Does anyone likes niggers? I'm being serious

Does anyone likes niggers? I'm being serious.
So Mexicans like niggers? Do Asians like niggers?
Do Indians like niggers? Does anyone like niggers?

No, I'm pretty sure even Europeans don't deep down, and just from looking at the situation it seems like even niggers hate other niggers.
The only people who seem to like them are American whites, and they're basically niggers anyway.

Only whites tolerate them. If western blacks acted like they did in places like China or India they would just get killed on the spot and no one would bat an eye

Coalburnes like niggers for the time they're alive.

Niggers don't even like niggers. Libs pretend to like them but will refuse to go around them and would never even consider living around a nigger.


I work with a handful of black guys who despise niggers because we have to deal with niggers day in day out.

It's hilarious when our one guy, black as coal, 2m tall and 130kg muscle starts yelling "go back to africa nigger" to the niggers that try to start shit.

he yells it in english mind you, cause the niggers fresh off the boat don't know shit for norwegian.

White Hispanic here. I don't like niggers.

Your women seem to like them

This is now a nigger gore thread.



Nobody does. But of course you can't say that. Latinos and Asians fucking hate them.

You beat off to blacked?

Mexicans hate niggers and when we become a majority , we will kill them all and let god sort them all !!

She's not even white you cuck

First result in google search. I dont know man, she really seems to be enjoying it.

Women of all races love the BBC user. You can be mad all you want and pretend but it doesn't change the fact that women crave the strongest, which is of course Black.

Even niggers don't like niggers. Why do you think they shoot each other so much?

You seem to be as well.


nobody likes niggers

>3rd world cuck

I know right? Otherwise it wouldnt be so popular in google images. They really, really, really seem to be enjoying it.


There are niggers of all races and not all blacks are niggers. I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood with a black kid whose dad was an Eye doctor. Kid's parents are married to this day, and he went on to become a lawyer. No nigger shit, straight up Ben Carson Conservative family.

Thoughts on socially adjusted, hard working, successful blacks?

No one likes niggers.

>Muh dick

starve nigger

Wtf, i never met a women that likes "Dr Who" or documentaries

Im just saying, just look the smirk in her face! Its like she is getting something she didnt even knew existed before. No wonder white men are afraid to be replaced, seems only logical just by comparing them with their competition.

>nigger-loving flaggot detected


Hate niggers outright, can tolerate some blacks; Those who speak English properly are always immediately bearable to be around. It's pretty hit or miss here but with plenty here
T. Houston

I basically appreciate any foreigner or shitskin that has properly integrated and has professional goals beyond that of being a rapper or throwing a ball

Is this scenario common in the UK as well? Women prefering black men over their lackluster white counterparts?

I don't uncivilised, uneducated people.

about 50% of american whites actually hate niggers.

everyone hates niggers, but they put fascade of liberalism to make them want 'peace and love' so that even means loving the animals.


I even noticed that they are becoming increasily popular with asian women too.


T. Asian

Because I've met one before

Lol their balls are touching

Yeah, let's see what black cocks look like outside of porn.

Asian here, hate niggers

They talk funny and always fart in movies. How to not like them?


I saw that vid. it was fucked up, you could see his lung while trying to breathe.

I like niggers more than pajeets.

Chink detected

im black but "whiter" than most whites. white people try to claim me all the time but I reject them because im a rogue ass nigga like sasuke or some shit lmffaao. first they see me and think "hey he's a pussified black let's treat him nice and give him glorified head pats" then they realize I'm not that so they try to claim me as one of them, but then I reject them, and then comes the final straw, that's when they want me to be shot, because I casually cause the destruction of the entire matrix where the unspoken rule is that whites are on top. ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah i can't be stopped!!!!!

No only white people love BBC