I convinced my mother to vote for Trump. When I got home tonight she was all jazzed up about making a political post on her Normiebook. This is the first time she's ever used Normiebook for anything but sharing pics. The post condemned Trump's taking a position on the NFL protest and said we're very close to a dictatorship. I told her that she was brainwashed by the Jew media. She thought I was joking, lads. The Jews have really done a number on her. Anyone know this feel?
I convinced my mother to vote for Trump...
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
trump is free speech, self-censorship is death.
>mfw both parents are red-pilled and I watch Sup Forums documentaries with them
>mfw my dad laughed and called the NFL players "stupid niggers and only stupid beer drinkers watch that garbage"
>mfw my mom got angry and said "Those nasty blacks! Who do they think they are?? They make millions from us and then complain about it?? Wow I am mad >:|"
It's good to have politically redpilled parents
Well looks like your mother is voting democratic from hereon now.
rub salt on its gums.
Absolutely OP. I know that feel. My mother is so irreparably fucked up by the media Jew, and there is no saving her. I just decided to let her fester while dropping a redpill occasionally making her question her politics.
It's mind blowing how people not only get their shit views from TV but hlthat they believe it without questioning. If I was a rich kike and saw how easy it was, I'd think about doing it too. Why doesn't humanity deserve to be controlled, given how utterly fucking retarded they are?
Must be nice. am jelous. would adopt me?
How does it feel to be white trash?