What's your most liberal view?

What's your most liberal view?

For me, general environmentalism (except nuclear power hysteria).

Pretty much this. Then again, I'm not sure if protecting the enviroment is supposed to be "liberal", as if destroying your surroundings is somehow conservative.

That Finland should be annexed by Mongolia

Gay marriage should be allowed
(gay adoption should not)

Some niggers are okay.

I'm pro-abortion, although not for the same reasons most liberals are

Yeah, environmental protection. But I think of it like this: if you can pump your shit into the air, or your garbage into the river, and keep it completely on your property, I wouldn't mind. But that never happens. It gets underground, into the water, travels into public land, or land owned by people who don't want that stuff in their land, and that's unacceptable.

Slavs are white.

theres literally nothing wrong with being jewish