If Evolution is real

Why do gay people exist? They wouldn't be able to pass on their gay genes bc they don't reproduce. Checkmate Darwinfags.

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this just means that it has noting to do with genes

the "gene" would be passed down through their sisters

Anomalies happen. Why are people still born with downs syndrome?

Here is some speculation, Its possible that removing what everyone causes a certain percent of the population to be gay would be more harmful than just letting them be gay. Similiar to saying that you could get rid of skin cancer by removing skin. The solution might be more harmful than the problem.

>What is an ideology 100 please!
>What ideology promise constant sexual gratification with 0 investment 500!
>What is the result of child molestation 200!
>What is the outcome of moral relativism 100!
>When people exchanged "Love" with "Sex" 20!

"Science" says this though:


Pedophilia is homosex reproduction
>checkmate, cis moralfags

The same reason right-handed parents can give birth to left-handed children

On God?

Obviously it's a choice.

t. faggot
or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the cock

Same reason lemmings commit mass suicide when they overpopulate.

So they can help take care of kids and help protect the tribe while not engaging in any status behavior themselves. They're not meant to pass their genes on, they're meant to help others pass their genes on.

For most of human history there would be many women around the children, and the faggots wouldn't get a chance to fuck them, it probably worked great before we developed agriculture and were able to live in more isolated social units and form binary families within them.

You know those bug things that service the Citadel in mass effect? That's what gays are supposed to be and that's what they can be through capitalism, as long as we supervise the kids to the point that they can't fuck them, as I mentioned earlier.

It's not genetic

If being gay is wrong, why does God create fags. Check mate Yahwehfags.

Not genetic. Some experiment with mice and overpopulation proved this. Can't remember the name of it. We are nearing the collapse.

They dont and it is all a lie from Disney?

Because people are to stupid to allow for eugenics.

>if electronics are real how come computers can crash?

Leaen something about evolution, evolution is full of genetic mutations, that's how it works.
Gays are failures in that regard, because they can't reproduce, so they can't evolve.

Gays don't have to reproduce to have their genes passed on. Before you blow your shit getting mad at that statement, wait a second. This is covered in the Selfish Gene where Richard Dawkins makes the point that you share 99.9999% of your DNA with your close family members. If a gay can help raise his sister or brother's child by providing babysitting services, or just being an extra adult to protect the kid, or leave their inheritance behind to the kid, then they have benefited their own genes. That child is better off with the gay uncle to watch out for him than he is with only his parents. The DNA is more likely to survive and reproduce in another generation.

It's the same reason why people are compelled to risk their own lives for a stranger. The stranger is 99% the same DNA so they're worth saving. Even if you don't know them, you're saving a close genetic relative. Over time a population with a small amount of gays helping the community will be better off.

Why do gay People exist? If god made humans but hates gays they shouldn't exist. Checkmate christcucks

OP knows nothing about biology but he doesnt let that stop him

Who gives a fuck if some people are gay. There are more important things in life to worry about.

>he doesn't know about toxoplasmosis turning people gay

Kikes threw a spanner in the gears of natural selection.

I'll still have kids. While I fuck my Canadian Irish boyfriend every night who's getting a free green card eventually.

People whose understanding of genetics is that behavior maps on to always passed on, always active, invariant single genes 1:1 shouldn't talk about genes in the first place. They should also refrain from passing on theirs.

exactly user

They look more like FtM trannies. They are everywhere these days! The over proportioned forehead is a common trait. Take a closer look at your bosses, teachers, and "friends". They walk among us, but are not us.

so what you're saying then is Jehovah made teh gay?

Faggots may serve an evolutionary purpose because humans are best suited to living in small tribal groups. If you have a group comprised of say ten or twelve couples, and one of those couples are homos, than that is two additional people working toward the safety and wellbeing of the group's offspring but not requiring additional resources for offspring of their own.

Basically assmunchers are beneficial to a small scale tribal society because they help make it easier to raise other people's kids.

Common mutations, retard

Mother nature's population control.

I thought that was anal?

its a cultural disease

You know how men tend to accumulate resources? It's that.

>not understanding modern evolutionary synthesis
>not realizing evolution is a combination of unpredictable genetics and natural selections
>not understanding that evolution is not an intelligent process that produces gradually “better” organisms over time
>not realizing that evolution can create anomalies that do not benefit individual organisms and can possibly even lead to extinction since it is a directionless natural process
It’s like you learned about evolution in a Hollywood movie or from bible school or something. Read an entry level biology book and then come back.