Are white women salvageable?


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No. And you’re a fool if you think so.


I doubt it's a real page

>even the ugly ones get so much attention they cant process it
implying ops pic isnt even more men

The non-so-corrupt one are, others need fire


god decided to mix niggers, kikes, and faggots into a single form and white women were what was made. remember eve is the original sinner and scum of the human race



Where the fuck is this from? All links are Sup Forums

Women in the modern liberal world are not redeemable. WHITE SHARIA only option.

jewish media


Is that woman jew?

of course not
she's half gook half white

jewish girls don't mix oy vey

Women who fuck shitloads of men and think its edgy = immature and mentally unstable

It's like these people think leftist degeneracy isn't the norm now and still think we're living in a dogmatic christian country

If this isn't a troll vid then the director is a massively depressing and faggoty cuck.

If they've had more than 5 sexual partners no, not at all. And 5 is pushing it. The thot in op's pick deserves the rope. In death may she find salvation.

>As a goddess
I wonder how people would react if a man starts saying
>As a god I am very demanding and I carry myself highly, as appropriate for my position as a deity.
probably slaying pussy left and right

Saw it on TV. Almost threw up. It's real.

White women are the black people of white people.

These "white women hate" type threads are made by neckbeards virgins and non-white women who are salty because white boys didn't fuck them or talk to them enough or ask them out on dates.
Get the white men to hate the white women, then swoop in and take the white men.
It's the strategy of the non-white female.

you won't believe me but I had several girls and they have nothing to offer.

The fuck men at the end is added on

Well shit all out of romance but I've got plenty of fucks. I mean, 61 of 60 can't be a big deal. At that point, you could throw a salami down her cavern and it probably won't register.


holy shit!

I'm getting tired of all the white women hate on this board.


I am calling for a more humane immigration system.
A system that would double current levels of immigration.
In this system, the entire cohort of immigrants would be from East Asia, and they would all be female. Truly this would be a feminist immigration system with females as top - and only - priority.

All immigrants would receive £2,000 per month on the condition that they find a native partner and that they do not enter the workforce.

This is an immigration system for a progressive future.

I've fucked enough white women to know they are garbage

Get some experience

Does anyone else find women who casually use profanity to be a turn-off?
I didn't know that I did until I heard it in person.

>a turn-off?
hate it in the street
love it in the sheets

Pretty much

I'm getting tired of white women


I just feel like modern society has consequences for many things. Family has started to diminish, community, etc. This place grew up too fast.


Is this real? Usually women that have fucked that number of guys have a more haggard look about them.


look at those fat arms

The positioning and angle of the photo is also a dead giveaway that she's hiding a big belly of lard.

most women aren't like that, most women don't even know what tinder is, that is tinder right?


Tl;dr: she fucked 60 guys and now wants love.

What am I looking at here?

U wot? I have never met a girl who didn't know what tinder is


>20 years old

what the fuck


Who is dead, what?

All those fuckings left Sara looking mid-30s.

No replacement is the solution

implying mgtow is not just hedonistic living.

It's just as pathetic as the roasties tbqh senpai.


Boys of Sup Forums,

get yourself a Christian girl. Seriously.

Oh and become a Christian yourself. You don't need to believe in a diety to believe in the inherently great and wholesome values contained in the Christian community.

Yes, some are ok

this board is experiencing a groundhog day of repeat threads, and has been for, what- 6 months now? More?

Why are they doing this? It's clearly not one of the lads.

The interesting thing though, is the threads they spam clearly illustrate their fucked up pre-occupations, and/or the viewpoints they want us to parrrot

>opinion rejected.

>Sex and the City is not a documentary.

I love white birds! They always been a bit daft, but thats women all over, forever.

I've known and fucked similar gals.
A lot of them were muslims who moved out of their parent's places, unsurprisingly.
They would easily fuck one to five different guys every week while being high on something 24/7.

Some of the threads are shills trying to subvert us, (and failing to, judging by the popular reaction) and some of the threads are counter-shill threads to enrage us and force us to present good argumentation.

We can't just reply to real-life leftists with incoherent anger and meme spouting, we actually need to disprove them. These threads teach and train us to do just that, to eloquently expand on our thought processes.

This is actually a refreshing and interesting point. I've never considered Christianity WITHOUT faith in god because faith is central to the religion. But I see what you're saying: even without faith, Christianity still had value when pragmatically applied simply because the values it espouses, when practiced, afford us a better society. Even if you don't believe in god. Hmmmm. Got lots to think about. Thanks!

>that upper arm fat collection
Who would fuck that thing?


>Forearm tattoo

She has had more cock in her than a rooster run barn house. She is probably tired of getting creeped on by liberal nu-males and wants some successful businessman to pay for her infidelity.

Don't worry about it, senpai. I discovered that point after i discovered that noporn doesn't mean nofap. Now i don't need it myself since i do believe in God, but not everyone has that proof (yet :3)

>fat, with extremely favorable lighting and heavy makeup, as her first photo

wouldnt have even read her bio. OP confirmed beta

Oh yes if you marry him you will never have to wash dishes ever again stupid vapid useless, good for nothing, nihilistic, degenerate, animal-like, primal cunt

Aww why didnt she set herself on fire at the end
2/10 I clicked to the end

No, but neither are white men. Our eras over.

this, 60 is way too low for a single semester

60 niggers


>fucked like 60 guys
Nope, do not want.

Is there the guy's version too?
I'd like to see a flash-forward where she gets fat and bitches at him then spends his money and fucks the gardener before dragging him through the divorce court. Except instead making dozens of shitty life choices and committing arson, the guy just goes home and enjoys a beer in front of the tv

>fallout at the disco

Some polack made that profile to screenshot it and post it to circle jerk about women.



You've fucked some bottom of the barrel sluts only a low tier man baby like you could get. And now you're projecting. Trash attracts trash. It's not hard to understand why a piece of human trash would attract other pieces of human trash. Don't breed.

sweden or denmark iirc

There's so much wrong with this shit I don't even know where to start.