Best country to Live in

My take: Argentina.

No niggers.
No muslims.
90% White, european decendants.
Latinos only minority (mixed whites/amerindian)
Most beautiful women in the world.

No earthquakes.
No hurricanes.
All natural resources available (oil/metals/water/crops).

Far away from everything (including NKorea Missiles)

Mostly inhabited: 40MM population, half the size of europe.

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At least half of Argentina is black, you intellectually devoid Flip

>No niggers.
Not true, there are few there certainly are some, specially in the big cities
>No muslims.
Argentina has the highest percentage and number of muslims in Latin America
>90% White, european decendants.
Latinos only minority (mixed whites/amerindian)
Close to 80%, there's a fuck ton of bolivians and paraguayans shitting up the place and (sorry argentina :( you should send them all back) also all Argentinians are latinos you retard, eventhe blue eyed blonde white ones, ALL people from latin america are "latinos" no matter the race
>Most beautiful women in the world.
Debatable, but surely amongst the best looking in Latin America

why do Bolivians hate Argentina?


argentina will never be white

indigenous populations don't exist in america sur

They have the highest population of jews in latin america so good luck with that.

Most argentians that I've met were annoying as fuck. They talk way too much and most of them leftist cunts obsessed with psychology.

The only southamerican country that is okay is based Chile.

You forgot Uruguay.

Argentina is not that bad its not as good as chile.
Chile, Uragoy and Argentina are by far the 3 best countries in south america. None of the others are even close.
Also argentina consumes the most beef of any nation which is great.
I would not call them 100% white but like 98%. I dont think anyone would call them brown

>argentina will never be white

lol *cancels travel plans*

Argentina Genetics:

Homburguer et al., 2015, PloS ONE Genetics: 67% European, 28% Amerindian, 4% African and 1,4% Asian.[17]

At the Argentine national census of 2010 the total population was 40,117,096,[1] of whom 149,493[2][3] (0.37%) identified as Afro-Argentine.

>posts picture of Campora Supporters to show Argentina isn't white
You're looking in the wrong places, pic related is Villa La Angostura, arguably the ""whitest"" place here.

fuck, wrong pic

> Not true, there are few there certainly are some, specially in the big cities

0.37% Nigers.

> Argentina has the highest percentage and number of muslims in Latin America

Highest number of muslims in Latin America: Brazil with more than 1.5MM out of 200MM total population. 0.75% of Population..

>, ALL people from latin america are "latinos" no matter the race

Nope. Latino is a race not a country. If a white american couple has a child in Argentina, the child doesn't suddenly become non-white.

Latino is usually a mix of amerindian-european-african.

That's close to where Hitler escaped after WW2 (pic related)

True, pic related is Hotel Edén, the myth goes that Hitler stayed there for a while before moving to the south

>Villa La Angostura
That's nice but I'm more of a water kinda guy.
Got any nice islands I could move to?

There 22MM indigenous in South American (mostly in Bolivia/Peru/Ecuador).

Plus you have a lot of amerindian-european (mestizos) and african-european (mulatos) and the worst of all it all: zambos (amerindian-african).

Hungry bitches drop panties for dog meat.


Biggest one is Tierra del Fuego, southest part of Argentina (before Antartica). Kinda cold (-10C in Winter).

It has a ton of niggers and spics. Argentinians aren't white. Their women are pretty good but far from the top. Lots of places don't have earthquakes but have economics. Why in the fuck would you want to live in a poverty stricken irrelevant socialist shithole like Argentina?

>Kinda cold (-10C in Winter).
Not for me.

How about pic related?
What's the weather like there?

That looks super comfy

>It has a ton of niggers and spics. Argentinians aren't white.

Canada: 1MM blacks, 3% of the Population.
Argentina: 150K blacks, 0.37% of the Population.

Socialism? LOL Canada is being ruled by Fidel Castro's Son. You'll become a socialist shit-hole sooner or later.

Anywhere with high Taxation.
more Socialism = more Prosperity
>pic related

Weather sucks there, and women too. Fat ugly brits

The islands aren't that nice though...let them go.

>Lesotho 42.9%

I'm well aware of how shitty this place is. Keep on pretending Argentina is white though or how people "identify" is a real gauge of what they actually are.

>Cuba 44.8%
must be REALLY prosperous

I am talking about Genes, not Identity.

See pic related.

Canada is 80% European
Argentina is 70%

Difference is Canada DNA comes mostly from Brits/French/Irish and Argentina is mostly Italian/Spanish

try again JIDF

>He fell for the white Argentina meme
My sides!

>no hurricanes
150 km/h wind last month, happen every single fucking year.

>no earthquakes
I just had an earthquake like 5 hours ago, thanks for jinxing us you discount chink.
