Be based pope

>be based pope
>hate degeneracy and gays
>be forced to resign (first time in 600 years)
>immediately, the worst kind of marxist degenerate gets in
>encourages the Christian world to self-destruct

Any theories on why this happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Blackmailed because kiddie rape scandal was revealed under his watch
>Use this as an opportunity to inject a lizard alien into the catholic church

He was a jew who went to a German synagogue in 2005 and was pro jew and pro Israel he no different from the current pope expect the fact that the current pope is a total jew and loves kikes. You should join the sspx for the latin mass. Any more questions give me your email.


Come talk to me when you are actually allowed to read the bible faggot

Was the Polish pope good?

Muh gay inside everything muh gay catholic church muh blah blah

Am I not ?

The kids he raped threatened to come forward.

Who cares?

I don't serve witch doctors. Religion is for niggers.

Benedict was still heretical, not as bad as Francis but was still not good