Whats the beef between american kikes and russians?
Whats the beef between american kikes and russians?
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Russians did what the Seleucids tried to do: stop all jewish religious practice.
Trotskyite Russian Jews fled the country ~100 years ago, infiltrated the U.S. political system through academia, cop-opted the GOP and CIA, and now use the U.S. as a tool to strike back at Russia and Israel's enemies.
Bill Kristol's father was one of them.
There isn't real "beef" they're just as Jewish as we are. It's a charade for setting up NK/Chinese relations.
>hack of america
Their jew tell them no usa and nk war our jews and isreal say nk war...lot of jewery!
Muh pogroms
I watched a Russian gangster movie once, called Brat(brother), and the protagonist has a bit where he talks about how he doesn't like Jews, and nobody makes a big deal about it in the movie.
Never, in a million fucking years, would a Western movie have that scene.
Also didn't Jews essentially flee the USSR countries en masse in the 90s? Hence all the Russian speakers in Israel. Granted that might just be because those countries sort of suck
>Russians hack of America
Literally no proof
using Russia as the scapegoat for their embarrassing loss
>Louise Mensch
She admitted herself that she has brain damage from years of drug abuse
In the story of Moses there is a part that recounts the kikes' encounter with a tribe called "Amalek". Moses lures his people to this tribe's water supply in the desert in hopes of getting them killed and passes out during the fighting. When he comes to, he has to realise that "his" Jews are not eradicated and so swears them to the eradication of Amalek who let him down. This accounts for three out of their 613 commandments - eradicating Amalek. Being that the source of their hatred is thus to not get genocided, everyone who isn't currently genociding the kikes is guilty of anudda shoah. In 1898 or thereabouts the Grand Rabbi of Jerusalem declared the Germans "seed of Amalek" for the Kaiser's crime of inviting him to a church opening. The Westerners fell in line eradicating my people for them. After WW1, kikes were let into Germany on the pretense that six million of them had been murdered in Russia (sound familiar?) - and the next war followed after. Now the Russians are working overtime to reset the effects of their commie subversion on the West, and so they too have to be exterminated. It's about that simple, really. Americans, please, for God's sake, start killing kikes. Hit the women first and destroy the bodies.
Because Zionist Jews set up wars with those who do not agree with the Jews and use US,Europe as a psyop to attack China and Russia.
I literally ran into Trey Gowdy last week in VA, no larp. Pussied out at saying something though
Pipelines. Oil. Shekels.
Louise Mensch is the white Tariq Nasheed. This post will go over your head because you're stupid.
there is none, kikes are one entity, the bitch has his number on her phone and they visit the same rabbi
Checked. Brother German, keep up the good fight,
They resent the Russians for showing them the future.
I hope you guys bring on the fourth reich soon.
I wish to stand against the Jewish menace alongside the Germans again like my ancestors did.
Brat and Brat II (where ge travels to US) were excellent crime movies. Shame that lead actor died.
Oh not this time Deep State.
ruskies fucked with our internets
also they spent 50 years threatening to nuke us
we nevar forget
>also they spent 50 years threatening to nuke us
Don't forget (((who))) was to blame for that
Putin is based
Assad is based
America is the true evil of the world, putin and assad are the true saviors of the white race and will save europe by destroying the USA and all of its people in a nuclear inferno.
Jewry is the true evil.
It is a parasite infecting all white nations.
The Bolsheviks made Russia into its main host but now it has since fixed on the US which is beginning to fight back.
The glory of Russia was lost when the White army lost to the Red army, but it can and should be reclaimed just as the US and all of Europe should be fighting together to reclaim their honor, glory, and respective nations from the ZOG.
and are all communist demons.