>NFL and NBA are 90% black >Players are millionaires playing a game
Sports fans are literally watching black men getting paid to perform physical work. Might as well watch them fuck your wife. Sports fans are also usually out of shape old white guys i.e.cucks. Seriously stop watching the Nigger Football League and the Nigger Basketball Association. Instead invest your time and energy into self development and the advancement of our people.
From the ancient times the ruling elite took advantage of sports events to take away minds of the dumb masses from the daily worries. Bread and games, boys. Notice how the likes of Aristotle or Socrates did not bother themselves with gaming events and the elite and generals were attending to make themselves seen.
Lucas Miller
Post more Laci
Austin Walker
Is Trump trying to Red Pill his base that sports are cucked?
Jeremiah Ramirez
>Might as well watch them pick cotton fify
Gabriel Cruz
Jordan Brooks
Ian Flores
playing pc and vidya games made by gooks is cucked
watching shithouse tweened "animation" by jews is cucked
eating drive thru taco bell at 2am and watching gook toons is cucked
look who just got btfo
Landon Sullivan
I couldn't agree more. The fact that human beings get off watching grown men, especially black men, hitting each other with a ball is about as childish ever. Shit like this is why people are stupid and apathetic to world problems.
In Aincient Rome, Roman emperor's built the Roman collosium to distract the populace of the fact that Rome was declining around them, this is no different.
Ethan Moore
I need something to talk to coworkers about so that I am not ostracized. It's difficult bringing up esoteric Christianity or MK ultra pedo rings so I need to know something about sports
Sebastian Harris
Good thing I engage in none of that nonsense. I grow my own food in my freedom garden. I also hunt and fish wild game. It's called being a fucking white male.
Evan Wilson
Get a different job or talk about real shit like science. If people think you're weird they're just conditioned morons who don't matter.
Carter Reed
Find both those sports boring. Good thing nhl season bout to start.
Samuel Morales
Those aren't the only sports. Watch manly sports like Rugby, Aussie Rules and Cricket.
NFL is rugby for softcocks and simpletons, same as Baseball is to Cricket
Ryder Torres
The best players in aussie rules are abos
Christian Perry
go away laci
Elijah Taylor
TONIGHT ON FOX SPORTS, THE NFL (National Farming League) presents a The Cotton bowl between the defending champs the San Antonio Gin's and the Atlanta Mandingo's. Now please crack your whips and force them to rise for our national anthem.
Josiah Gray
>watching nigger sports Plenty of whiter stuff to watch when you want to zone out for a while.
>Instead invest your time and energy into self development and the advancement of our people. Watching sports is for rest time when you shouldn't be doing that stuff. Just relax and talk shit with other men to recharge yourself. Spending all your time on it is stupid though.
If you're really into a particular sport you should be playing and/or coaching it for a local club - sports clubs are one of the ways a white community is brought together outside of church. The leadership and teamwork skills as well as being able to think and respond to a situation quickly are all in decline as people abandoned sports for degenerate shit like tv and vidya.
Austin Russell
David Gomez
Other than the superbowl and the NBA finals, I haven't watched a sports game in like three years.
It all seems so pointless to care about after you graduate from college.
Ethan Torres
Luke Nguyen
I love how /ourboy/ Sam Hyde told all of you faggots exactly this about a year or 2 ago. Wake the fuck up, better late than never.
Grayson Davis
Its funny you throw up a pic and the guy jumping the highest making shit happen is mixed and you choose a white supremacist flag. You're a massive faggot
Kevin Sanchez
dont you mean maori? or mixed abo?
Kayden Rivera
Test cricket is great background noise while working if I'm not in the mood for music
Ian Perez
No way
Connor Perez
Not enjoying things you enjoy because of what anyone else thinks is cucked
Evan Cook
Not many full bloods tho and they're still a minority of players... you can't call the AFL the Abo Football League like you can call the NFL the Nigger Football League.
Besides, even with a few half-caste coons running around it's still a far more entertaining sport to watch.
That collision between Sloane and Dangerfield in the Crows v Cats game!
Luis Peterson
>Faggy touch sports. Real men play hurling. youtube.com/watch?v=2BFkJUdNyCA (Ignore the music I imagine this video was made by a 16 year old)
Logan Wright
Sam is our man
Bentley Sanchez
always thought the same thing. If you LIKE watching niggers throw a ball, you're the lowest form of life.
Elijah Turner
How are u equating a a bunch of nigs running around for my amusement to nigs fucking my wife? You're out here being a spectacle for us pollacks why don't u just let us fuck your wife? Or do u get to fuck ours?
Joseph Walker
How about you stop being a dumb cunt and treat people equally. The reason you think it's "cucked" to watch black men play sports is because you're a weak beta male with no fucking life. I don't even watch sports but I can tell you're a fucking loser hick.
Brayden Cruz
4d chess man
Jaxson Martin
needs to be said, fuck niggerball
Julian Butler
both are done for your entertainment without any effort on your part
just sit back and enjoy
Anthony Bell
Yeah, but at least watching lowly faggots kill each other or get mauled by a barbary lion can actually be entertaining. Humanity thrives off of bloodshed, and that was a good way to not only keep the masses entertained and sate bloodlust, it was also a way to dispose of undesirables and criminals without them being a drain on resources while contributing nothing.
Want to watch the crime rate go down? Tell all those nigger youths that they'll be sent straight back to Africa via the jaws of a goddamn lion if they get convicted of major felonies.
Watching a bunch of niggers throw a ball around serves no purpose.
Camden Ortiz
this all looks extremely homosexual. also, i've seen aussie rules football and it's bloody idiotic how simple it is. i can barely fathom how it holds ones attention who is not playing.
Jose Nelson
I want her to inject and snort my cum
Julian Morales
Nothing hotter than a snorting bitch. Pretty sure the shooting is fake tho'.
Dylan Jenkins
a real man should know about sports and have played them at some point in his life. obsession with fandom is gay as fuck, fantasy football is gay as fuck, having a devotion to pro sports is gay as fuck. you should be able to pick it up and put it down as you wish. you should not be spending any great sums of money. you should not be under the impression that sports hero is anything other than an athlete - their opinion on literally everything else is irrelevant. the NBA and NFL are corrupt. You owe it yourself to avoid these and not give them money
Ryder Gonzalez
Nice projection faggot. I bet you live in a shit 3rd world country hence the meme flag. I've been in fights with niggers. Have you? Have you ever beat a niggers ass and told them you were gonna put em in chains and make them your fuck slave nigger?
Joseph Wilson
Come home white man
Gabriel Watson
>Instead invest your time and energy into self development and the advancement of our people. lel but watching nigger ball and drinking beer and eating shit while being fat slob doesnt require any kind of invesntment in anything
Liam Hill
This is the one true sport.
Adrian Hughes
Fuck him
Lincoln Evans
Charles Sanchez
So what your saying is that sports fans are the weakest link and that whites must purge them and their cuck ways from our people?
Landon Richardson
I think everyone here knows this, go meme somewhere else about it.
Henry Harris
Leafs are alpha for once.
Levi Lewis
dem sausage fingers
Dominic Perez
>Being a sports fan is analogous to being a cuckold
>You waste your time and money worshiping other men
>You sit on your ass and watch them do what you can't
>You act as if their accomplishments had anything at all to do with you
>You feel empowered watching other men accomplish things
>You rationalize it as a healthy hobby
>You pursue it despite it being detrimental to your own well being
>You would rather escape to your fantasy world
I'm going to start calling sports fans spucks because that's what being a sports fan is all about.
Cooper Lopez
>black men They're called niggers. Back to tumblr faggot
Jose Brooks
Bunch of big ass gargantuan's, man handling each other...its of the Debil!
Matthew Diaz
I agree it's a waste of time but it's no less a waste of time than watching anime or posting on Sup Forums. As long as it doesn't become hero worship there's nothing wrong with spending 2-3 hours on a Sunday/Monday night watching a sport. Maybe it's because I was a quarterback up through college so I can appreciate the game. I do think it's dumb when people's personalities are 50% who they root for, though.
Joshua Roberts
I didnt actually say that but its a valid suggestion