Second World War, Yockey became even more active in neo-Fascist causes.
>Yockey believed that the United States was an engine of liberalism, controlled by Zionist Jews. Yockey also met Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and wrote anti-Zionist propaganda on behalf of the Egyptian government, seeing the pan-Arab nationalist movement as another ally to challenge "the Jewish-American power." While in prison for falsified passports, he was visited by American right-winger Willis Carto, who ultimately became the chief advocate and publisher of Yockey's writings.
I'd be looking for Authors like Evola. Just Realistic, Factual anti-pc Anti "we are one race" kike shite.
"Ride the Tiger" is terrible. Evola's post-WW2 works are basically just dumbed-down versions of his earlier writings with an added defeatist commentary.
Read "Revolt Against the Modern World" instead.
Here you go
(OP) #
Knowledge dump:
the audiobook is read by Pierce
Thank you neighbour. I appreciate it!
Ooh that sounds good, There was one Author I remember hearing was on Evola's level, I think he worked in the same job as freud
Can't remember his name.
That's disappointing to hear, I plan on it yeah
A Wild Sheep Chase.
Probably the most red pilled book of all time about
Awh thanks a million
The real "red pill" is reading about your own nation, history, laws, science, etc.
Pretty much anything written before WW2 will be that. But start with some Carlyle.
Don't forget his works on magic and alchemy. It's useless to put him into action without that perspective of the world.
>Pretty much anything written before WW2 will be that.
retard, ignore
That's a difficult description to go by but Carl Jung (pronounced "yoong") was basically a contemporary of Freud who has some amazing works.
I'd recommend "The Undiscovered Self" first and then "Modern Man In Search of a Soul". You can see some similarities in the ideas of Jung with that of Evola.
Or you could be referring to Oswald Spengler? He was highly influential in both Evola and Yockey's work. So "Decline of the West" is an important one to consider.
Alex linder produces audio books that may interest you. He does a ton of e michael jones audiobooks, which I don't care for, but onward christian soldiers and the ordeal of civility were great.
Ford translation is best
How do people who think that the US is a puppet state for Israel explain US going against Israel (and Britain and France) at Suez, putting Arab interests over European? How do they explain the alliance with Saudi Arabia (America's true closest ally) dating back to the meeting between FDR and Abdulaziz in the 40s?
That's him user, cheers!
I'll look into Spegler too
I know, I'm getting interested in his works with the SS in regards to Thule etc
Got it, gonna get Brave New World as well since I hear it's more Redpilled than 1984, also I'd reccomend "the strange death of Europe" to any anons interested.
I also advise some Gurdjieff for sorting your mind out to avoid subtle Kike brainwashing.
Do you have links for david duke books? I cant find them anywhere.
What absolute fuck, why do they have all of Mishima's Works BUT Sun and Steel?
It's true. The elites were still largely uncucked back then, and the cultural commentary was still positive rather than deconstructionist.
There were agitators, but they were still yet to take over the publishing houses with anywhere near as much coverage as they have now.
This is why the NRx guys immerse themselves in pre-1930s literature.
Ah Anon5!
Honestly thanks for showing up in this thread, I like your posts, very informative.
You were right about catalonia
Foreign policy at specific times in US history does not mean that the US was outside the grasp of the Jews.
Control has weakened at certain points and become stronger at others. In more recent years Jews have become closer to achieving "imperium" within the United States, which is why they are our "greatest ally". Every time there has been a push against Jewish control or agenda, the consequences for the goyim have been exponentially worse.
A push for subversion can be ineffective if clearly rejected, but there have been hardly any scenarios of rejection of Jewish agenda since those events.
Sure thing, glad to help.
>How do they explain the alliance with Saudi Arabia (America's true closest ally) dating back to the meeting between FDR and Abdulaziz in the 40s?
Because Saudi Arabia is an Israeli ally as well.
Also, the house of Saud is a bunch of Jews larping as muslims.
What, I enjoy Murakami but I wouldn't call it red pilled.
I want to know more about wizards and wizardry, like Merlin. What are sum books?
>not reading the only book that matters
Come now user, read the Gospels and the Wors of God and be saved.
>the only book that matters
Yes, make sure you really study the first half.
Can you give me an example of such a pushback?
Because it's American hegemony that's in all our nations, and American military personnel on our military bases. I suspect that you want to control the world, but don't want to admit it openly because then your crowing about "bringing freedom" might right slightly hollow.
SA had an embargo on Israeli goods until a decade ago, and their only alliance is based on a mutual mistrust of Iran. They're not friends. You can't even get into Israel with a Saudi stamp in your passport.
The second half is the only half to Me.
The First Ever Literary exposure of who (((they))) Really Are was in it.
Look bong we know your people have an unhealthy obsession over jews, but just get over it & stop sucking their circumsised cocks already
If the Jews control America, that means that the IRA was funded by Jews. And if we're obsessed with doing what the Jews want, then our battle with the (Jew funded) IRA was what the Jews wanted.
Do you think that maybe things are more complex than "Jews rule the world, it just LOOKS like America does"?
Anything in particular matie?
I’m sure they’re in the first link. Go to the folder individual books.
The links aren’t mine I just saved them for later. The helpful user that posts the /sig/ threads has a load of links in that post.
The war (I assume you're on about) in the 70s was a proxy to corrupt the IRA and turn them into communists by MI6, thus destroying them forever.
Don't forget you went to war for the jews, gave them israel & house the rothschilds.
stop shilling for your book, faggot.
I thought you hated advertising and wanted to ban it? Stop this shit.
Been interested in Macchiavelli for a while, I will dig into this book in time.
Dump incoming.
don't know if this is what you're talking about but here is one anyways.
Last one.
These particular lists come from the Sup Forums library
I'm on Chapter 3. Wow, so far he's explaining the arrests and purges. I honestly don't know how anyone can read this book and defend Marx's academic mush.
A non-white wrote that book ride the tiger
I have only just started reading it but so far The Lightning and the Sun has been a fantastic read. From what I understand the book has gained some notoriety as in the book the author argues that Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu. I have not gotten to Hitler yet but so far her critique of the modern world is spot on.
Here is a copy of the lecture Bowden gave on the author of the book Savitri Devi Mukherji.
I guess you could say that the final red pill is Esoteric Hiterlisim and this book appears as good of an intro as any into that most interesting of topics.
Amazon kikes only have one book by him on audible.
Fuck off you retarded varg-tier d&c dumbass.
muh "ONNE DROOP!!1!1!!1!"
Fuck outta here.
I have a few more
Yeah, and finding an unabridged version is a task. eBay is your best bet.
here's a must read, pretty short too
another psychologist I want to get into and you sound like you'd like is Ludwg Klages
He wrote The Biocentric Worldview and since I like Nietzsche and evol psych here I imagine that's up my alley
He's the one who said
>the jew isn't a liar, he is the lie itself
Damn I like the sound of him already!
Also thanks to all the Anons for the Book dumps, this is gonna be a nice thread to have saved in the future
Okay, I think I'm out
Most of Thomas Sowell bibliography is based
The message is all that matters, and the message is good. You come off as saying 'it's hard to read, so don't read it'.
Basic Economics is gud but Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson is better
thanks broham me and gf wanted some new read
> we book nerds
Rate my reading this week Sup Forums
Doesn't the gucci mane book just have one verse on jew producers and that's it though? Everything else is probably "a milli a milli a milli muh dik where da whyte wimmin at WE"
I'd have spent that money on something better desu
I wouldn't know. I'm completely illiterate.
I understand why you bought them completely then.
(Doesn't get it at all)
Any books on the economic Third Position?
nice choice with the Baudrillard, check out Symbolic Exchange and Death after you finish that one
If you read it then you should be shilling for it too you stupid faggot. Do you not see its importance?