If Evolution is real

Why do gay people exist? They wouldn't be able to pass on their gay genes bc they don't reproduce. Checkmate Darwinfags.

Other urls found in this thread:


this just means that it has noting to do with genes

the "gene" would be passed down through their sisters

Anomalies happen. Why are people still born with downs syndrome?

Here is some speculation, Its possible that removing what everyone causes a certain percent of the population to be gay would be more harmful than just letting them be gay. Similiar to saying that you could get rid of skin cancer by removing skin. The solution might be more harmful than the problem.

>What is an ideology 100 please!
>What ideology promise constant sexual gratification with 0 investment 500!
>What is the result of child molestation 200!
>What is the outcome of moral relativism 100!
>When people exchanged "Love" with "Sex" 20!

"Science" says this though:


Pedophilia is homosex reproduction
>checkmate, cis moralfags

The same reason right-handed parents can give birth to left-handed children

On God?