Based Mel
Based Mel
Austin Flores
Ayden Reyes
he's my cousin apparently, but not my first cousin. Never met him but his resemblance to my dad is ridiculous
Noah Ortiz
Dude goes on camera saying the fucking Jews are to blame for everything while he's drunk getting pulled over by a cop. Apologizes for it publicly on TV a couple days later. Goes on to make The Passion and make Jews the central antagonists. lel
Kevin Nelson
wtf Mel Gibson is from australia? i though he was American!
Tyler Roberts
Of course that hits trips
Josiah Evans
He's making a sequel based on the resurrection.
Imagine the butthurt if it's just a Trump biopic.
James Phillips
Born in USA, moved to australia when he was 12.
Xavier Green
Okay guys post actors who you are related to
Ryan Clark
Mad Mel
Luis Sanders