Reposting this from the last thread in case any detective neets have any suggestions. How would you go about finding more information out about somebody if you only know their first name and street address? This cant involve spending money online so etc are out of the question. stalking is also not an option yet. asking for a friend.
Parker Richardson
btw, street address may have been a little misleading...i know the street not the house number.
Jeremiah Ortiz
>ywn be as lyrically gifted as i
that fit look like you borrowed it at the kiev anna got the nerve to ask why she has why you counting all that money that we got i ain't worried about no basic bitches all y'all look like you still fly squirrel all y'all must not have looked in the mirror all y'all lickin by the window sinalay i don't know i i admit i six play if you want but you know i ain't playing like
Isaac Diaz
Stop being a weirdo leave them alone
Dylan Miller
>"Stop being a weirdo" >posts anime Being a nonce is certainly worse than being a stalker.
James Garcia
this is about justice
Ethan Parker
Is it a paki? Are you gonna kill one? Film it!
Christopher Rivera
>Labour wants to "license" acid cunts will have us needing a license to walk out the front door in about 10 years