Thoughts on this guy?
John Wilkes Booth
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Don't believe the propaganda that they caught him and killed him. He ended up living a full life after fleeing to Argentina.
He was good
Lincoln wanted to send the Niggers to Africa.
JWB made a terrible mistake.
Because he killed Abe the nigs never got sent back to Africa, so yeah, Southern Nationalism aside, that makes him a cunt.
If anything happens to President Donald J. Trump there will be a race war. Americans vs Kikes.
Death to tyrants. Says it all.
A mentally ill man taken advantage of by a bunch of treasonous elites.
they killed Lincoln because Lincoln wanted to send the niggers back to Africa. Kikes didn't like that because they already spent a ton of money getting them to America in the first place.
Sore loser.
Typical violent Democrat.
He also wanted amnesty for the south. If he had lived reconstruction probably wouldn't have been so bad.
He wanted to keep blacks in the US so bad he killed the only man that wouldve sent them home.
Quite possibly the non-leader who most changed the course of modern civilization. Tied with Princip.
I'm related to him. The family changed their names and moved out of shame.
We were told by society of the daughters of the am. Rev.
I dont think people realize this. Republicans of the time were particularly based. To first send someone on a ship (particularly someone who is property of another human) they must first be freed, or else it would be considered a crime. The US has always been a country by the book.
Killed Abe before he could send slaves back to Africa. Every death caused by a black criminal is on his faggot head. Fuck him.
so much for the tolerant left!
as a former marylander I am so so sorry we birthed this shithead.
I'm a Dixie whistling southern boy and I don't hate Abe. Sherman can burn in hell for all eternity but Abe was going to solve the nog problem once and for all.
Source? And not statements he made many years prior.
>Took centuries' worth of shipping to bring millions os slaves over here
>Lincoln was gonna send them back though
Quite the meme
Typical Democrat, supported Slavery and was mad when it ended so he shoots a Republican.
Retarded theaterfag who ruined any shot of Reconstruction being done properly in the South and by proxy gave the Radical Republicans every excuse to take power.
Just thinking about what Lincoln couldnhave accomplished during a second term infuriates me.
>wanted to send niggers back to africa
i enjoyed this red pill before sleep
Starting an initiative that would span several years is likely, you shouldn't assume he or people here mean overnight.
Think along the lines of this
>B-bug Lincoln was gonna send the slaves back
This is utter bullshit. Hahahaha
a kike plant to stop the plan to send the nigras back to where they came from, fucking hell imagine if that happened
stfu nigger
"For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America—was the best way to confront the problem of slavery. His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably. Lincoln first publicly advocated for colonization in 1852, and in 1854 said that his first instinct would be “to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia” (the African state founded by the American Colonization Society in 1821).
Nearly a decade later, even as he edited the draft of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in August of 1862, Lincoln hosted a delegation of freed slaves at the White House in the hopes of getting their support on a plan for colonization in Central America. Given the “differences” between the two races and the hostile attitudes of whites towards blacks, Lincoln argued, it would be “better for us both, therefore, to be separated.” Lincoln’s support of colonization provoked great anger among black leaders and abolitionists, who argued that African-Americans were as much natives of the country as whites, and thus deserved the same rights. After he issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln never again publicly mentioned colonization, and a mention of it in an earlier draft was deleted by the time the final proclamation was issued in January 1863."
that position is horrible for my neck
It's good that Abe died then, because the white south should have been exterminated. They at least got to suffer.
When round two goes down, we'll be sure to finish what Sherman began.
Dave McGowan wrote a book on Lincoln's assassination that will make you re-think the whole episode:
It would take years and years
I'm not questioning his belief in his plan
I question the practicality of it. I don't think it could have been executed.
>It would take years and years
The alternative is to do nothing and that obviously didn't work out well.
Why did the Radical Republicans think it was a good idea to grant citizenship and voting rights to a group of ignorant foreigners who would definitely hold a grudge for generations over slavery?
It seems suicidal in retrospect.
JWB was probably a jew. The south and north were jewish funded. I I IThe pattern is plain for all to see.
But we're more diverse now ergo stronger
Advantage: John Wilkes Booth
Great American hero