Why is he doing this?

He's wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare for years. What's gotten into him? Has he changed his mind? Does he hate Trump? Or is it literally the tumor affecting his judgment?

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shills gonna shill

You know how we're always talking about the Jews here? That face right there encapsulates what we are talking about.

He's a cuck.

who could it be indeed


He has Trump derangement syndrome. And he's a closet liberal

he knows he's going to die soon and wants the (((media))) to remember him fondly.

>What's gotten into him?

a communist is a communist.
thats whats going on with him.

>He's wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare for years
If you believe this you're more insane than he is.

Lets get this shit over with!

They cut out the last part of his brain that still functioned

His owner's are telling him to oppose trump or else he doesn't get his chastity belt unlocked

He is mad that as a lifelong politician after his awful military service of blowing up more than 10 us military aircraft and beong captured. That trump waltzed in and won on his first try.

Satan got to him a long time ago.

This bill is just watered down Obamacare that doesn't get rid of the mandate or replace anything. Just a bunch of earmarks for republican districts.

It's not a tumor, it's an implant

his purpose in life is literally to fuck shit up

McCain is a Communist saboteur.

Don't forget the USS Forrestal fire where he killed 134 American servicemen.


He's paid to play devils-advocate by corporations with an agenda. Go ahead and look at his carrier record, he always opposes something no matter what it is.


>Has he changed his mind?
Yes, into a tumor.

no he is the judgement affecting the tumor

He literally takes orders directly from high ranking members of the NWO

He said the other day that Trump didn't apologize to him. Could be some of that.


It'll be nice when he's finally dead

It's unreal to me as long as he's alive he'll have a job even in a state as reactionary as Arizona

death has gotten into him, he's dying and just doesnt give a fuck anymore, he'll fuck over trump at all costs, every thing he does from here on out will be to set up his family once the old fool is dead

He is an establishment puppet along with Graham. Notice how Graham co-wrote this though. He knew it would fail too but this way it looks less obvious.

McCain supported repeal/replace when he knew it would fail and he votes against it when his vote matters and it could actually pass. These are all jewish tactics. McCain is a warmongering treasonous sociopath

>Does he hate Trump?
>Or is it literally the tumor affecting his judgment?
Pick two.

Establishment RINO cuck being an establishment RINO cuck.

He thought he'd never have the opportunity to repeal it.

it would look bad have fancy ass brain surgery when he's signing shit to take that away from millions of Americans. it's optics.

Or, he actually feels some moral sense of hypocrisy about getting health care that he's denying his fellow citizens. Given that he's a politician I think it's probably optics and not morals but mccain might be different breed after all.

Somebody finally slapped some sense into him, I suppose. The GOP have always been itching to repeal Obamacare, yet clueless on how to find a good enough replacement.

>inb4 blueshare shill
I don't like Obamacare, either but the GOP is honestly clueless on making a viable replacement for Obamacare. Some care is better than no care.


>has he changed his mind

Nigga just admit you bald

Because the cure is worse than the disease.

Oh good, you're dividing yourself for conquest.

oh look it up retard

GOP has put forward nothing but shit and doesn't have an actual substantive replacement for the ACA. M.C. Caindog is willing to not be a party shill.

he's angry trump got elected but not him

> he's wanted to re-

Not so fast

>What's gotten into him?

>He's wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare for years.
He's NEVER wanted to repeal Obamacare. He was LARP'n for the voters.
>I can vote for it because Obama will veto it.

He's pissed he lost to a businessman with no prior political game? He's basically the Hillary of the republicans. Another "BUT IT WAS MY TUUUURRRRRNNNN" fagaroni.

Question is why doesn't he bow out and enjoy the rest of his miserable life in retirement?

I'm sure this has something to do with it. I also think he'll do what is best for him and right now he thinks it's being a nevertrump democrat for some reason.

No u

Hes a closet democrat that has long since deserved to get booted. McCain is more popular with democrats than he is with the GOP for fuck sakes

twump hurt his special feefees

he's a bribed globalist shill. The MIC usually bribes him to go and demand war with random countries that the CIA is destabilizing and filling with terrorists, and now Big Pharma industry greased his palms so now he wtf loves Obamacare now. And the whole brain cancer shit is just good PR stunt to make everyone fellate him for being such a gud boi. Jimmy Carter has brain cancer, too, and his brain is still miraculously okay. Thanks, VersaLife, that ambrosia seems to have completely stopped the tumors!

>He's wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare for years.

No, user. That was a lie he told you