Colin Kaepernick Hate Thread

Never forget Kaepernick started kneeling because he hates cops. The NFL have cucked themselves into oblivion and fell directly into Trumps hands. Trump will win more support in the swing states as the left continues to appear more anti-American.

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the whole situation is excellent

fan base


Colin is also white as fuck for NFL nigger standards, he was raised by whites and could easily pass as Mexican or Arab if he wanted to. He knows this so he virtue signals as hard as possible to makeup for it.

I don't mind the kneeling because at least on the surface it's about trying to stop cops from killing people which is good, but those socks have an entirely different message. Those are a direct attack and an insult. He should be penalized or suspended for that.

This move by Trump was brilliant. The NFL fanbase is effectively in full-on rebellion at this point (myself included). Watching Jerry Jones shit his pants in real-time tonight made me realize just how big a fucking hole the NFL has got themselves in. What a bunch of retards.


I'm not watching again until i get my #transleaders


send that nigger back to africa

let him learn to appreciate what white people have done for these slobs

someone shop these on there instead

This new generation of Kids is based as fuck.

Generation Zyklon

The NFL has become a pack of pussies....



Any whites defending this shit are nothing but white guilt ridden pussies.

this is just sad, western society is being led down the path of societal destruction by the (((cultural marxists))) and there's only a few lone voices speaking against it.


sheit this nigga isnt black he just has a tan

He doesn't play football now.

Tread lightly nigger

one word: competition

he skipped leg day
and arm day
and quarterback day

lol its always these mutts like TalcumX that are like this

He's a jew :

w/ daddy and mommy abandonment issues who was a black sheep in an all white adopted household. Explains everything.

That's the family who adopted his sorry ass after his jewish mom put him up for adoption after his african father left before he was born :

Explains the merchant nose and the kike like mind tricks he uses.

so are they protesting all those fancy stadia our tax dollars paid for too?

He has sand nigger roots...
Check his wikipedia.
Explains it all at the end of the day.

It's always niggers with white ancestry that do this.

They feel guilty about their good upbringing and have to virtue signal to get GBP from black communities.

Light-skins are mad because they're neither black or white, they have problems fitting in.

Holy fuck, America will be a fascist state in 12 years.

What exactly do these niggers want? Seems to me they just want the ability to commit crime with impunity. And why are negro felon league players like krappernig protesting? Surely if America sucks so much he has the money to move wherever he wants, so why doesn’t he?

>quarterback day
My sides!


Kapernick isn't black. He's a kike mulatto w/ abandonment issues. Brainlets fell for another merchant level mind game.

>virtue signal




A lost kike soul.
He's as black as the sand in the middle east.

And to think.. this ungrateful fuck was raised by a white family after his shit tier african father and mother abandoned him.

There's more to trump's usage of :
> Son of a bitch
He should have went a step further and used :
> bastard

Yep, Black said their one of them then treat them like shit. Deep down they blame their indoctrinated, brainwashed, hippy, dumbfuck mothers white mothers. The very definition of a Kalergi kid.

Always the mulatto faggots looking for acceptance from true blacks... Like the lost desert nigger tribe of judah sewing the seeds of descent in neighboring kingdoms because they have no roots.

> Complete w/ a fucking merchant nose

Fuckkking tooth gappppp!!

It just goes to show that you can't trust blacks, even supposedly "white" ones.

>that wall

fuck them all especially the NFL

2018 MLR

Trump is playing them like a fiddle.

Leftists just can't stop virtue signaling no matter what. They are turning all the centrists away and pushing them all into the Republican party.

i can only count 8 black people there, am i therefore right to believe that black lives matter is propagated by white people?

top fucking kek
Those kids are great!!!

With Opie and Anthony as hosts, fuck yeah.

...none of that is racist


Let the lib cucks dig themselves deeper into the anti-American hole they're in.

NFL will still have concussions to watch at least.
Since their role models and all.

>idiot libs cheer for the cause and how it's American to do it
Stupid and preventable
>Trump gets together with his world class trolls
>why don't we call them bitches, un-American, and should be fired.
Meanwhile also stupid. But forces the dems..... to out stupid both by saying everyone should kneel and how dare he say that.

Trump literally egged it so great and now the Dems have outdone the stupidity.

I can't wait for the election

Also some happening with Nigger Hoops!

Black user here.
The future generation below the idiot half of the millennial generation of present day are skrong and will be given the tools necessary to see to a better world

There might still be hope, America.

Only fags kneel for the flag that gave them freedom to do so.

I think his heart is in the right place, the problem is that by kneeling during the anthem, he's not just disrespecting the police, he's disrespecting the whole country

Why was he not picked up by any other teams ?
Is he shit , or did no one want his drama ?
If he's shit please give some links I got someone who thinks the only reason he wasn't picked up was because he took a knee.


He pretty much sucked on the field and he wasn't worth hiring for the drama.

Thanks user
( Link ? )

I find this hard to believe. It was probably a staged false flag carried out by that gap toothed ape and that beaner as a publicity stunt. Also can she not get fired for calling all of her students racist for supporting trump?

Someone post R2Dindu

I assure you it was real, end of the school year pranks are very common.

Thanks mate


If this were to happen in my country, our people would lynch him.
You should do the same.
This ain't freedom of speech.
You can't disrespect the national anthem.

Fuck the NFL! Go back to Africa nigger faggots.

I think he honestly fantasizes and wants to become a martyr and get killed by a cop.


On the day of the rope, he will be the first to go. FUCK NIGGERS

none of this "kneel" shit would have taken off had Trump not made a big thing out of it. The president is engaging in such petty things is absurd

you guys our still /ourdawgs/ right?

>> his socks
Wow i love kapernick now

I'm sure Nike are going to be really happy that there logo is being linked to his "police are pigs" message there.... Is he sponsored by Nike? Can we get them to drop his racist ass?

Why do people actually care about the anthem and flag in the US?

Don't understand me wrong, these left cunts need to fucking learn.

But why the US obsession with flags

These deranged media outlets are literally ruining America, Trump is the only one with the balls to call them out for the pussy faggots they are.

I don't know shit about eggs sport.

Is there some black who disagree with copernick and tell him to fuck off ?


Reminder that the law demands you stand for the anthem
>36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem
>all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart

My god the staleness of shill memes is breathtaking.

No wonder youre getting you cuck asses handed to you


this adopted motherfucker isn't even black, he's Arabic. look at his fucking face. he's some Arab rape baby thrown up for adoption by some moron lady or something or another.
fuck this guy. I hope the NFL burns.

>trump kills off the shittiest murrican sport to fuel murrican nationalism
my retard jew brain can't work this one out

Your politics is so retardedly emotionally charged

What's the matter with you people?

>he's some Arab rape baby thrown up for adoption by some moron lady or something or another.

hahaha oh wow

yes this is it they are worse than kids so its a whole life bringing up of kids then we'll accuse You of beign the one to blame for everythign why theyre past an adult age and act ilke 4 years old or younger still

We were being oppressed when Obama was in i can see his point. Obama health care is bullshit when we have a welfare system for that!

He started kneeling because he knew he could not be kicked for being shit if he had controversy and is black.

and (((they))) think its the perfect time to go on tv and make a big scene on something with a big audience

Americans are super patriotic we care about who fought and died for our country!


Wow, he's really smol. I thought nig ball players were big guys 4u.

They make the little boys take off helmet and kneel while we stand! This is the drama they push to get people to start watching football again!

>jewish mom
>african father

He's just human garbage. No wonder.

The kneeling to me is a greater sign of respect, this is Idiocracy at best! When my boy played pop warner foot ball 10 years ago they make them take off the helmets and kneel why we stand!