(almost) Confirmed: UK Prime Minister was satanic pedo
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Still doesn't realize that being a pedo/pervert is a requirement to even get into power...
Stiff upper lip lads, protect yer king!
Some user earlier got me down the Stanley Kubrick rabbit hole. On my 3rd major YouTube breakdown. Fuck me... fuckin pedos
>Linking to any RT story on Western politics
>Being this KGB
Got any links to share?
A link to an earlier archived thread or said youtube videos?
Search truth about Kubrick and or breakdowns on his movies. A lot of bullshit but also many facts that are head scratching.
Just look straight into his ANGLO eyes. IT have a soul, but would be better, if IT dont...
>Britcucks defending their pedos
>Thinking western media is honest.
RT most certainly cover any story that makes America or the UK look bad but i haven't seen a case when they have been sued for slander or someone has highlighted a story that is wholly fabricated.
This island is despicable
>(insert name here) is a pedo
Putin smear tactics to cause division
Implemented by Alex Jones (until he had to apologize)
Mike Cuckovich (needs Mrs Cernovich to fight his battles)
Baked Alaska (I need milk. You smashed my phone)
Yet when Milo actively supported Pedophilia /politburo pol went strangely quiet, mmm
Stop defending, start rioting
>I tried to warn you.
Dmitri, calm down, mate
You're revealing your agenda too early
The whole if the Uk parliament was in on it and it is so fucking obvious.
>mfw pic related goes at you when your five.
>t. paedo slave
Did you grown some MEAT for your owners, pet-boi?
One of the "witnesses" who has come forward in this case is a convicted liar who featured in earlier fabricated abuse claims. Another one, the famous "Nick" who Exaro News pimped out, is a delusional fantasist who is also under Police investigation. Exaro News went bust because they were tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. A couple of their people now work for RT and Press TV.
MOAB on england soon
Brits complaining about "muuuh asian rape gang" when all of those were probably just lower-tiers of recruitment for the British upper class that rules Britannia and commands undying loyalty from all Brits.
Operation yewtree never caught or found any of these political paedos.
They found a few washed up celebs only.
Strange huh?
Have ten people claiming your a satanic pedo racist?
Pay an 11th one to do it with easily proven to be false claims.
How convenient.
Duble-thinking as is. Old bloody kike-witch = Muh Pure Queen. Bunch of sadistic paedo-perverts - OUR british honorary Elite. Mobs of arabian and pacis muslim rapists = "asian gangs".
Yeah you can never be an unmarried old guy you always need to be a nonce
Was Kubrik a pedo? He seemed to know a lot of the shady sick stuff that goes on with the pedo elites.
Member when in belgium 4 bodies were found and the government nearly fell?
In scotland 400 are found and nothing happens.
Stop disgusting me UK anons.
>In scotland 400 are found and nothing happens.
More info, please.
isn't this really old news by now?
Or am I confusing him with some other former politician that got called out during that whole bbc shit?
Thank you, beer-wizard.
Before it was just the police chief during the investigation. Now the investigation is coming to an end and findings are to be published oct 5.
Retard. It was already confirmed that "Nick" was just an aspie hard-left retard that the Police were stupid as fuck to pay any attention to.
okay so they were not done yet even, that's any day now though. Not related to these higher ups there, but there is also a case going on scotland now, well maybe it is related, I don't about this actually.
Anyways there was this woman raised in an orphanage there some catholic christian stuff, and she and others had been systematically sexually and non sexually abused there growing up. She lives here or more precisely down in fredrikstad. She's in some sort of final court hearings over in the UK now. I dunno how old she was though, I would guess 50+ something
If only this guy had become Tory leader instead of Heath
>Was Kubrik a pedo? He seemed to know a lot of the shady sick stuff that goes on with the pedo elites
There are a lot of theories but there are for sure a lot of messages in his movies. For example there are always teddy bears in his movies and they are pedo symbols.
Yes and on top of all that, this is the same fucker that made us join the EU.
why doesn't he have eyebrows
When people learn to speak French/German or whatever fucking language you retarded Arabs speak then I'm sure we'll find out all about your own paedophile gangs. But no one cares enough about Lelgium because you're not actually a country, you're a buffer protectorate created by the UK...
How sad that must be.
mfw grinning and bearing a nonce getting the top job
Are these guys paid shills are really blinded by patriotism/cuckery to the crown?
>and you all laughed at me!
"dutroux serial killer molester"
google it
belgium is fucking dirty too m8
It aint sad. I dont feel a lot of nationalism. So at least im free of mind. We have our own pedo scandals but not as blatant as on that demented incest island of yours.
Lol I know m8.
Everyone knows that episode. Belgiums are routinely mocked for it.
But at least we became outraged and marched with 300000 on the nations capital.
What do britcucks do?
This. Pedo is a successful and powerful man's fetish.
>I dont feel a lot of nationalism
Well duh, you're not a fucking country
A P O L O G I Z E !
David Icke already said this in the 90s his book "The Biggest Secret", but nobody listened to him, they just mocked him and laughed at him.
Why do you posting Eltsin?
He also was spot on about Jimmy Saville.
same breed
1 historic large case of paedophilia
Meanwhile look at the Netherlands and all the pedo shit that goes on there, or the massive gang rapes in the UK and draw your own conclusions
More info on netherlands pls.
They even have a fucking political interest group called MARTIJN, look it up
>>and you all laughed at me!
You wonder why?
My brother got me "Children of the Matrix" for Christmas a few years back, it was going cheap when Tower records & books shut down.
Icke uses the batshit insane "Cathy O'Brien/Arizona Wilder" as a source, she claims that Ted Heath shagged her in a Satanic Ritual (OK, story is semi-plausible so far) which was held in a public in London (but she forgets that London is one of the most densely populated areas in the world and this would not be a plausible location, especially for a man with a lot of money, such as Heath. Consider that every public area in London will have rough sleepers, drunks, dog-walkers, courting couples etc so it's not a great place to conduct a Satanic open-air orgy).
It gets better.
Ted Heath then turned into an 8-foot winged lizard whilst still wearing his Satanic robes (must have been that new-fangled stretchy lyrca stuff).
All this is fleshed out by an "artist's impression".
Any doubt regarding Ted Heath's questionable past is now BTFO and makes the curious seem like mentally ill schizoids by the inclusion of the "turned into an 8-foor winged lizard" stuff.
For fuck's sake, how gullible must you be to swallow this crap?
Ted Heath was the Prime Minister who oversaw the UK's entry into the EU. He sacked Enoch Powell because of his anti-immigration Rivers of Blood speech, even though polls showed he had 75%+ support among the public and was right. This man did more to destroy the UK than any other British Prime Minister except Tony Blair and his Jewish cabal.
If you are gay you are a peado. fact
>rabbi hole
(((Leon Brittan))) held a number of offices in the Treasury, Trade, and was Home Secretary under Margaret Thatcher when the UK's economy was liberalised and globalised. He went on to hold a number of high offices related to trade in the EU.
Yes. The more the veil is pulled at the more the sleeping mind will stir. Awaken englisman.
fucking Thatcher's whole cabinet was pedos,
really makes you think
What is this? TLDR me on this book.
De twee andere zijn wel niet instotutionele voorbeelden.
Here's a member of the belgian chamber accusing the then Prime minister of pedophilia and connections to the dutroux case fyi
>As if they don't ply the children with drugs before, during and after.
>As if children don't have psychotic breaks from extreme trauma.
>Putin smear tactics to cause division
>Targets dead politician
We've known about Heath for literally decades.
His yacht "parties" in international waters.
His connections to Haute da Gaurdare
Dolphin Square
It's been known for decades.
This isn't news. It's "knews".
Well... why are more then half of your countryanons defending it?
This is pol for godsake, imagine the real numbers.
Probably 99% thinks he was a nice grandpa.
I don't think they are defending him.
I think they are just tired of this sort of crap being used by really unpleasant people for the same old tired gains
It's not as if these people care about the kids that got abused. They just want to bash tories.
It's not the mud that stinks. It's the pitchers.
At least come up with an argument.
I didnt even know he was a tory. (Thats cameron's party i guess??) I dont care fuck all about your politics. I do car about the kids that are brutally raped and killed by these monsters.
How sad that that's so hard to grasp for you. Really sad.
>How sad that that's so hard to grasp for you. Really sad.
Oh, I get it. You're a big softy.
Very clever. Keep it up.
Sooo...you're anti-islam then?
Yeah, i think keeping the borders open will lead to genocide within my lifetime and mohammed was a pedo
I have always found Brits and their inbred society disgusting. Sth really weird about these insular nations.
>all those buzzwords
>rainbow flag
Enoch Powell vs stupid shit that his opponents believed.
So you believe each and every word? I am perfectly willing to believe Ted Heath was a pedo, but I'm not credulous enough to give credence to the 8-foot lizard stuff. My mind is not a sponge that absorbs any crap it comes into contact with. It is almost as though this O'Brien/Wilder person does NOT want to be believed.
Have you ever taken (or been forced to take) LSD?
I had about 70 LSD trips, haven't had a trip since 1997. If you are going to keep on trying to use "drugs" as an excuse for the ridiculous lizard testimony, then you have to consider that it is EQUALLY as likely that NONE OF IT was real.
>They just want to bash tories.
Mate, I was brought up to adulate Maggie Thatcher. Having it slowly dawn on me over the last decade or so that me and my parents were disgustingly duped into supporting utter filth has been the hardest red pill I've ever had to swallow. The Tories deserve to be shot to a man, if they were aware of these goings on. Can't you figure out that the entire old establishment is irreparably riddled with this shit - how ELSE to explain the joke sentences issued by our "justice" system for the rape, murder and torture of children, or of common folk of any age for that matter? The entire upper class wants exterminating for this.
You're a good man, Wim-Piet. I'm at least one Englishman who this has knocked sick to his stomach.
>I've taken lots of LSD
>LSD can't be used to induce hallucinations in children
Guess how I know you're lying?
As has already been explained, you simply don't get to be in a position of power unless certain "parties" have the goods on you (financial, sexual, political).
How else does a government do unspeakably corrupt things unless everyone involved HAS to be on board.
It's no different under Labour. There is no difference between Rep/Dem any more either.
They have controlled all the important governments for centuries. This particular gang took over in '63.
Donald Trump is in no-one's pocket. He's self-funding. That's why they hate him. That's why they are throwing literally everything at him. That's why pedogate is important. That's why we need to show him support from around the world. Because being alone in a war is tough.
Even when you're DT.
But Powell was homosex.
Absolutely. With Labour, I always knew they were mostly naive idiots controlled by corrupt evil scum, but with the Tories I had to figure it out by myself, coming at it from a gullible Thatcherite position in my teens.
Why do you say 1963, though? Surely it's been going on far longer? That's another uncomfortable realisation: you have to go back CENTURIES to get to the root of it all. "Maybe it came in with the Victorian era? Maybe the forces that ousted the Stuarts? Maybe the fucking TUDORS?!" It's unpleasant to keep looking deeper and deeper and keep on finding that you still can't get a decent national elite. I go back to the Plantagenets, and end up suspecting that I can only let them off with the benefit of the doubt due to historical distance and lack of preserved documents! And then you have to go around all day putting up with simple-minded jingoists who will uphold any crap our ruling regime does...
God, there's even suspicion hovering over Enoch Powell too. We're not permitted any heroes. It's awful.
Some mod deleted the second thread
This is why you're not the king yet, Charles
kys, pedo defending cunt
This is true, if he was a satanic pedo it's among the least of his crimes.
THIS gang took over when they killed JFK. The British govt has done whatever the yanks tell them since WW1.2.
It's different gangs trading for power, is all. Watch a big meetup like G20 with the sound off, and tell me it doesn't look like the entire mafiosa turning up for some Corleone wedding.
The left are as bad as the right. Extremists are extremists whatever the colour of their flag.
The guys to watch are MI5, the Masons and Bankers.
And lizard people. Don't forget the lizard people.
They still are.
I never said or implied that LSD cannot be used to induce hallucinations in children, or adults for that matter. Are you now resorting to putting words into my mouth to support the existence of "reptilians"?
FWIW I'm all on board with the "Heath was a pedo" allegations, but I'm not pinning all my faith on the testimony of one mentally ill female who is but one small step from throwing her own faeces at the moon.
Nick brought down Exaro.
Don't bring icke into it. Heath was outed by Scallywag and Private Eye not Icke, he's just a fucking joke.
Calm down. And stop assuming that because I call your theory into question, I must believe the opposite. That kind of black and white thinking will get you nowhere.
All I'm suggesting is a LSD drugged child could be said to have had "nightmares" afterwards, thus discrediting any story they come out with. All it woulkd take is a scary mask.
Plus, a child tripping whilst being raped is probably literally going through hell, and it wouldn't surprise me if the sick bastards enjoyed it more.
There's lots of reasons not to dismiss these peoples testimony, and only 2 to deny it.
1. Involved.
2. Frightened of those who were.
see pic related
jimmy saville and ted heath, among others
this is coming to light due to a current police investigation
Lord Lawson [defo another paedo], a former Conservative Chancellor, said:
>“The police investigation is absolutely scandalous. It is a waste of public money. It is a shame the Home Office is helping Wiltshire police out.”
and many have been trying to hamper this investigation, throw mud and generally obfuscate the issue back into the shadows
see murdoch's line on this
That's why he had no choice but to make us join.