These women between each other have 775 confirmed Nazi kills.
Coward Nazis got slaughtered by women! Sad!
These women between each other have 775 confirmed Nazi kills.
Coward Nazis got slaughtered by women! Sad!
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lol this is a jewish myth
check out these facts and arguments by a right wing youtuber i jack off 2
Dead Nazis always brings a smile to my face.
>Still falling for kike wartime propaganda
> i-i-it was just propaganda! those 775 nazis live to this day in an antartic base, or even a moon or martian base!!!!
Bottom right is NOT a woman, op.
Wow, twelve women can't do the work of one man. Really activates the almonds.
So you're saying that judeo communists are anti-White?
Yes, we already knew that.
That's because you're an evil anti-White Jew.
>t...the holocaust totally happened goy! you can trust the jews to tell you the truth!
>Takes 12 women to do the same work as one manlet.
I am laughing.
That war is over, kike.
Your slide threads only make us hate you more. Until slide threads I didn't support Assad. Now I advocate for Syria and hope some enterprising Muslim puts biowarfare agents into Qassam rockets. That way Iron Dome will disperse them.
The Nazis snuffed a greater percentage of Yid than the Yids did Nazis, so Europe has very few Kikes. The Muslims will chase the rest out.
Death to the Jew. You don't breed, and Yidsrael is so desperate they take in niggers.
This. A shame there weren't more Simos around to kill every Soviet parasite.
>tfw no qt red army gf
So your knowledge of history is such that the only evidence of the holocaust you are aware of is 'trust in jews'.... damn... am I about to get red pilled about the holocaust by a true genius?
That doesn't reek of communist propaganda.
(Kinda like something we'd see in America now DESU)
>So your knowledge of history is such that the only evidence of the holocaust you are aware of is 'trust in jews'....
But there is no evidence for the Holocaust.
>am I about to get red pilled about the holocaust by a true genius?
You've never seen any evidence for the Holocaust. The only reason you believe the Holocaust happened was because you were told the Holocaust happened and you were told you are a evil antisemitic nazi if you deny the holocaust.
It's a shame we armed the Soviets with the Lend Lease Act.
Germany would have overthrown the Jew Bolshevik government, saving millions of lives.
>believing Soviet propaganda fables
Surely you can't actually be that retarded?
And he did all of his work without a scope and an SMG on the side.
>nazis take pride in the political system they developed, in the medical and scientific advancements they achieved and in how they ruled over their own fates
>commies take pride in tearing all good things down
this is what jesus was talking about. sheep and goats. those who build up and those who tear down. when your IQ is so low you can do nothing but destroy what others have created, you might be a Communist/Jew
>literally the hottest women that could be found for the propaganda photo shoot
I call the bottom right
What about all the photographs of mass graves, concentration camps, and all the historical documentation (including the documentation directly from the nazi political and military leadership).
1. How are they cowards?
2. I thought wymyns were equal to men
3. Trust a leftist to rely on women to fight when you look like pic related
So you are saying woman are weaker then men?
Plus that bitch at the back got a musket like wtf
NFL just gave us 8 years of Trump. Eat shit commie lol. You still have Venezuela.
Nazis are the biggest scum cowards to have ever existed. Pussies wearing a uniform to make themselves feel strong. They could only go after innocent and weak people, genocidal maniacs.
Nazis hated the idea of independent women and believed women to be an inferior sex to men. These Soviet women put those Nazi fucks in their place - 6 feet underground, where they, and you belong as well!
Stay mad, kiddo.
We're back
And you still have hell to go to you Nazi fuck. Go join your leader there you Nazi piece of shit.
Russian "women" are not your typical Western women.
And you Nazi rats will be slaughtered like last time.
This guy has 6 gorillon unconfirmed kills. Not bad, I just wish we'd be able to fully validate that number, it was a good start.
So liberals agree that guns are a great force leveller and help women defend themselves against evil?
well said user
here take a (You)
>What about all the photographs of mass graves
What mass graves? Of the camps that aren't called "death camps"?
> concentration camps,
Concentration camps are not a holocaust.
> and all the historical documentation
Paperwork is not proof of a holocaust.
>(including the documentation directly from the nazi political and military leadership).
Funny how there's not a single order from Hitler ordering the Holocaust, huh?
what is with all of these demotard threads lately?
Shut the fuck up you Jewish piece of shit. Communists using women in the war was the most inhumane thing they've ever done.
On some days alone thousands of young women were mowed down by Germans who sat in their trenches.
They were forced to directly attack them and they had no chance because women are not capable of fighting in the battlefield.
And Communist continued and continued to repeat the same fucking experiment.
What a disgusting shame, fuck all these kikes who sent those women to certain death.
These Nazi apologists will never cease to entertain me. How can you be so brainwashed?
Go suck a dick, cuck
>Pirate flag
100% leftist confirmed, meme flags are a giveaway for your retardation.
>Coward Nazis got slaughtered by women! Sad!
Bibi's son surfing /pol again
> fighting for own slavery
>These women between each other have 775 confirmed Nazi kills.
And these guys "confirmed" never actually knew Stalin.
>believing Soviet propaganda, ever
Fucking idiot lol
A gun is a gun doesn't matter who pulls the trigger. Literally no difference if you are a woman or a man it has no effect on the bullet leaving the gun and hitting it's target.
Is that why the top snipers and olympic marksmen ever since ww2 have all been women? It was a propaganda lie you gullible goyim.
Your mind is an orgy of propaganda, you are not really a person at all but simply a vessel which accepts what ever is poured into it.
Wake up and realise
The world is made of lies
Adolf Hitler on Feminism
>defending Nazis
>Jew Flag
what a time to be alive
>my and my
wew lads
Hitler was right. Many Jews admit this now.
(((Soviets))) are the ones that started the photoshop meme.
Who got the kills for dropping the bombs on Japan?
not as strange as you would imagine
This Rabbi comes clean and admits that Europeans have had the right to wipe Jews from Europe for a very long time. Tens of millions of Christian Europeans were savagely exterminated by Jewish Communists in the 20th century.
>western cuck so weak he now celebrates Ivanka and Snezana, the dumb peasant girls, for having more courage than him
Fucking end yourself if you are western, goddamn.
>look at these brave womyn!
No those are fucking SLAVS of course they are violent you shit, should we send our fucking women so you can observe with wonder a creature with courage you fucking lesbian priest of Morgoth?
Fucking N'wah's!!!
apply the truth to yourself without egotism, and realize that the only option is to kill yourself.