sorry not sorry
Wouldn't the pile of ashes be more moving? Where's that photo
>a bunch of brushes is proof of six million murders
ha!! try taking some brush to the police and tell them it is proof of a murder without a body
Hello Eichmann
Sorry we didn't finish the job.
Th-the the commies did it too! no fair!!!!
more men in japan hang themselves in the middle of the woods then gets laid
this is the only one under "Killing Centers: An Overview" sorry
>Muh suicide meme
How's President McMaster doing?
the only tragedy here is all those hairbrushes that the jews cant sell.
It's hard to ethically consider japs people, so you're on a 1/4th human measurement.
Pretty good you're 3/5ths, so...
Damn, I know they were being turned into lamps but hairbrushes is another level entirely. The Germans used to be so awesome
>nazis emptied out a factory so jews must have been gassed
david-kun with the bants
That is what they get for inventing Yahweh and claiming to be God's chosen people. Karma had its way with this pretentious bunch. The Jews need to apologize to the world. They should start with Egypt as it is a fact that the exodus never occurred and the Egyptians built the pyramids.
When they're surrounded by camel fuckers and niggers, of course they're going to be scared and confused. The very founding of Judaism was in a period where gods are like fashion accessories and no one cares.
Why did they have hair brushes in a death camp?
why did we pile them out so disrespectfully
wasnt me