You ever think this dude just maybe misses his mom and dad a lot and is trying to cope
Losing a parent is tough,and he seems like he is just trying to show the world he is Tough enough to handle that and whatever else life throws at him.His upbringing certainly wasn't normal,he seems like he would be the type to NEET it up all day and play vidya.He was probably thrusted into his current role.
Maybe President Trump should have a heart to heart with him
Maybe it's just what would fix this whole situation
Joshua Thompson
Maybe after he nukes all these Goddamn libtards out of NYC and CA
Josiah Murphy
>Trump mentoring Kim and solving the matter once and for all with a heart to heart talk >A lasting peace is achieved >Conditions in North Korea improve >North Korea and America team up to build spaceships digits confirm
Lincoln Russell
checked, love trumps hate
Isaiah Torres
>wanting to be allied with communists
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Kevin Diaz
Real talk though,this shit makes my heart heavy knowing it can be solved peacefully and have a good outcome,but there are people in this world who would rather see pointless death and destruction of an entire history.
Please Trump,if you can somehow read this,let's make peace.
Zachary Davis
Low IQ brainlet detected
Gabriel Nguyen
>Commie propaganda from DPRK broadcasting freely in allied US >Ideological retards fall for it >Surging commie sentiment destroys American economy >Government can't pay for space missions already launched >Doomed spaceship crews start spitefully deorbiting over North Korea
Noah James
Im with you kim just let your neet rage over us all
Cameron James
As funny as it is to say DPRK arent real communists and neither are (((Leftists))) in this country.
If anything It would be a NatSoc Federation together with the USA,and I don't know about you but to me that sounds fucking awesome.
You can't deny that sanctions are making them hurt bad,if they got into a common market with us they would thrive.
Imagine if we allied?
Hudson Turner
we can already watch dprk propaganda on youtube and we already have commies. meanwhile if north korea ends up improving it'll probably be because of capitalistic principles being integrated into their juche system. spaceship built in orbit launches with a north korean and american crew and goes faster and farther then anyone thought possible just decades before.
Adam Roberts
Trump surrogate dad for Kim when?
Elijah Hughes
Eli Ortiz
Get HYPE you guys
If we can meme this all the way to the top we will literally have saved the world.
We have to let Trump know
Ryder Lewis
Angel Cooper
Trump just has to invite Kim to the WH with full assurances of his safety, then they can do father-son bonding things.
It'd be great.
Robert Thomas
If this does come to pass
Rest assured that there are (((people))) who will do whatever it takes to stop it.
So much that it would not even surprise me if this thread gets slid after a bit and all the shills get orders from their handlers to stop the peace and slide this topic.
This can be a beautiful thing
Jack Martinez
America is demonized since this country exists. America is worse than hell in the minds of north koreans, this will not happen. Imagine if their leader sent by god will team up with the literal devil.
It's not going to happen, even tho Kim would like all the McDonalds and NBA on TV.
William Miller
Mr. Kim misses no man woman or child. THEY miss HIM
Jayden Hall
I think that's more than likely fake news
Besides this isn't the (((USA))) anymore with Trump Kim and his people will come to see
This is the USA.
Asher Morgan
No it is not, it was basic in all communist countries. Even more so in the last real one. They have folktales about Kim wiping out america and reuniting korea, since the south is not controlled by the devil anymore.
Brody Walker
>Trump gives him the talk >Kim realizes what kind of pathetic loser he is. >Becomes depressed and suicial >Nukes the US, SK, Russia, China and Japan >Dies happily in nuclear hellfire.
Chase Ward
Things can change
Nothing is set in stone.
That's where love and morals come along.
I believe Trump could do this.
But he needs public opinion go with it.
That's where we come in.
Dominic James
the digits have already confirmed. the hard part is done. it's probably already in motion. trump and kim will each walk across the dmz alone from either side, meet in the middle, shake hands, and the korean war will finally be declared over. the video of their handshake will forever be a moment in history never forgotten. a wave of peace spreads across the world as similar deals are made. global depression reverses and populations stabilize due to increased prosperity. and a wave of awareness spreads across the general public and they are never fooled again by the globalist establishment or led to their slaughter in senseless wars.
Kayden Foster
I'm pretty sure those folktales are literally set in big stones.
Isaac Moore
If this fat fuck lost more weight he'd look much more intimidating.
Jace Gomez
Don't be so austere,Germany Cut yourself some slack and have some optimism once in a while
Love will triumph soon.
Camden Taylor
>be the leader of a country >defend your country and interests >no infiltration of corrupt cia >central banking dynasty ruling the rest of the world not allowed to invade your economic system >never attacked a foreign country >nk is a threat to the world! >nk cant win any war even if they decided to try
why is everyone so unaware of the real reasons why nk is portrayed as "evil".
Kayden Bell
The world will soon know
Make Korea Great Again
(((China))) Fears the Unified Korea
This will be a beautiful thing
Jaxson Peterson
I loved this dudes videos during that period, prior to the gamer-gate fedora three piece suit era. he just seemed like a pissed off Anton LaVey. none of his videos are on any subjects i give a shit about either. they are like two hour long videos with some rando talking about abstract philosophy. he used to stare the camera in the eye and tell it like a sassy faggot.
Tyler Fisher
>Losing a parent is tough No it's not
Samuel Hernandez
Is that why he had his uncle assassinated?
No, he's just a deranged motherfucker that deserves to die along with his people in nuclear holocaust. Or tungsten holocaust, whatever the military decides.
Brandon Edwards
Maybe he's North Korean Batman!
Charles Martin
Well that's explain Trump response. > Kim.. we are not declaring war, it absurd, we couldnt dare.
Nicholas Nguyen
How old is he?
David Bennett
His dad was a complete fuckneck. Like father, like son.