Stop watching football

Stop watching football

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i never did to begin with that shit is a snoozefest. Could play it myself all day tho

Used to be a casual fan when I had a DVR and could skip over all the ads and dead air and watch every play in an entire game in 15 minutes. Once I dropped cable and could only watch live on OTA channels it took about a week for me to completely lose interest in sports.

I can't wait until Sup Forums is devoid of sportsball nigger bullshit again. Anyone posting or talking about this shit is a fucking retard.

it's all about money anyway. You pay fot a subscription, you pay absorbitant amounts for tickets, absorbitant amounts for food/beer at events, pay for parking, pay more for better seats, absorbitant prices for merch, etc etc

the football jew needs to gtfo
it was never entertaining to watch for me.


You sound like a like limp wristed faggot.
Louisiana's about to hit the NFL where it hurts, their taxpayer-funded gibs!

Ok. Feels good. Thx dnld. oh my gu

Stop dodging the draft.