Just fuck up the vote
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Bumping For OP
haha I voted yes. there's more of us then there are of you now
Vote no, gogogo, shills are at it
Anyone ever notice that these faggy kneelers weren't looking at the flag but were looking at the jumbotron which flashed their faces on the screen?
Bunch of narcissists. Like birds walking by a mirror.
Bump. Fire up the VPNs boys
We are legion and sheit.
can someone give me a quick rundown why people are arguing about kneeling?
bump cuz fuck seattle
Niggers kneeling. Yanks see it as a sign of disrespect. Argument ensues.
It requires having a country to actually be proud of.
irrelevant player started kneeling during the anthem out of protest of police violence against the black community (he's barely black). A year goes by and no team wants anything to do with him so his career is basically over. More players begin to kneel and Trump calls them out. Naturally the media rushes to the defense of these players and they're lauded as heros.
It's basically trump vs the owners vs the players. Trump doesn't like the lack of patriotism, the players don't like trump but the owners/league are getting fucked the hardest because a huge contingent of the fanbase doesn't like it and thus ratings/revenue are suffering.
It's really great to watch.
NFL has gone to shit in this current decade.
They to check themselves, before they wreck their professional sport.
>*They to check = They need to check
I'm a Seahawks fan and I'm glad I quit watching yesterday, they lost to Tennessee
Olympia Washington reporting in
Fuck king5
Blow their shit up boys
The NFL is doomed. It's not going to get better. The current model is unsustainable with the sport being intrinsically suicidal in the long term and the bloated amount of ad time.
I give it 10 more years until the NBA passes it, and 20 more until the MLS passes that.
Just a shame soccer is so fucking gay. Oh well.
Thanks bois
truly is the best timeline
It certainly is a shame.
Jumped up liberals ruining Western society once more!
Just doing God's duty.
Who is MBTA chica?
You're all retarded.
You're supposed to make the nfl kikes believe that what they are doing is the popular thing to do, as well as convince the boomers that america is filled with unpatriotic pieces of shit.
Vote yes you fucking cucks, learn how to shill.
Must ***The West*** exploit (((jewishtricks)))???