What did this 2016 West Point grad and active duty Infantry Officer mean by this, Sup Forums?

What did this 2016 West Point grad and active duty Infantry Officer mean by this, Sup Forums?

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That Communism will prevail in the end there is nothing you fat racist neckbeards can do about it.

1. Why do so many white Americans look...swarthy?

2. What is a fucking Commie even doing at West Point? I mean, why would he want to be there?


Did anybody consider that he is doing this non-unironically? I.e. ironically.


Does it really mean that though? Tell me why you believe it. Your men are disgusting (This guy is more handsome than the others, admittedly) Your woman use you to get at others. What gives?

thank god you have to be a monarchist to be an officer in NZ

The army has been crawling with commies for decades. Don't forget that (((they))) shut McCarthy down when he went after the Army.
