Freaking BASED kojima
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years later and i still want to sniff scully's asshole
wtf she looks like Peter Weller now
Wow, it's almost like actors are all shitlibs, all infected with some type of diabolical narcissism.
>a liberal and a jew
I cut the cable today. Told them I no longer wanted their service. I was asked many times "why?". I said "Between work and other things I no longer have time to watch TV." They tried to give me these insane special deals to stay. I thanked them but said I was not interested.
Do NOT say what the real reason you are cutting the cable. Just let them know that you are busy and don't have time anymore for TV.
The funny thing is the only reason I was keeping my cable was to watch Fox News and shows like the walking dead and game of thrones. Since the actors in both those shows insulted me I stopped watching. I haven't watched any sports since the NFL tried to shove Michael Sam (courtesy Idubbbz - a literal nigger faggot) down our throats.
It felt good canceling and it will feel even better not even caring about what is on TV
>hollywood signaling against trump
Oh wow
I didnt see that coming
Oh right, didn't see the hashtag.
Is anyone going to point out to them that taking a knee is a show of submission.
dat ass is even better now.
Was the national anthem playing during this?
Why are these people believing that cops are oit there murdering innocent niggers?
Scully needs a corrective rape
>Is anyone going to point out to them that taking a knee is a show of submission.
I have been constantly. This would be easy to turn around on them, but apparently taking a knee to a superior is insulting now.
I cut it years ago and they still send me offers in the mail begging me to come back to directv. $20/mo for something I spent well over $100/mo for.
The guy looks like Squidworth
>I cut the cable today.
What took you so fucking long man? I see people cutting their cords now and it's just weird to me that they had them to begin with.
Tech savvy people mostly. Is it habit? Or, god forbid, I meet someone under 40 that subscribes to a daily newspaper. Jesus Christ man. It should tell you something when they all run stories about pension funds and feature ads for incontinence and digestion pills what the target audience is like.
It's always hilarious watching some late 20s, early 30s up and coming journalist pretend that they're the voice of their generation, or even better, someone the kids listen to.
the reboot was awful anyway
I want to lick her chest
Scully, what I'm suggesting is, that this Cernovich is using the black oil recovered from the crash to turn himself, and others, into gorillas.
I think it was a combination of laziness and force of habit. I used to watch Fox News in the morning before going to work. I loved the beautiful women and it always put me in a good mood.
Fox news has changed though as the SJW sons have taken over and they are cleaning house and putting a liberal slant on everything. So even with the hot chicks I no longer cared to watch that.
When actors / actresses of various shows were saying they didn't want Trump supporters to watch their show (Walking Dead, Game of Thrones for example) I said ok. I am done. This latest thing with the blatant disrespect for the flag was the last straw for me. The only way I can punish ESPN and the NFL and such is to stop watching (and paying for them) on cable.
These are the list of sponsors for the NFL. I am going to boycott these as well.
Barclaycard US
Campbell's Soup Company
Courtyard Marriott
Dairy Management, Inc. (Fuel Up to Play 60)
Extreme Networks
Hyundai Motor America
Mars Snackfood
News America
Papa John's
Procter & Gamble
Some things never change
Kojima is a dipshit libcuck. who knew
They are really pathetic grovelers. They offered me several months free and I turned them down. Lady on the phone was shocked. Then they tried to get me to upgrade my internet and I told them I'm not even getting the bandwidth they advertised with my current package. Started sperging out at the lady about how we were giving them charity for staying with them at all. My wife took the phone from me and hung up.
Not when you have niggers taking about how in game of thrones it's a sign of respect.
90s actors pretending to be relevant
Though I think X-Files is getting rebooted
They're practicing for when we line them up in front of a ditch
they already had a season of the reboot on FOX in 2016, they are filming the second one now.
The first rebooted season was pretty mediocre
Man she's aged well. Is there a new X-Files show coming out?
i dont get it?
Do you prefer younger Scully or mommy Scully?
>QUICK, we have to do something!
>Our new X-Files show isnt getting the ratings we would like...
>Our shit is tanking
>Jenkins, ideas?
>"Let's get Gillian and Dave to tweet out a knee pic, that'll surely give our ratings a boost!"
>Jenkins, you're a GENIUS!
Kojimjam doesn't know/care what stupid gaijin politics they're going on about. He saw two TV stars next to each other and retweeted.
Based X-Files
Are they doing some kind of remake of the series or something?
this. kojimbo just loves his tv shows and movies
hmm yes
Dude, let's pretend that thugs getting killed by police for being thugs is real important and shit.
What did your wifes son say about it?
i want her to hum the x files theme while deep throating my cock.
y-yes please-e
He was a talented actor until he took an arrow to the knee.
He was only 57 when he died? Yet he married in 2011.
i think that level of awareness is either lost on them, or, or, they're secretly appreciating the irony, and it's a way that they can stoke the flames. but maybe that's just me holding out hope against hope that agent fox mulder and diana scully are still looking for the truth and everything after season 6 was just a bad dream.
>BASED kojima
Have you seen the people he hangs out with? This is not remotely a surprise.
Yet he's still a fan of Nazi literature, truly a confused man.
Please kys
what a bold and powerful statement they are making. really putting themselves on the line there.
>some irrelevant hollywood fags do some liberal bullshit
wow it's nothing
Haven't had cable or satellite in 6 years. Fuck paying them anything.
you've taken a huge redpill, congrats. you won't miss it but you'll need a hobby. shitposting on here seems to be satisfactory.
hope the aliens kill them both traitors
I'm more inclined to believe this since he apparently dropped Hayter for being a gun grabber.
Agreed, I only really enjoyed episode 3 of this season
Kek underrated
Cause it will get the approval of cucks.
The Boss would not approve of this.
lol, such rebels, really breaking the mold.
Why do I feel Trump shitposting on knee bending is a distraction so libtards, leftist and dems doesn't give a fuck about impending fucking of north korea.
he playing 8d chess
>Constantly making Anti-American games
>People think he's a La Li Lu Le Lo
Kojima is still based, he just likes Celebrities and thinks its silly so he retweeted it.
It's hard to pick but definitely younger just for that supple element. You can tell she's got a nice symmetrical pussy.
This. I don't give a shit about the politics of the creators if the show is good. But it sucked.
he is still alive
Scully gave me first boner, she is also smart and can shoot.
>the absolute state of Jewgle
I still have the boner she gave me back in 1993.
nuh uh
Kojima once mentioned that he finds the right-ring revival in the West to be "scary", he's a lefty faggot but that shouldn't be surprised since he idolizes Hollywood
The only people he should be scared about is his yakuza masters that run pachinko parlors who he doesn't have the courage to rebel against.
Good luck buddy
*brroooP* *brroooop* *brrroooop* *Brrrroooop*
But the show was based, because it takes more than just 2 actors to make it happen. As long as they aren't annoying in public and show isn't getting worse it's ok.
Because they probably don't work with original producers, special effect people, lighting people and so on. Now they would probably have to go interstellar with good effects to make it interesting, since on earth we explored mysteries enough, unless they pull out some strange interesting sewer monsters who feed on people's parts.
I still have the boner he gave me back in 1991.
wasn't he gay for larry sanders? like inviting him to spend the weekend together at the beach
>gillian anderson