If America is so racist, then how come Asian people are richer than White people?


Maybe it's because America isn't actually racist but actually subsidizes black and hispanic people, but because those races are so fucked up, either genetically or culturally, they still come out worse in the end?

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How can America be racist when it actively discriminates against whites on multiple institutional levels, so that non whites have an unearned advantage over them?

Russia is dividing USA against itself and pushing the racial narrative through operatives and funding of specific groups.

It's not a big secret, they wrote about it in the book The Founding of Geopolitics.

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."

Also to note:
>Georgia should be dismembered. Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia. Georgia's independent policies are unacceptable

>The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe

>France should be encouraged to form a "Franco-German bloc" with Germany. Both countries have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".

>The book stresses the "continental Russian-Islamic alliance" which lies "at the foundation of anti-Atlanticist strategy". The alliance is based on the "traditional character of Russian and Islamic civilization".

In other words, it's Putin playing the 4d Chess and it's not even a fucking secret.


Thats because Asians are superior to whites in every manner, and over half of the technological advancements the white attribute to them are actually done by asians.

Funny how even though Asians are superior they don't even come close to the white people when it comes to violence.


go to your rice field gook

>small asian population that came educated from their shitholes
>half of the whites are rednecks and blue collar
wow whites BTFO

Because they are considered honorary whites. Fuck, even the Supreme Court used to consider the nip's as white back in the early 20th century

Asians still contribute to most of americas technological advancements today.

And last time i checked america had a huge dept to these rice gooks, who they ironically call their enemy.

Should't america be trying to pay off its debt to china instead of trying to go to war with it.

Wait its a ploy to destroy china to get off the debt, the white race is literally mongolians v2.0

Asians don't associate themselves with mongolians

Why do (((they))) keep throwing hispanics in the white category?

because muricans are dumb too, they don't even know how to be racist properly. The rest of the races are superior to them.

>White race is literally Mongols 2.0
So they are Chinese ?

If America is so racist, why do Asian Americans exist?

I had this argument with a Wog at work.

>Australia is fucking racist


>I got called a wog at school

>So Australia is racist, but they let wogs go to their schools?


>How can Australia be both racist, and give free schooling to Wogs? If we were racist, you wouldn't even be here.

>So they are Chinese ?
As far as i remember the chinese fended off the mongolians, just like they're fending off the white mongols today whille cucking them with debt at the same time.

because the clans of asia and judah care more about their family, providing more opportunities for kids, less loneliness among 15+ students and workers, and parents that won't take any shit from the kids.

Niggers have higher incomes than europeans lol

>Fended them off
Safe for every time they let them in, married them in, got rekt by them etc.
Pretty much from Han onwards it was a shitshow of "who let's more in to win"

uh, racism isn't a binary user.

Yes user, they only built the chinese wall, one of the world wonders to let the mongols in.

The white race are the mongolians of today as they're both cancerous warmongering people that deserve to be erased.

Gods only mistake was the mongolians and their white offspring.

Because America is actually far less racist than most other countries.

The chinese couldnt beat the mongols. No one could. But the mongols never really got much out of china, their population was too small.

The mongols mostly raped and pillaged central asia to the point where they are all 80% turkic

In comparison far northern chinese are less than 1% mongolian and the manchu have been genocided in retaliation

>Built the Chinese wall
Retard the complete one is relatively new
By the time the border was fully unified bout 2600 yrs of letting in happened
Just read up on the interregnum between Han and tang

Talking about the pre Mongol tribes here

Putin is not the one funding BLM and Antifa

Putin is not the one thay gave blacks and Latinos unfair advantages at rising to the top

Putin is not the one providing blacks and Latinos free money to just breed and offer little else to society other than crime and taking away our jobs

America is fucking itself up, bro.

White man please, stop spreading lies.
The proud asian people defeated the mongolians in ancient times.
And they're defeating the white mongolians today.

Also, Putin is not the one forcing CNN and MSNBC and every other media channel to constantly air pro-black and pro-immigration nonsense and anti-white propaganda.

Wow wrong 3 times well done
T. Someone who majored in Chinese archaeology

The chinese mostly rekt the turkic tribes pre stirrup horse archers so i am not sure what youre talking about

They rekt one tribe by letting in another
The problem was once they were settled they turned into weak normies over time which required another tribe to be let in
Only after the Mongols sacked Beijing the cycle stopped
But marriages and tributes continued till the completion of the wall as we know it today

Asians have a really strict and hard work ethic. Most science majors in College are Asian. White people are lazy by comparison. They don't have that same drive or passion. Sitting in front of a science text book all day is unappealing to them and they'd rather do something else. The culture here just isn't as rough on them, "Find something that you like and try that out" is the advice whites will get from mom and dad while Asians push for math, science, biology, "be a doctor" kind of mentality.

you evolved in a similar climate to ours,and you also have some neanderthall dna as we do hence why you thrive in our world due to being just as smart as us

niggers dont though.

People who are bad at something usually find it boring.
Asians enjoy hard sciences because they have developed brains.

Nah whites are just lazy, believe me. A dedicated white person does well in science classes. Many of them still do. There's just not that many dedicated whites. Plus a lot of whites in college are trust fund babies. Why waste all your time reading when you can be partying every weekend at a frat house? Asians are less established here and are thus more dedicated to pushing themselves. Their parents might be first generation, so they're not actually rich and are not interested in living alongside niggers and spics so they do everything they have to do in college to push up.

You said pre han... wtf are you talking about

By the song we had solidly entered the age of cavalry and the chinese are the only civ to survive having cavalry raiders at their fucking doorstep

So what are you talking about, again
Cavalry civs drstroyed EVERYTHING from spain and italy and greece to the borders of china. Everything. The europeans got destroyed and their invaders came from thousands of miles and crossed the sea

The mongols were only a couple hundred miles away and the chinese survived. Trhy wrre the only ones.

>A dedicated white person does well in science classes
There are many arabs, blacks and latinos who excel in science too user

>>Median per household
Perhaps asians cram ~20 people into a household?

Also how does that table account for mixed households?

Uh... no.

I talked to an arab fonance masters yesterday. The dumb sandnigfer didnt evenbunderstand the idea of tail risk

Lol they don't have to do as well in America, user. Blacks get through with lower gpa's, same with Hispanics. "Arabs" doesn't really make sense by itself because Iranians aren't retarded. I don't even know if America counts Iranians as people of color. I legit think they're considered white.

Right, so if Racism is not binary, but a gradient, we can happily say that Australia (and the U.S.) are among the LEAST racist nations on Earth, as evidenced by the fact that they contain large numbers of non-majority, non-founding ethnicities.

If your a chink in America, you make money either through tax fraud, tax evasion, drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking, conspiracy and a combination in between.

That's going to end soon though

1.) Asians generally belong to the upper middle class from Asia. They therefore have better educations than most. Same as why Indians are the smartest demographic in the US because they are the literal cream skimmed off the rotting and fermented milk of India.

2. Whites are dropped by the location. Chinks live near exclusively in cities and run commodity stores like dry cleaners etc while alot of whites are stuck in farm regions like Ohio where the average wage isn't as important as a city because their steak dinners cost $4 while the city folks pay $15+ for theirs. This gives a disparity to the figures and the overall value of wages is skewed towards urban life. Same as alot of jews.

3. Hispanics overwhelmingly associate and identify as whites. That means alot of the figures are directly false as there's hundreds of thousands of spics claiming to be whitey while working minimum wage jobs.

Primarily because the US only accepts the top 1% graduates from Asia (they can't just walk across the border like spics), and because Asians living in the US are entirely urban.
White people have to do every single job required to keep a country running, from politics, science and engineering, to farming, waste disposal and transportation. As a result, white people are spread across the entire spectrum when it comes to work and income, while Asians are clustered in the city centers, where they mostly work in STEM.

It's the same with American Jews. They're parasitic creatures who can monopolize certain fields and focus on lucrative careers, because they don't have to worry about running a country. If you look at Israel, Jews aren't nearly as successful as they are in the west, because most Israeli Jews are required to have mundane jobs, in order to keep their country running.