Ancom Q&A

I occasionally see threads here asking very basic questions about the philosophy of anarcho-communism, how an ancom society would work, etc.. if you have any questions, please ask them here and a rookie ancom will try to answer them to the best of my ability.

How are you going to get capable people to share their wealth with lazy parasites? How are you going to get multinational corporations that provide necessary services around the world? What's the difference between ancom and communism? Why are all ancoms talentless fags?

Why has communism failed everywhere it has been tried?

Do you think there will ever be a real communist society?

>be me
>see an-com
>think anti communist
>read post, notice image and flag

>what's the difference between ancom and communism
As I understand it, most other forms of communism, such as Stalinism, involve a dictator, and an oppressive state that promises to redistribute wealth, but instead hoards it for themselves. Stalinists want to overthrow capitalism and then establish a ruler who slowly fades the country into communism. But power corrupts, so the ruler ends up going mad with power and killing a bunch of his own people. Ancoms want to abolish the state, and establish communism immediately via direct democracy.

How does an anarcho-syndicalist government structure create and maintain an army large enough to defend against a statist military without taking on those aspects of the state that inevitably & irrevocably taint the syndicalist government back into traditional statism?

Also who had the better beard, Kropotkin or Bakunin?

It worked for a while, from 1910-1912 I think, but that experiment, like most other socialist experiments in the past century, was crushed by western imperialism. Most forms of communism suck because they involve a dictator. I consider the concept of a "communist state" to be oxymoronic.

There has been, but I consider all forms of non-anarchist communism to be complete garbage. has some good articles on how an anarchist military would successfully function