Why do libertarians on here sympathize with nationalism? Don't they prefer immigration of high qualified individuals from around the world, totally disregarding white interests?
Why do libertarians on here sympathize with nationalism...
Whites should be free
But what if white profit oriented enterpreneurs want cheap or high qualified labor? What if brain draining the third world is a good business strategy?
Because they've been brainwashed by this shithole of a board
Destroying your homeland is not good business strategy
You cannot be a libertarian without being a bit of a nationalist, as with weak borders, people will come in and find a way to take your liberty. Therefore, in the same way the government exist to prevent any entity, including parts of itself from suppressing the liberty of people, it also exists to secure borders for the safety and liberty of its people.
Why should any business outside of real estate have any concerns about negative externalities on their homeland and environment? Also, if you take in massive numbers of East Asians your homeland may possibly still thrive but it won't be white anymore.
nationalism is fine
Any intelligent Libertarian understands he can't have libertarianism with a diverse country.
Even in the absence of a government, individuals have the right and a mandate to protect their society from those that would seek to destroy liberty as a means of peaceful conflict resolution. Border security is a relatively peaceful method. By not letting in the dregs, we prevent needless fighting from happening.