As you can see from this more accurate political spectrum, facism belong and is in fact on the far left.

Fascism is a form of socialism.
Communism is a form of socialism.

In general, Communism kills or exiles the wealthy bourgeois where Fascism finds it more efficient to leave the wealthy bourgeois in control of the factories and controls them instead.

NAZI literally means National Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler SOCIALIZED Germany.

Nobody really had any private property rights in Nazi Germany. People were scared as fuck of the Hitler regime because they had to total power.

I cringe every time a normie tells me fascism is right wing extremist. How the fuck could you have extreme socialism on the right, but then extreme socialism on the left? Both are near or at 100% government control over everything.

Video related : youtube.com/watch?v=Q-UGClKvat0

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, "right" just means "inequality is good". Hitler thought that inequality between ethnic groups is good, but economic inequality between Germans is not, so it is kind of vague and meaningless to discuss.

Politics is a triangle, not a line. People using "right wing" and "left wing" are retarded.

this is some horseshoe theory tier retardation, do you even know what a political dimension is?

inb4 American propaganda meme'd "totalitarianism" into being a thing in the post-war Cold War because Hitler=evil and if Hitler=evil=totalitarian=Soviets=evil.

w theory is better

Kek confirms triangle

>there are shills on this board that think national socialism is leftwing.

what in the ever loving fuck

Fasicism is left-wing economically, and in regards to social policies it's a mixed bag.

The chart is depending on the number of dimensions used.

For instance you compare classical right and left"-wing with authoritarianism and end up with two dimensions instead of the typical one dimension.

Personally I think that 3 or 4 dimensions are better.

The typical 3 dimensions would be these:
Economic freedom
Personal freedom
Nationalism vs globalism

fourth.. maybe environment vs currently living humans

Now this makes sense.

>High Taxes
>Spend billions on Welfare
>""""""""""Private""""""""" Property
>Obey Daddy Govt or Die
>Socialized Markets
By Modern Standards, they are left wing.

what the fuck are you talking about burger boy ...

What _exactly_ do you hope to accomplish here by trying to continue this dead in the water conversation.
Let's put aside your left right arguing for a sec. Fascism is a form of conservatism, in that it promotes preservation of tradition in a nations societal institutions, economic and civilian relationships within the state and abroad, and the cultural standards of the nation. Hitler was a socialist inasmuch as he opposed the idea of globalism. His socialism was not left wing socialism=globalism, which he was against.

>How the f*ck could you have extreme socialist on the right and left.
Well to put it simply socialism on the right is not the same as socialism on the left. I believe Hitler is responsible for this.

You're welcome. You can stop posting this nonsense now.

Not really. There's nothing in natsoc literature that says you have to have a socialist economic policy, on the contrary. It's more of a philosophy or social policy than anything else.



>fascism is a form of conservatis

Fascism is right-wing, but Nazism is not full right-wing, it's more a mix

>nationalist conservatism is NAZISM
The floor is still open to support your unsubstantiated claim that this isnt correct.

Spoiler: you cant.

Correct. Thanks for being open and not sperging out about 'muh national SOCIALIST' like the other libertarians and anarcho capitalists on this board.

Ok, what's your point?

fascists never claimed to ve right wing

All right wingers are under permanent suspicion to be fascists by the media and the left in general. Maybe he wanted to point out that this is ridiculous because it is not really a right-wing thing. I don't know.

this was a good haul son, shelling out an extra 59 cents on bait was a choice idea. we gonna eat fishies tonight champ! :DD

Fascism is almost the definition of "le enlightened centrist" government, except actually cool because they had a sense of aesthetics and were cool as fuck.

Fascism isn't left wing, it isn't right wing, it's basically just ultra-authoritarianism where the guy in charge decides what he feels like doing on each individual issue.

>fug war
>Nationalize all the factories so that we can fight it

>Kill them.

>I dunno raise them if we need money but don't be stupid about it we need an economy dude

Fascism is what happens when you completely disregard the left/right axis and just do whatever you think will work at the moment. Pinochet actually falls to this definition because he was willing to go with the whole "free markets" shtick but had no compunctions about being utterly authoritarian on other subjects.

You know who else is like this? The United States.

way to simplistic view. Pinoshit was nothing but a serf

>Nazi conservatism
>op posts diagram to support a claim he denies to be truth
You can't literally be this retarded.

Discussing what's left/right is pretty useless without defining the axes. In your picture it's defined through government control (which is a pretty good way to look at it), but in modern politics the left/right distinction is quite a mess of different traditions and ideas.

>As you can see from this more accurate political spectrum
This is literally MS paint tier, not some "accurate spectrum". It is shit tier, just like you OP.

I think the Nazis were more of a Oligarchy, werent they? I mean, Hitler was basically king, right?

>that chart
This has always been my intuitive understanding.

>right and left are authoritarian and libertarian
what the fuck is even happening in this thread

And btw that argues against the diagram in the op you're reeing is the correct way to look at left right constructs of political idology.
Wow you _are_ literally retarded.

except you dont understand politics
Thats how things work
Progressivisim = authoritarian in nature
Conservatism = libertarian in nature
Believing in the binaray poltical compass is what the jews want you to think, the bigger picture is explained here
As Democratic Socialism, Centrism, and Republicanism are all highly authoritarian in nautre than your average Radical Centrist

do you think monarchy is progressive, you retarded commie nigger?

It worked to serve to create better men. The next lowest person in the hierarchy taking his superior's place upon his passing.

pure retardation
>Conservatism = libertarian in nature
actually kill yourself

You are a intuitively a retard then

>NAZI literally means National Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler SOCIALIZED Germany.

What does the "ZI" in NAZI stand for? Anyone know?

>do you think monarchy is progressive, you retarded commie nigger?
Nice adhoc retard

Also depends on the monarch, what you don't get that Progressivism is like a spring, the more you pull progressive, the less the limit of conservertism will be, see pic related
This is why "classical" liberals are linked with todays modern day conservatives

Keep swallowing the jewpill faggot

No it doesn't doesnt explain how people can Radically change from being an Authoritarian to Libertarian and Back to Authoritarian again, this is a better theory Nice Jewpilled politics chart, the bigger picture isnt explain nor does many politcal ideologies can fit in it intuitively see


Nazi as a term existed before the acronym though. It was used for someone who is dumb, ignorant or a pleb. An insult the upper class might often use for the working class.

individualism and traditionalism are antithesis. Both communism and libertarianism are revolutionary ideologies, and ofcourse heavily jewish

Yeah, I know, thats why they are heavily mirrored in this, see

libertarian party believes in global warming shit. they're as authoritarian as anybody else.

there's no solution to global warming other than global government and total authoritarianism so libertarian party is just kike shit. it always was, but they took off their mask with global warming

>libertarian party believes in global warming shit. they're as authoritarian as anybody else.
So? being an environmentalist is libertarian the difference between inherent libertarian parties and green parties is that one is a watermelon, green on the outside and commie on the inside and the other is against big government and more economic freedoms.

Get away from history
Go with philosophy

read john locke's essay on government

You are high. Hopefully you brought enough to share.

Keep shilling shlomo

Dude you can stop whenever you'd like because all you're doing now is talking in circles.
Here you are calling yourself redpilling before giving yourself time to properly understand what it is you are trying to say.
That you can't dispute user. Also gtfo.

the key is Tyranny and Liberty or Good and Evil. those are the main characteristics. Look for the Good in people >>>>> Right Wing
and the antithesis, Evil >>>>> Leftist

Yeah nice argument mate, literally brought nothing to the table whatsoever, if you have anything informative to say, spill it, otherwise you know nothing.


I have modified my spectrum to show where the BOR would be, the evil 16th amend, ObamaCare,etc...

Where did you find this definition?

This pisses Leftists off!! #Triggered

Nice, thank you very much

Why do WE exist?

Oh look, a commie Jew!

>nice argument
That wasn't an argument at all.
>he don't know know the difference between an argument and a declaration
If you aren't op you've no business sliding yourself in conversations unaddressed to you. Fuck off white knight.

URSS was socially conservative too do you guys think that they liked gays,feminists and SJW?

>That wasn't an argument at all.
Yet your constant attacks to my character is an indication of severe shilling

Alright faggot, do you honestly believe you know politics more than me? No, you don't
I've worked for many political campaigns, advertisements and wrote up many legislations after 30 years in public server, not to mention I've worked in many in Liberal and Conservatism think tanks and we've had these types of discussions of the dichotomy of politics many times over. Your view on politics is extremely one sided and is also tunnel visioned, Why don't you take a look at the bigger fucking picture for once instead of living in your own stupid bubble, but alas, the jews have conditioned you to Think "HURR HURR REPUBLICANS ARE NAZIS COZ THERE RIGHT WING AND DURR DURR DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS / FASCIST"

No nigger, they're not, they're essentially 2 sides of the same coin and people do, consider suicide

>If you aren't op you've no business sliding yourself in conversations unaddressed to you. Fuck off white knight.

Except I am OP retard, nice reading comprehension you've got there you brainwashed burger

Oh look a shill

Did you notice where the legalization of vice crime are located? and media?

The media is all jews

Fascism isnt right nor left you fucking idiot
Its called third position for a reason
Fascism and NatSoc arent Socialist systems
Socialism in "National Socialism" is an adopted term, Hitler changed its meaning when he took over the party and literally rewrote their political manifesto
Private property and markets still existed under fascism, which is literally the opposite of socialism
Read a god damn book and stop "learning" from internet memes and dumbass youtubers

But national socialism IS left wing. If you look at the horse shoe theory it clearly puts NS/Communism side by side.

I never understood why Leftypol wasnt full of nazis.


Nazism=/=Fascism you moron
Fascism doesn't employ that retarded antisemitist bullshit

oh Christ can we agree there are Leftist and Right wing Jews?

This board is so retarded now its gone beyond funny
Has anyone in this thread actually read gottfried feder, mussolini, giovanni gentile, adolf hitler, goebbels?

Existed but was regulated

>Fascism isnt right nor left you fucking idiot

Ok not only are you a naive idealogue your also a fucking retard


>Fascism and Natsoc arent Scoailist system
Nation Socialism implies Social Nationalism which empowers workers rights within a nation. The same reason why Stalin killed off trotsky who was a "Globalist" Commie than a "Nationallist Commie" unlike stalin


>National Socialist more economically right than ancaps
>classical center not being near libertarians
>egoist on the map
This image literally hurts to stare at


What did he mean by this??

And so was every other economy during war time you fucking mongoloid

classical liberals

f the term Nazi existed before then it could mean anything they wanted it to mean. So therefore NA-ZI could mean NA-tional socialist / ZI-onist.


Watch this and then KYS out of shame.


>naive ideologue

Because I actually understand what fascism is? Okay..
And you havent even read Mein Kampf so why are you fucking talking like you have even and inkling of knowledge on this subject
Go read a book
I'll recommend some

>Wages Of Destruction
>The War Path
>Hitlers Revolution
>The Origin and Doctrine of Fascism

>Regulated market is righ wing
Any retard can see that in WW2 everyone is a potential fascist,Vargas was a fascist and fight against the axis

Why is it barbed wire?
Is it a wall?

Commies also suport him because he was doing basically what a commie do

Thats just how politics works

If it takes a book to understand the fundamentals of a politcal idealogy thats extremely outdated then you're an autist and a LARPER, not to mention reading a book will only just lead to further confirmation bias than actually understanding and learning the concepts of an idealogy

Go back to listening shitty fascist marching songs on fascist ball 4 and browsing the ironmarch and LARPING AS A FASCIST FUCK THE GAY GERMINS NATSOC ARENT TRUE FASCIST :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Also go read SEIGE faggot

no its a spring

It also places Nazis on the right in direct contradiction to OP's original claim
>OP is confirmed retarded

W theory > Horseshoe theory > Circle Theory

Such a basic truth that "the red pill" really is different for yanks and proper whites (i. e. whites by culture, not only race).
White person's "red pill": there is a world of Forms (eidoi, "ideas") more true than this one of time and matter; it is the source and now that I've realised it, "I know that I know nothing" and it's time to look at the world anew, with full acknowledgement of my being blind/deceived prior to this, and to revise my basic beliefs, convictions, perceptual habits, etc. Example: quantum physics, foundations of logic, modern anthropology (post-Human Genome Project) etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yank "red pill": "we must" vote Trump and say edgy things to redpill the SJWs and unite everyone against Muslims!!! Deus Vult! Let's pussy-chase our whore yank roasties and tell them that we're ready to impregnate them.

This desu

politics is a davidstar

Thanks satan, Not only that, Redpill is also synonymous with women hating and misogyny. The original pol redpill is realising that jews control the world

Rothschild control the word

>by my own definition shills are anyone who disagree with me
>muh power level
>I'm 30 yr polifag secretary
>this means my knowledge is based
>yet is decidedly self serving
>cos Sup Forums is too fucking stupid to understand my around the bush politically enlightened think tank speech
>fuck Sup Forums not understanding me
>t. OP
That basically sums up what you're saying here. You aren't trying to stir up any kind of public debate. It's obvious now.
Fuck yr power level broseph.
>B-but muh schools.
Yeah keep believing yr some kind of God sent scholar here to teach us the err in our ways. Fuck the fuck off. You're no better than the jews you're dismissing.

>7 posts by this id

>falling for the (((socialism))) meme

Fukn plebbit in here

Jesus you lefty/pol/ kike shills are not even trying to hide or use a different meme flag

You were supposed to use the lolbertarian or kekistan flag you retard

National socialism is traditionalist, not conservative you dumbass. It's also anti-capitalist

Funny post
total bullshit tho

>ah say muh autism reckons participats to argue muh flaccid point of view with number 7 suggests jew shill
I'm done with you conspiripolfag. I've got yr number.

He don't know what he doin user