Milo has again floundered at Berkeley, what are your opinions on the man?
Milo, Not the hero we need?
i don't think he "floundered" at all, he just proved that berkely is unwilling to allow freedom of speech, which, by the way, it IS legally required to do as a publicly funded institution.
i mean they are constitutionally mandated to allow him to speak, in reality, and every court in the land has upheld this reality, but still nobody is prosecuting them or holding them accountable.
milo has done more for this movement than any other single person, MAYBE even more than trump.
those of us who were around and active in right-wing circles in like 2013, 2014 and before trump in 2015 know that what he did will never be fucking equalled. he deserves A LOT better than what he has gotten from his own base and his own "side".
Impressive summary, m8
Sup Forums does not support anyone with goofy teeth.
>Kekistani flag
Go back to rebbit and never fucking come back you queer
y so mad tho
the sooner i stop hearing about this child molesting drug addicted faggot the better
He's a vain person and I don't blame him because I'm vain myself. Still a good person deep down inside. Yeah, the gay thing is a crutch and even he has referenced it. He's highly misunderstood having read his book. I think he knows the truth but hides his power level on purpose so he can make money off of the civic nationalists. When you have shirts on your website that say "Western Supremacist" or "White Male", you have to be woke to some degree. I think he knows more than he lets off. He's like Stephen Miller.
Imagine unironically posting with a kekistan flag.
One more thing. Milo contributed A LOT to Gamergate and exposed corruption that led to a populist uprising that gave us Trump. He is a culture warrior. He's not perfect but his heart is in the right place.
I like Trump. He hates LGBT.
Enough said.
>muh gaymergate
Literally a non event that only newfags and redditors care about
wow i am so amazed to see people say this. it's so ignorant. gamergate was the beginning of so much. it was the true beginning of right-wing populism. before that, the left-wing establishment seemed invulnerable.
feminists were so used to winning and so emboldened that they were literally going after video games lol. it was the FIRST TIME that people really stood up and said "fuck no, we're not dealing with this anymore".
it got probably MILLIONS of young people interested in politics, who otherwise would not have been. most of these people were totally apolitical, or left-leaning, and they got turned onto right-wing politics.
without them and without gamergate, and which means without MILO, you probably wouldn't have trump today!
it's amazing how fast people forget the way things really went! and how desperate they are to believe things were different from how they really were!!
Berkeley is getting their asses sued off now, and Milo is coming back in a few months too, they just keep digging their grave deeper and deeper by trying to keep him away
I think this is correct
2014 was the tipping point for me. Before GG, I must have been blind to the constant hypocrisy or something. Once their bullshit seeped into my hobby, that was it. I burned the bridge with my leftist social group of normies quietly and feel so much better.
Has Milo ever gone to the police or any authorities about all those pedo parties he attended? The ones where he confessed on video that "very, very, very young" boys were drugged and raped?
>Has Milo ever gone to the police or any authorities about all those pedo parties he attended?
i can't say whether he has gone to police or authorities, but as for the oft-made accusation against him of "why won't he name names", that's probably the most ignorant charge of all.
you can't just "call someone a pedo" as a journalist. you're legally culpable. if you don't have proof, you're going to get fucking buried. and in the case of pedophile rings, BTW, going to authorities won't do anything. they know all about them. they fucking PROTECT them, and it has on many occasions slipped out that they were protecting them. the rotherham sex abuse scandals are just one high profile example that springs to mind immediately.
so IMO, it's pretty nuts that milo is one of the few people who was willing to speak out publicly about the pedo problems in hollywood and he actually gets labelled a "pedo protector" for it.
to me, that is just fucking nuts. this is a guy that has outed 3 pedophiles in his career, personally, routinely spoke out against todd nickerson "the good pedophile" that buzzfeed and the left were parading around, and spoke out against pedos in hollywood. and what have any of these fags on Sup Forums who judge him for being raped as a child ever done to stop pedophilia? fucking nothing. they're god damn hypocrites.
It's a well known tactic, to make the world see how truly insane your enemies are by just letting them flip their shit, and it works too because look at today, everyone hates these fucking people and most would agree their insane losers
This is the truth. We need to cut this guy some slack. He throws the lefts mindrape right back at their faces and we should be thankful for it instead of spiting him for his degeneracy.
why does r/pol keep propping up hasbeen ecelebs
nobody care what this gay ass pedo thinks
This is the truth. This is what we are seeing with Boomergate(football). An entire echelon of society being forced out of a comfy slumber to realize their only form of escape has been politicized in spite of them. This is serious shit. The culture war is a very important front right now. You would have to be a fool to not realize the greater game thats being played throughout all of this.
I know this is you Milo. How many dicks have you sucked tonight? You're one of the good faggots.
I think he's done a lot, and more now showing how fucking cuckolded and leftist publicly funded universities are.
All that shit over him and the peso party - as others have said, good luck pinning it on anyone. He was purposely vague as he was because if anyone thinks it will lead to an arrest is fucking delusional with all the 'protection' they have.
Nice digits. Checked.
our world is very "on-demand" and scarcity is fairly rare. this means that people generally tend to get the impression, as they go through life, sort-of-half-unconscious, that "all of this is for me".
it's only when the chips go down, and something really blatant happens, that this illusion is broken. so in the case of gamergate, it was because pic related came for your half-naked virtual ho's. in the case of trumpsim, it's because people are starting to be confronted head-on with multiculturalism and they're recognizing that it's not such a nice thing. and now this NFL thing. it takes a gruesome display of self-absorbed narcissism for people to actually be shaken out of their "everything revolves around me" and "everything is hunkydory" delusion to realize "wow, these people have never actually given a shit about me. i've let them raise my children, i've bought their merchandise, i've held them in high regard, but they consider me to be utter trash".
yup, i think we're in the first era in human history where the older generations (particularly boomers and millennials) have more of an idealized, naive, and ignorant view of the world than the young people (generation Z).
that's what happens when the older parents sell out their childrens futures. boomers and millennials GAVE this country away, now their children are growing up disillusioned and saying "what about me", when their parents only ever concerned themselves with giving all of their shit to brown foreigners.
i didn't upload the pic, but this was supposed to be the "pic related"
Why anybody ever gave a shit about this guy is beyond me.
He comes across as a semi-retarded edgelord.
He's based. He acknowledges his degeneracy rather than be a cuck about it.
His dentist fucked up with his new veneers.
I can also relate. I had a slight interest in politics before 2014 but I hadn't really seen the bad side of feminism and more or less considered myself a moderate republican. Gamergate really opened my eyes to the horrors of feminism and got me politically active.
>milo has done more for this movement than any other single person, MAYBE even more than trump.
This. Milo's a faggot that fell far from the tree that the other degenerates fell from. The people here hating on him are bigger faggots and evidently far more degenerate than he is.
>Literally a non event that only newfags and redditors care about
Literally the event that exposed Communism, AntiFa, Soros and social engineering and got Donald Trump elected as POTUS
yeah that other user is horrendously ignorant. gamergate was the major, movement defining shift in the paradigm that led to everything else that happened and that is still happening today.
and my memory of Sup Forums before gamergate is that it was almost entirely libertarian. like full on, hardcore, radical libertarian. and then the feminists came for the video games.......they came for the video games and the electronic virtual ho's........and Sup Forums turned into pic related
Go ahead and outdo Milo. Time's a wastin'.
male hoodrat specializing in rich "conservatives"
a fucking faggot with disgusting bleached hair
so now he's into fish fucking?
What about that jew conservative Ben Sharpiro?
faggots arent men, they are degenerates who belong in a gas chamber.milo was usful to peel some votes and enthusiasm from the liberal faggots, thats it.
He didn't flounder
His intention was to show normies that "HAY GOYS BERKELEY DOESNT ALLOW FREE SPEECH", and to bleed it out of precious donor dollars
He succeeded at bleeding Berkeley's shekels, not so sure about the whole "exposing them to normies" part
>pretending that Sup Forums didn't go apeshit over gaymergate especially when the mods and moot started shoahing threads by the dozens for some Jew pussy
Hello there newfriend
Poor fag doesn't want to suicide by two shotgun shells to the back of his head
Plus, when you're a public figure and accuse someone of being a pedo, you better have an entire fuckton of evidence otherwise you're gonna be ruined for life
>A neo-con, black cock sucking, degeneracy promoting, self serving Jewish man has done more for a traditionalist, conservative movement than anybody else
The absolute state of Sup Forums
This. People don't seem to get that gamergate was pandoras box. Assuming it was literally about games is taking it at face value, it was the first real opportunity to push back against the left, which is why so many people got on board.
>He that hateth Kekistan, is verily a cuck, and surely he worketh for the jew.
Milo and our entire movement is kind of dumb. for Attempting to hold these rallies literally on enemy ground. It would be like holding a superbowl, where every referee, official, and security man hates your team. You are going to lose guaranteed.
Look at Charloteseville? Mayor, city officials all hate us, so we hold our rally there? Idiot move, the mayor and police moved in and kicked our rally out of the park, and ruined the whole event, made us victims of antifa violence. Berkely? Same difference, the police and school officials make sure the event is sabotaged. Milo fans can't get into the event, leave frustrated and bitter. Antifa leaves energized and triumphant.
Why is our side so fucking stupid?
I'd do her for lulz
>Being this retarded
First off, where is this hypothetical "right wing friendly" venue? Pretty much all event space that isn't in the middle of fucking nowhere is going to be in a liberal city, with a lot of it on campus and gated behind some blue-haired pencil pusher. Unless you want to larp in some random field in georgia like the klan does, you're going to be "on enemy ground".
But why change anything? Events getting disrupted by these morons is the best optics the movement will ever get. I guarantee normies wouldn't give two shits about the current culture war if it wasn't for leftists chimping out at every event they disapprove of.
You know he gets fucked by black dudes right?
Because it seems like you are trying to paint him a white nationalist hiding his power level. He is a also jewish. Those shirts are there because Milo just loves to piss people off, a professional troll and a flamer, and more than anything he loves attention. Eventually he is going to parade around in SS uniforms and seig heil everywhere just to get the attention and reactions he wants from people once his usual shit is not that controversial anymore. But dont get me wrong that is why I like the guy
Milo dropped the black pill of homosexuality and child molestation. He is doing Gods work user, it is a big pill and we must help him do it again.
I like Milo! He keeps antifa and the other libtards occupied while Sup Forums does the real work! Also, it's really hard for the MSM to attack him!
>liking a literal attention whore
Now I understand why Milo had to go USA to be successful. Only Burgers are dumb enough to fall for his act. People in Europe dismiss such characters who habe no substantive politics and are only there for the money/attention
He got popular because he used BTFO feminists all the time back then and they did not know what to or how to respond to a sassy gay man who used their playbook against them
He is linking Homosexuality with Pedophilia. Almost every gay person was molested as a child. He just may get this message to the normies.
>liberalism is a mental disease
>borders language culture
Hmmm... where have I heard this before?
>Implying Europeans prop up calm, collected, altruistic intellectuals to defend your borders/culture, from the leftists it working?
Looks like a man.