Blacks can't into sci..
Blacks can't into sci
Italians are smar...
> italians can shitpos..
really, italians are the lowest-quality shitposters of this board. get the fuck out, your sole presence increases my drive towards suicide
>Le based black man xD
>be black
>watch scientific stuff explained easily
>repeat what they said
>get famous for being black and having an IQ above 100
Honestly, he is annoying. He is like "Science is awesome, Nikola Tesla is my idol" redditfags. He is not pseudoscience but everything he says sound like it is and its fucking cringy.
He's like 80% white.
Haha, dumb amerifucks . I mean this ! Its so easy to trigger you xD
>Live in the best country of the world
>Want suicide
Well.. you can reborn in Russia afterall
>Le epic trolling xD
fucking kys you wankshaft
My thread is flysticker. You are a fly
This. He always remind me mexican farmer
I want burger in my thread.
Americans are the dumbest "nation" in the Universe
Why not post an actual scientist like the guy who made penicillin
I made a mistake he was the guy who made steroids from soy beans or some shit when everyone had been making them from bulls piss
>be a shit-tier researcher who's only famous for being black and dumbing shit down for idiots
>most famous black scientist ever
Must be so degrading to go through life as the token black guy knowing you didn't earn half your fame.
good faggot kill yourself
Animoot it!
>highest IQ in Europe
>not smart
pick one nigger
Post some shit that trigger /pol lacks easy
He's a fucking idiot.