Ok, so I know what you're thinking, this guy must be a cuck right? No, in fact it's the opposite. It's orchestrated from the top to push Normie White Male football guys over to the right. Think about it, The more they do this shit, the more people slowly enter the right wing conversion queue. The owners and coaches WANT this, the pawn players are so fucking stupid that they think their doing it for "muh justice muh raycism" but they're actually being turned into political tools by the football elite, whom may I remind you know this. They are playing right into our arms perfectly. This
Is a good thing.
Hear me out
Other urls found in this thread:
wow youre so smart got this 45d hess all figueed out my man 1866 my dude
Thanks bro.
This is not a first amendment issue at all. No one is denying their right, but they do not have the right to do whatever they choose on the job working for a private sector. IF the owner choose to have their men stand for the anthem, then its the players choice to abide by the rules, or quit, its that simple, cut and dry. If you worked at Red Lobster and after dropping off the plates and started to berate the table about finding Jesus, the owner has the right to fire them or tell them to cut that shit out. The employee has the freedom to quit, no one is making them be there. They say they are standing for the 1st amendment rights.... these fucking players have no clue about the 1st amendment. They are over payed morons who are protesting a society that allowed them to come from the ghetto to making millions, they should be humbled by that, yet they are not. Most of us over worked and under paid citizens come to football as a way to escape the dulls of everyday working life, the rat race we are all in. 1984 book spoke of football as a way to make the masses ignorantly blissful while they take the power, its a way to distract. This move by Trump either way you look at it just woke a lot of people up to this...
>If I defend this, I must be a cuck right?
You want to watch me fuck your wife faggot?
Most teams are owned by the Jews.
Leaving this here cause faggotry.
fucking disgusting, fuck the NFL
Yeah, pay the goddam respect for the flag and what it represents. Now enlist your ass in the military and go fulfill your citizen duty fighting the jew wars.
Yeah, it's fucking outrageous to kneel to the flag, don't forget there's is americans right now chasing berbers hiding in caves in order to protect YOUR freedom, because if it wasn't for them, all of those Afghani mountain tribe clans would be invading 'Murica RIGHT NOW, only for the sake of ending the American way of life and crippling the last bastion of democracy and freedom from our planet.
Repeating, don't forget many blew their lower bodies in land mines home made by illiterate 16yo goatherders, and thus CAN'T stand anymore, so you CAN.
== Boomergate ==
== Abstract ==
The current wave of sports player protests in reaction to to Trump is counter-intuitively one of the best
gifts the media has ever given to right-wing politics. Instead of some libertine tramp and a bunch of nerdy
gamers. This time we have the POTUS and Major league sports teams. However our job is not to destroy the NFL
it is to politically activate the boomers - as a side effect of going after major league sports. GG for its
shortcomings actually serverd to create a lot of us. This is the goal.This is not necessarily in support of
what Trump is doing, but ancillary to it.
== Target: ==
Boomers - Babyboomers white late forties to early 60s sports fans. Quietly voted Trump, due to naturally
becoming conservative as they grow old, however until right now, they were somewhat safe from the
left's intrusions into and attacks upon culture. They've quitely sat through sitcom after braindead sitcom
slowly injected with absurd left philiosophy such as transgender politics and the innate white evil
as the subtext to those show's narratives. Like a slowly boiling frog.They don't want to think about politics
during the game. Our job is to turn the heat up and make them jump out of the pot.
== Likes: ==
-American Made Vehicles
-Suburban consumption
== Has: ==
-Disposable Income
-Living Memories of how society used to be
-Kids with student loans being brainwashed by leftist professors
-Untapped influence in politics
== Stratagem ==
Due to our internet presence and boomers being relatively disconnected from the internet, we will have to employ
a different strategem. We will be running both offence and defense on this one. We want to reach them through
old media, but do not have the resources so we will manufacture controversy online to get it relayed to them.
We will have to do a lot of this through facebook (as it is the only social media that boomers actually use).
== Part 1 Create the controversy ==
Organize a boycott - and organize the COUNTER boycott. This boycott will be more bark than bite, but basically
we should get a list of NFL sponsors (Monday Night Football or what have you) and make memes that tell the boomers
to tell these sponsors their thoughts about what goes on during the national anthem, maybe even provide a phone number
for them to call, or an email or lastly a mailing adresss to a company ombudsman or complaint/concern customer support
call center. Angry boomers love wasting businesses time with bullshit. The second part of this is wefind sponsors and create memes to
defend them in lame boomer ways. "I'm not going to boycott X because it's Made in the USA.This serves only to *publicize* the story, not
to actually hurt these companies. The companies' predicatable (over)reaction will serve our ends.
goal: start a boycott controversy and get old media to report on it.
== Part 2 Intensify the situation ==
We need anyone with liberal blogs or twitter alts to aggresively call out athletes for not participating in the protests.
A good place to start is that the Dallas Cuckbois kneeled but didn't do so during the anthem because they don't take
the protests seriously/support white supremacy etc.We also need you to attack boomers. We want to make it seem as if they view
being a white sports fan or boomer as bad as being a KKK member.#EndBoomers try and resist the urge to go after them for being
white, go after them for being a certain age and therefore "ignorant". (They already know they are hated for being white and
are able to live with it, but what happens if we add something else to the list?)
goal: Make boomers feel not only intruded upon but threatened by the left.
goal: Expand these protests into as many sports as possible: UFC? Hockey?
goal: Have an athelete come out and say they feel coerced to participate in these protests
pipedream: Have Tiger woods take a knee during the PGA tour. Do you have any idea how much this shit happening in golf would
piss them off?
pipedream2: Operation S--park wants to get a pro athelete to burn a flag. This would be amazing.
== Part 3 Edify ==
Anons have already been doing this. Create black propaganda memes and hashtags to polarize both sides of the argument.
#OnlySlavesKneel #TakeAKneeOrLickABoot. Try to appear to genuinely argue that they should take a knee for Michael \
Brown. Ask Players to wear his number etc. We need to crank left-lunacy to cartoonish levels, and at the same time
give boomers the impression their peers are actually interested in whats going on.
Always remember:
Do your part. Talk to boomers. "ironically" share these memes. And RedPill RedPill RedPill.
Keep in mind:
There are powerful and regular people who are in these organizations, newspapers, sports leagues, TV, who are sympathetic to
the type of chaos that this can create. They ARE us,
They want to play propaganda and politics, we play it back. Simple.
Except we exacerbate and prolong it to insane levels.
holy fug some redpills dropped here, good work. bump
bump one final time
You forgot to say 4d chess
Bumping for your autism. Good work user.
Sweet summer sausage...who...who are you? Take me with you and allow me to absorb a single molecule of righteous anti degeneracy mega brain force magic you possess.
pasta for other breads? I steal, with credit of course.
i was gonna say SP
>38491d chess is expanding into the sports world
no credit, just take it and spread far and wide
dont forget to push for trannys in the cheerleader squad goy.....nfl wants to talk about equality and shit they better put their money where their mouth is!
and what can the left do even if they found out we was shilling them? say no to dancing trannies? say no to pretty hetro normative cheerleaders?
when the boomers see some faggot like cosmo shouting give me a A give me a M! etc and that bulge under the dress is flopping around you know the boomers will REEEE
may kek bless you
wtf why would owners want shit
unless they are trying to crash ratings and revenues right before a huge longterm negotiation?
say yes to pretty female cheerleaders*
they wont lol,lets get the feminists and lgbt lot to go after the cheerleaders
solid copy boyo
I'm going to bed
If it isn't trending by morning I'll have lost all faith in /pol
You can do this goys
crashing the NFL with no survivors. The whole CTE thing is pretty huge. Basically all NFL players have extreme brain damage.
This is a way to destroy the league and make it seem like political football players are driving people away instead of the owners having to shut it down and losing out on money because they have to end the sport for health reasons.
This way they can probably collect insurance or fines whereas if it ended due to CTE they would be the ones footing the bill
great post
so you're telling me the NFL are the real LA LI LU LE LO?
Sounds good.
I dont there was a back door meeting that took place with your plan...
but I like the idea
I think Jews in general can turn any side to do what they want eventually with money...
So this is kind of like that
Every movement gets hijacked by kikes in the end..
lmao that kike
Every movement?