Sen. Thom Tillis will introduce his “conservative Dream Act” on Monday that would provide a pathway to citizenship for as many as 2.5 million young undocumented immigrants, but one that is long and involves “extreme vetting.”
The North Carolina Republican and cosponsor James Lankford, an Oklahoma Republican, will pitch the plan as “merit-based” relief that must be earned — and, critically, not “amnesty,” according to Republican talking points obtained by McClatchy. But unlike other merit-based immigration proposals that limit new immigrants from entering the country based on their job skills, this proposal would limit who can remain in the country based on their years of American education, work experience or military service.
“Choosing between either mass deportation of Dreamers or blanket amnesty is a false choice,” the lawmakers argue, according to the talking points. “There is a third option: an organized process by which talented and hard-working young Americans can earn legal status.”
sounds good to me because the majority will still get deported while we keep the educated ones that will actually not be useless shite heads so in other words we send the trash back and keep the 'best' of mexico
Zachary Parker
goodbye america. allowing spics to come to america is objectively worse than allowing 50 million niggers straight from africa. whether it's spics or niggers they're both subhumans and will collapse it.
game over
Liam Foster
>t. spic there's no such thing as the "best" of mexico. you're all subhuman trash who want to invite your entire race into america to leech and steal from it. all spics are tribal subhumans like niggers and want their own people to replace whites
Jack Ramirez
Los Angeles is now Tijuana. Anyone who doesn't live here has no idea how bad it's gotten.
Ian Miller
calm down there boy and take a moment to think about this proposal everyone knows 99.99% of illegals are useless fucks with nothing going for them and they will all be deported its just a trick to fool people into thinking its not a full on deportation and if we have to keep a couple hundred to get rid of the 11 billion then so be it and you should be all for it too
Bentley Sanchez
>so cucked you stay in the same location even though you can freely move
Matthew Wood
Jacob Walker
>will all be deported no you dumb motherfucker this is amnest and then all their subhuman family is gonna come.
you're a subhuman with a low iq and want to brown america. not even niggers want other niggers from africa coming to america, but every subhuman spic wants tens of millions of their fellow spics to come here. you're worse than niggers.
Kevin Gray
Of course the Republican party uses 2 politicians who won't have to face the voters until 2020 for this shit.
Matthew Diaz
Good. the children that were brought here are as american as apple pie for all I care. give them a path to success in this place we have and don't send em to some foreign land. what the hell is wrong with you guys? have a little compassion holy shit
Kevin Russell
are you fucking stupid read what it says its merit based on education military service and work experience everyone knows those useless fucks dont have any of that except for a very very small % stop being a dipshit
Hudson Stewart
>constant excuses kys you subhuman piece of shit. you're worse than niggers for america. you will never not live in the brown slums you were born. you're low iq savages and can't go into stem or science so you don't have a future on this planet
Charles Morales
>implying trump will sign this
Nolan Rogers
>everyone knows those useless fucks dont have any of that except for a very very small % that's where you are wrong bud. Mexicans are very hard working people. Do you know any?
Joshua Perez
what an idiot
"hard working people" yeah? do they have legitimate job history? or just picking berries under the table i dont think that will count
Dylan King
Kill yourself spic faggot
Nathan Morales
>durr spics are bro tier the donald
Jacob Russell
This is great news! These new citizens will be so happy that they were given amnesty that they will vote republican. It only makes sense, Hispanics are catholic so that makes them natural conservatives. After they are given citizenship there is no way the republicans will ever lose an election again. Glad to see that the writer of the bill is a fellow baby boomer like me.
Juan Evans
Sounds like what was either gonna happen or what was already planned after DACA repeal.
I digz eet.
Jayden Peterson
Apples are from Kazakhstan. Pumpkin pie is the true American dessert
Brayden Jones
Are you winning yet trumpcucks? I know I am. #heretostay
Logan Richardson
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Grayson Myers
Get out
Jackson Gomez
Amnesty Don, 1 term loser. I hope he loses his fortune and Kushner goes to jail
Jace Sanders
This! Pay attention to this. I can't stand Lankford, but he'll never be voted out bc of how republican Oklahoma is. Not that I want a democrat, i just want competition for the current republicans.
Wyatt Long
NC fag here. Tillis is the worst sort of republican. Him and his cronies stole millions in bond issuances to (((investigate))) light rail here. John McCain 2.0 in the making
Jordan Morgan
Oh boy! I can't wait for these new BASED conservative Hispanic voters!
Adrian Ward
I told you motherfuckers Trump would do this shit!!!
Justin Bell
>not "amnesty" lmao if you need to deny its amnesty, its amnesty How long until Coulter is found dead with her wrists slit?
Wyatt Torres
How can you be so naive?
Hudson Ross
(((extreme vetting))) Yeah, this is just amnesty, and goes even further than just giving amnesty to the 800K DACA kids.
Zachary Baker
No wall?
Jayden Ramirez
>will pitch the plan >must be earned >not “amnesty,” >Republican talking points Just no. It's amnesty. Why the fuck are any Republicans spending one fucking second on amnesty when the wall is not fucking built?
Hunter Gutierrez
Yes, the Republicans are spineless and flaccid traitors who want low wage workers. We knew this for a while. Why do you think Trump is talking to Schumer and Pelosi now?
Jaxon Jenkins
Wyatt Barnes
Jack Clark
when will these clueless boomer Republicans realize that Hispanics (ESPECIALLY their youth) will NEVER vote Republican?!
Brody Bell
Um sure the govt will do an excellent job of verifying certificates of merits, and there will be no duplicity or fraud on the part of the applicants. Just like DACA... oh wait...
Josiah Cruz
Jason Stewart
Jace Green
Society started to go wrong when we gave women the right to vote. Because women are so easily manipulated by sob stories.
Benjamin Mitchell
The only way I could get behind this is if we simultaneously repealed soil birthright citizenship in favor of marernal/paternal inheritance citizenship.
Jackson Wilson
Fucking hell, surely even (((ptg))) must admit now that he has been compromised by now.
Michael Anderson
>pathway to citizenship for as many as 2.5 million illegals >"guys this isn't amnesty I swear."
Kevin Howard
here is the picture you dont want to see
Angel Martinez
if 2.5 million can do pic related, we're fucked either way
Jose Adams
If Trump signs amnesty into law he will be a one term president. You know it, I know, Trump knows it.
Jayden Brown
he is going to change the path to citizenship back to merit the shills will pretend this is amnesty white immigration goes up for the first time in 53 years
Jose Hughes
This literally IS amnesty for 2.5 million illegal immigrants.
Carson Williams
its what you liberal cucks voted for year after year, let the city burn and perhaps one day it can be reclaimed.
Chase Nelson
Why would I not want to see that? I'm against DACA amnesty you moron.
Luis Green
This is bait
Gavin Thomas
This is cognitive dissonance at its finest.
>if we don't call it amnesty, it's not that Making a deal with democrats end up badly always. Enjoy Brazil 2.0, it seems that you're going to enjoy it as long as you don't call it that
Anthony Lewis
T. spic
Jose Anderson
>white people barely maintain their numbers >entire spic population is flooding over the borders you don't seem to have a solid grasp on basic math here. there's not millions of new white people coming here but there is millions of shitskins.
Dylan Lewis
Ehh if Trump supports it it's prolly based I voted for him he knows what he's doing
Jaxon Jackson
The number of white baby majority is .02, what a great achievement
Kevin Long
> vetting
same bullshit with Reagan amnesty
Democrat Judges ruled all of the vetting process discriminatory
trusting democrats is idiotic, if the politicians give you one mile, their judges will take two
Mason Lewis
Who cares. America deserves to die and every American subhuman mongrel needs to die with it. I can't wait till North Korea, Russia and China turn America into a nuclear wasteland where not even cockroaches can be able to survive. I don't care if you're a man, woman or a child if you are American you deserve to be killed in the worst way possible. Your nation has brought nothing but misery and pain to the planet and is largely to blame for the decline of Western Civilization. The refugee crisis is entirely on your hands. Every crisis is the result of your meddling.
Die American scum. Die you worthless wretched nation of shit who bring nothing but degeneracy into the world.
Charles Davis
t. boomer cuck
Ian Cook
Lol we're gonna give them citizenship for military service, aren't we?
Chase Mitchell
Carson Martinez
holy fuck, this edge, did an emu kill and rape your wife?
Leo Martinez
>largely to blame for the decline of Western Civilization everything about socialism, communism, and marxism was born in germany. germany sent their people to overthrow the russian government. germany started ww1 and ww2. and so much more. the highest amount of europeans in america are german as well
Benjamin Adams
Ethan Martin
>an organized process by which talented and hard-working young Americans can earn legal status.” Young Americans already have legal status
Jeremiah Murphy
It's 1986 all over again. It's 1965 all over again.
no, no, no, NO!
Camden Johnson
End Chain Migration, then we can talk.
Julian Cooper
lmao butthurt Ameriturd living in Panama
Why don't you go back to your shithole?
don't care. America is the new Germany now and your nation deserves to feel God's wrath.
Ian Rogers
It's not Americans dumb fuck, it's Jews. Before us, the UK was the Jews main puppet. It just so happens to be us now because we decided to be good goys for our British in WW2.