Hello fellow goys

hello fellow goys.

anyone know whats going on with TRS my twitter got banned yesterday and kinda out of the know atm

did the website get taken down again?

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>did the website get taken down again?
lol, apperntly. i was on there 2 days ago.




aside from the blatant 8gag or antifa shilling that usually populates TRS threads

I was pretty let down they were so bluepilled on 9/11.

wtf I love jews now

They are probably just working on it this happened last week it was back up in a few hours.

As an engineer it makes me so sad seeing you kid buy into muh controlled demolition and shit.

Honestly, look who leads that movement..a guy with a PhD in Theology and non-scientists. Sorry, but you are in the wrong.

friendly reminder Mike Enoch is a Talmudist Jew who believes its fine to fuck little kids.

It's not that they don't believe jews did 9/11. It's that they don't think it matters.

The path down conspiracy theories, especially ones that involve the jews, is a surefire way to make sure your program ends up in the dumpster and never gets taken seriously.

If you do the "jews did 9/11" thing, next thing you know you're doing "jews did the plague" and "jews did the first muslim invasion" material. It's just a distraction and a reason to get lost.

Israel obviously had a hand in 9/11. But to just say "it was the jews" is enough to get your program mocked in a very Alex Jones like fashion. There are tons of shows like that, but TDS isn't one of them.

>reddit spacing
>dont tell people about the Jews

>one post by this user


Its strange that shills will try to make you believe that TRS is some kind of Jewish nationalists or some Alt Lite group that avoids talking about Jews

They are constantly blaming Jews for everything. If anyone listens to their show they are making fun of Jews and telling everyone how they are our misfortune. They are calling out Jews everyday

They just blamed jews for 9/11 on this years 9/11. They brought up Mossad, dancing Israelis. At the very least their saying they knew about it, let it happen or trained Muslims to do it

Its pretty reasonable considering people just pretend the evidence is full proof. Its not. Its highly suspect with too many coincidences.

Most of the stuff is from 2014-2015 when they weren't exactly aware of the Jews and were basically edgy racist libertarians



When we was an edgy libertarian. I thought Muslims were a bigger problem back then too. Turns out people people aren't born understanding the JQ

TRS has red pilled more people on the JQ than anyone since William Peirce and GLR. Now they aint half of what those men were but their numbers dont lie.

Im pretty much convinced anyone shilling against them are Anitfa, JIDF with a sprinkling of Kyle Hunt and Sinead types.

The site goes down from time to time. They just have to switch servers. It isn't the same as getting your domain or registrar seized. They will be back soon i bet.

Yeah they did the same thing with Spencer. anyone who is pro white is obviously a jew shill, goy

>program is called "The Daily Shoah" and reaches 100k people a week.

>Isn't telling enough people about the jews hard enough

start your own podcast where you talk about 9/11 then.

>TRS is not some kind of Jewish nationalists
what is pic related here, rabbi?


It's back up now.

You can read an updates thread and download Episode 199 of the Daily Shoah here: forum.therightstuff.biz/topic/60789/daily-shoah-199-cuz-the-site-is-down-right-now?page=1