Seems to be a ton of seismic activity lately. What the hell is going on?
Seismic happening?
looks like some kind of seismic activity. Whats going on?
Isn't anyone going to talk about the spectacular deal on panties.
paradigm shift
Some kind of seismic activity, I'd wager.
It is the chemlords and the citizens must have sex to shake the ground and building with ground sex This is why life. We must help. Stop the shadow masters.
Is that what's happening?
I think based off of this post I would say some seismic activity is occuring.
Activity from the sun is the source of siesmic happenings. We are still in the eye of the hole. Shitt might calm down in a few days. Whho knows.
>eye of the hole
were draining all the oil out of every subterranean cavity we can find it in. Shit is collapsing on itself
I-it's just e-earthquake season!!!
Are you saying the activity is seismic?
OP did your mom fall over getting out the tub again?
White girls are such whores, I love it
The surface of the earth is called the crust, it is a proportionately thin layer of solidified rock.
It sits on top of a hot mailable molten layer of metal and silicon called the mantle.
This mantle layer is heated from radioactive decay, tension from the moon, and leftover heat from the planets formation.
The crust sits upon this roiling couldron like a lid on a pot of boiling water and sometimes the energy gets transferred outward, rocking the lid (the surface of the earth, or "crust") around
hold up
now hold up
so you are saying
Sun hole. The dark spots. Etc etc
Have you never heard of The Pacific Ring of Fire?
stop being anti-seismic, fuckin nazi!
yes tyrone
we wuz seismic
>I just started following seismic activity, so I'm seeing a lot of seismic activity.
And Boom goes the dynamite
Corey Goode might be right.
Still waiting for dat rare x10 flare
Irwin is reawakening.
is australia going to fall into the ocean
The underground Antarctica Nazis are coming back
>Irwin is reawakening.
Fuck your gay x10
we need this, i pray every day for this
Australia is going to flip right side up!
This, it looks like some kind of seismic activity. Whats going on?
you're smarter than this user
I'll give you a seismic happening ya fuckin poof
2673 is coming back around. will be earth facing in 3-4 days.