Do any of you unironically think women should not be able to vote?
Do any of you unironically think women should not be able to vote?
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I do. It's a good idea in principle, very idealistic and I wish it could work, but women have a nasty habit of being one issue voters who place social issues exclusively over economics, foreign policy, defence, and other issues that are integral to the state.
Women's suffrage is an absolute mistake.
I don't think most people should vote.
white landowning males ONLY
They also often take on the political views of their current partner. Not very rational imo
I think democracy in general is a failure
The laws are fine the way they are. I dont know why they have to change them all the time.
Is this the 1920's?
no women don't understand politics.
Because without perceived inequalities that need to be fixed, most of these people wouldn't have jobs and would starve to death as they are worthless otherwise
women couldnt vote because they didnt get conscripted to fight and die for the choices of their country. one man can impregnate many women. when the female population gets culled you cannot bounce back the same. the powers that be wanted women to vote so they could be taxed as citizens.
Not in America, no. The vote should have stayed with white American men, as originally intended.
Why should that have changed? To be nice? Sweet? Fair? Loving?
There were no good reasons for giving them the vote, beyond optics.
I think it fails because there is no guard in a democratic system against oligarchs. When people form groups and meta game the removes power from the voter. And there is literally no stopping that behavior.
>says the LARPer nazifag on a gook image board
Women suffrage doomed the West
Their only purpose is to be living incubators (soon made obsolete by artificial wombs), nothing more really
Meme flags were the worst thing to happen to pol
Most contemporary voters don't understand politics.
Women should not be able to vote unless they have children at least. They're not loyal to their tribe and have proven time and time again that their natural empathy gets projected onto a society as a whole causing them to be manipulated by emotional propaganda. When they have children they're more resilient and their empathy is directed towards protecting their children rather than mothering society.
I also think males should not be allowed to vote until at least 22. Prefrontal cortex is just not developed enough
Unless we switch to the lion pride method. Send the women to work while men stay home. Because men are efficient in labor all house work would be done quickly giving men the freedom to spend their time creating new enterprise with their surplus time
No, look what happened in 2016
>we need a female president because muh equality
poon suffrage is just bitches being bitches, wanting all the privileges of citizenship and non of the duties (work, military, etc)
just show images of starving African/mudslime children and most mothers would open the borders in a second. Women should not be able to vote period.
And neither should most men.
Rights are something you should earn.
One vote per family is a good idea. If we want a society that is built upon the family, only the families should vote.
As head of the household, the man should carefully consider his wife and children's well-being and opinions of they have any, and cast his vote for them and the good of his country.
Yes. White land owning males only. Preferably over 25 years of age.
Wow, the satire in this thread is ridiculous
Step one should be a voter ID law, the fact that the USA doesn't have that is ridiculous. I personally think people should be required to take some sort of test on government policies before they can vote, I'd bet money that at least a third of the population wouldn't even pass the US citizenship test.
Women tend to be idiots, sure. But American women deserve to vote way more than illegals do. At least they pay taxes.
PROPERTY OWNING FREE WHITE MEN only! Everything else to come after was a mistake
Jonathan Swift did nothing wrong
Unironically no, women shouldn't vote.
>Assemblywomen is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes in 391 BCE. The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate pseudo-communist reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive.
A majority of white women voted for trump.
Of course cunts shouldn't be involved in government. They aren't people.
I think individuals should not be able to vote. We should institute a one-vote-per-household system. Women's suffrage was a mistake in that it changed the system from essentially one vote per family to one vote per individual. In principle I don't really care whether women are the ones voting for their families or not, but I think voting should be done on the household level rather than the individual level.
Women vote with their vaginas, unless they’re married then they vote however their husband votes.
Women have unironically ruined society. Them working has halved wages, the sexual liberation movement has created the society of entitled whores we see today. Millennials aren’t having kids or being productive.
We tried it, now it’s time we fix it with helicopter rides
Every person who pays federal income tax should be allowed to vote, the weight of their vote being in proportion to the amount of tax they pay.
My sister agrees but she doesn't like to say because she thinks it would be hypocritical to voice her opinion.
If women could make rational decisions based in logic rather than emotion then sure, why not.
But they can't so they shouldn't vote. They also shouldn't work either at least not work full time. A woman's purpose is her family.
Individuals should not be able to vote, it should be one vote per family.
you white knight faggots get so triggered whenever someone criticizes women, stupid cuck.
And she also thinks that men shouldn't be granted franchise because they gave women suffrage.
Divine Right of Kings.
This would make one nuclear family have 1 vote and every single woman equal a household. Horrible
If there IS anyone who genuinely believes this, they've probably never met a real woman. I'll admit, they're rare; but god damn, it's nice to find'em.
Women should never be allowed to vote. All of them should be wearing diapers and sucking on pacifiers.
Ofcourse even take it futher only wealthy contributing males should vote
A historian once studied 56 random different cultures and civilizations over 5000 years and found the majority of them all fell shortly after the liberation of women.
>just show images of starving African/mudslime children and most mothers would open the borders in a second.
Wrong. The lack of mothers is the problem. Women seek out something to nurture when they're childless spinsters.
Mothers generally realize the ramifications of the third world hordes when their children are the ones who have to deal with them.
well I dont think anyone should vote
Absolutely this. Also the family has to be tax positive.
What about illegals
Democracy is a scam, but if it must stay then only men should vote.
Death squads.
only conservative women should be able to vote.
yes, same for non-whites. no mixies either.
They can vote but it shouldn't count as an actual vote.
Women don't vote, neither do men. Picking a candidate out of television presented candidates and not deciding what candidate does isn't decision making. Voting means jack shit.
Women are disproportionately naive to politics and most impressionable to vote for whatever sounds best at face value, that is down to society to change, can't just stop them from voting because they are naive, it's down to their husbands and boyfriends to speak to them
One vote per landowning household. Gender is irrelevant.
only if it has a direct, observable effect on their children
Mothers don't tend to be proficient with reason or abstract thought. This is where the man of the house steps in to inform the mother of the negative effects so she knows.
Largest red pills of all.
I don't care who votes, but I think voting should be exclusive to:
a) Land owners
b) One vote per family
Voting should be entirely merit-based desu.
People who pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits from the gov should be allowed to vote. It just so happens this will bar mostly women. Not the intention, just the result.
It should just go back to only male landowners could vote. If you own property and pay taxes on that property you're going to be far more invested in politics than most fags who vote with little to no personal consequence.
Women voting will ultimately destroy a civilization, like they have done many times before. They can survive and reproduce with whoever the dominant society is, as they've done for thousands of years. Their survival and passage of genes stay on. Men do not have that luxury and are generally more protective of society.
If only white males voted Trump would've won every state outside New England
All people without a extremely prestigious degree in a field of academic science should be prohibited from voting. Voting is an arbitrary outdated system anyway, just a measure of saying how your big your feefees are for an individual usually.
Fpbp. Women put empathy over survival and always side with underdogs even when said underdogs are rabid animals that need to be put down.
>At least they pay taxes
Is she single and white?
good pill
only white men who pay tax should be allowed to vote
nice info, will use to convince GF she shouldn't have the right to vote
I think that primary earners in the household (men or women) should be the only ones allowed to vote. Yes, their spouse can do all they want to influence the vote but that fucker stays home election day. Also, women biologically want protection and this extrapolates into voting for larger government and more government programs.
Any such system is inevitably criticised as government restrictions of individual freedom
American spirit and all of that
>scuse me but me/my clan earned the right to rule through money and social connections, don't shit on us. you're probably jealous
Interesting info, I spent a while trying to wrap my head around it until I saw that it's a study from New Zealand. I'm not saying it'd be much better in the USA- I don't know much about kiwi economics/politics.
I can't find the infographic, but I saw on here a while ago that the average white person contributes ~+250k to the nation in their lifetimes, while hispanics are ~-400k and blacks are ~-750k. Something like what posted actually sounds like a pretty neat idea.
Realistically, none of this is going to happen anytime soon. Voter ID is a reasonable goal though, as it's practiced in most 1st world countries except our own (libs want to keep it this way because 99.99% of illegals vote for the democratic candidate). I'm personally much more angry about them voting than American women voting.
Yes, its absolutly absurd.
Single women should not vote
Married women should have to get her husband to sign her ballot for it to be legit.
Yes. But compulsory voting is far worse
I don't think anyone should be able to vote.
We need a "flush the government and start over" mechanism. Australia has some kind of system like that, but it can only be called during a legal dispute over a particular law I believe.
I unironically believe women should be lobotomized, it would really help society get better.
Shocking, am i right?
Thus voting hoards of tit slurpers? Too late mom
Its called strategical nukes in the back of vans
Hildawg Berne.... bah.... just pay for your own spawn nigga
Yes. Voting is a way to prevent riots, so that instead of two crowds fighting you have two crowds voting. Women dont participate in riots.
Grow up
Women should be shackled and their reproductive resources should be considered property of the state. Just like disposable men are drafted. Eligible women should be conscripted for mandatory reproduction.
Women are liberated everywhere except some poor shitholes and ME.
lol can you imagine
>anonette, you are 27 years old and still no husband! Report immediately to the sperm barracks for your mandatory insemination
women can't even drive, why should they be aloud to vote?
Only landowning White men 25 and over should be allowed to vote.
Women being allowed to vote = destruction of civilization.
I accept their right to vote in principle, but goddamn are they bad at it.
There are many ways our system of government is broken and has been exploited by greedy ambitious charlatans who seek its ruin for their own gain, none more vicious than universal suffrage. To repair the damage, however, may be impossible and at any rate could take any one of several different forms. I unironically believe that every family should have one vote, not every woman, or even every man for that matter. Also that only those families who contribute more to the tax coffers than they receive in government benefits ought to qualify. However I necessarily recognize that is a minority opinionwithout a praxis for implementation.
But also make women available to public a commodity in the market.
I can just imagine how great the auctions will be.
Molymeme's jewtube video yesterday brought up a good point. Men tend to build a very independent sense of self because they have to. Women, on the other hand, are literally evolved to consider their sense of self only in terms of group reputation. This leads them to make decisions that men interpret as stupid.
Better than giving her a bottle of wine, three cats, and lifetime subscriptions to Jezebel magazine and the lifetime channel.