All jews are evi-

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I'm hearing Jewish voices and I like it.

How is it even possible to look as Jewish as he does

Supernatural grace.


The guy in the photo is a Jew.

Damn this is guy is the Anti Zionist we need.

>A Jew who has seen the light and tells all the goyim about the Jewish elite and their plans for global control

Didn't some guy named Jesus do this like 1990 years ago?

Brother Nate has one magnificent beard.

He denounces Judaism and says its evil. He's ok with me.

Fuck those Manlet neocon faggots like milo and shapiro

And they tricked the goy into killing their God and King for them.

But we the Jews now. What they meant for evil God meant for good.

What is Brother (((Nathaniel))) endgame?


He still is a Judaist and he has you decieved.


>And they tricked the goy into killing their God and King for them.
What? He was executed because of the pharisees
I know I saw the Mel Gibson movie

yes, and guess how it end up. no regime or individual has stood up to the kikes and came out alive. the last president to tey and renationalize the fedreserve was jfk and he got dropped.



>Believes and teaches that regular Jews can effortlessly slay literal Aryan gods.
Make sure to tell all of your white friends, Goy

>No individual has stood up to the kikes and came out alive

fucking spooky when you really think about it

i'm pretty sure he's orthodox christian... jews don't usually wear crosses.

yeah, the only reasln this guys still around is because the kikes absoulutely cannot jew eachother no matter what, even dissenters like him.

He is a Jew and will gladly tell you as such.
An absolutely perfect example to pull out when someone gives you that bullshit line about how "Jews are a religious group, not an ethnicity".

He's a jew who "converted to orthodox christianity"

The Jews tricked the Roman occupiers into doing their dirty work for them. Pilate was even skeptical.

"Shall I crucify your king?"

"We have no king but Caesar!"

Pilate's based Italian wife: "These kikes are up to some serious shit. Whatever they say, do the opposite."

The dude that shoved the spear into Christ's side to prove he was dead? Literally baptized in blood and water. Saint Longinus.

Rome? Now known for being Catholic.

The Vineyard? Taken away from the wicked husbandmen and given to another.

The kikes meant it for evil and they assassinated their own God. He instead used his death to put death to death and chose ALL the nations as his Chosen People. Except them.

How can anyone take him seriously when he plugs his ears to Trump's incredibly close and multiple Jewish ties?

Not ALL racial jews are evil, but you should always be suspicious. I haven't looked too much into this guy, but he seems pretty good.

He doesn't he's called Jared Kushner a Jew Rat and attacked the administration for being Kosher

this. we cant just reject every based jew as shills, especially if we can confirm everything he says. we could use insider inflrmation.

What about Jesus

>The Jews murdered their wise king - Mara Bar-Serapion

>Jesus was born from a Jewess - Celsus


my god, far right really are white trash.

>be jew
>convert to christianity
>go full unironic 1488
Love Brother Nathanael. The only thing could possibly be accused of that's subversive is making me literally wtf I love jews now. Honourary af. Would not gas.

As long as they disavow Judaism and talk about the holocaust being fake.

Known of this Shapiro kike garbage

>plugs his ears to Trump's Jewish ties

nuGoy is always blasting Trump's spot about taking in the swamp instead of draining it, shut up about shit you dont know shill


>Mara bar-Serapion
Bitter son of the Viper
Holy Son a Seraph?

This is what Christianity does to Jews.
That's why Jews are so determinate to eradicate it.

fucking this

This to be honest. Jews hate Jesus Christ because they know he can change their wicked lives.

If you people want to hate Brother Nathaniel for denouncing Judaism and becoming a devout Christian that's on them.

But don't sit there saying muh based neocon Ben Shapiro kike while critizing Brother Nathaniel after he's exposed Jews doing 9/11 and being satanic

>Aryan gods
Fuck off pagan.

Battlestar bears? Holy fuck what timeline is this?

He even has a recent video calling them out.

To not get jewed?

why does he talk like a robot, or some sort of alien who is mimicking human speech.

Those who reject Christ Jesus over his Jewish blood not only engage in a genetic fallacy, but reject the very tradition that made the White Race superior; they reject the thing that made Evrope grow out of ancient barbarisms and embrace true, developed religion.

Well they are God's chosen people.

thats what the bible calls the reprobate mind. they are unsaveable because they hate christ and all that is good too damn much, aka sodomite faggots, anal athiests and jews

Whites are gods chosen people. That's why Europe converted. God was with us.
As long as we trust in god our race and our future will be assured.

Litterally has a video called "Trumps Jews and Generals"

Are you even familiar with him user??

all this degeneracy floodd in when we rejected him. now here comes the mudskins and faggots

That is why Poland is safe.
Because they trust in god and don't let
degeneracy run a muck in the church.

same with russia. they beat up faggots in the street

And Romania. Homosexuality is looked down upon.

Jesus is an Aryan god. Christianity was invented by the Romans. Its an adaptation of the cult of Sol Invictus written to appeal to the Jews in the hopes it would pacify them.

>Christianity was invented by the Romans
What nonsense. Leave heretic.

Yep this.

You have to remember that the Jews also converted to Christianity in the beginning. Even the apostles were Jews, and this divide between the gentiles and the Jews who were following Christ in the story of the Samaritan.

And Jews are NOT an ethnicity, because there are many types of Jews across the world. They can always leave behind their jewishness as well, and become regular semetic gentiles.

Exactly user. Paul was also born a Jew but rejected it.

Christ actually called them the church of Satan.

Again if people want to condemn people like Brother Nathaniel or Pastor Anderson who reject it and turn to Christ that's on them.

But then they can't be supporting actual kikes and Jew first shills like Ben Shapiro or Trumps racemixing kike family

>Brother Nathaniel

Is a national hero.

I love his videos so much laughs too many tears!

Great guy love it!!

Really an example how Judaism and other false religions can corrupt hearts but Christ can change anyone