Sweden is so so fucked

have 3 wives and fuck knows how many kids - here, have 3 luxury homes.


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someone bar the doors and windows at night and molotov them

This is true, can confirm.


Nice source

That is luxury homes in Sweden?

I have seen better run down houses in Detroit.

Also nothing wrong with a guy getting a home.

>so nothing wrong with a guy getting a home.
For free?

Guaranteed one or two of those "kids" are actually secret child brides.

He is one of the top rated bulls in the country, nothing special about it


It only costs the swedish state 14 million kr, that's 1.4 million dollars approx

Shit like this happens in Norway as well. And I guarantee it happens in England. We have to bend over backwards to accommodate the invaders while old people starve to death in nursing homes. "Refugees" just have to step a foot in the country and their granted a full state pension and access to all welfare an ethnic Norwegian has to work all life to get. Young people can't get housing because foreigners are in front of the line.
But we still vote for the same politicians year after year, so I guess the majority is fine with it.

wtf, I've driven my boat past those a bunch of times

I hope Sweden burns to the ground and serves as an example for the rest of us.

>Also nothing wrong with a guy getting a home.
get one for me in your country, you pay for it

They aren't luxury.
The soil they sit on is a luxury though. Houses with such a seaside setting is worth a shit-ton more than the houses themselves.

not today Ivan, not today.


Okay, I'll have your house. And the two houses on either side. Go tell your neighbors to GTFO and leave the keys and deeds under the mat.

And if you need a house, just go to Sweden. I'm sure they'll fix you up, if you're a muslim.


You think Swedish or other cucked Euro papers are reporting this? Faggot.

is this satire?

Of course not.

its not satire at all - its the life that peoples from different ( once proud nations ) are electing to accept instead of taking their leaders to task over events.

its the contined relentless march of liberal stupidity which contains within it the seeds of its own, and that of its country's destruction.

One can only hope that somehow an uprising will take place - The nordic blood can't be that diluted yet, surely.

well, thankfully we arent in europe and wont be any time soon.

feels good to live in a place so bad no one wants to move here.

but still, fuck me, i cannot understand what is going on. its like some big fucking joke.

In short: Jews

>3 wives

What's wrong? Polygamy is permitted in Islamic countries

omfg dats raysis

sweden needs to house 5 million more iliterate savages NOW!

>You think Swedish or other cucked Euro papers are reporting this?
Even mainstream media here reported this lol


and to say there is anything but a white genocide going on...
regardless of "democracy" (((they))) are pulling the strings behind the scenes

Makes sense if there's more women than men

I believe it's called "mazel tov", friend.

polygamy is i assume ilegal in sweden?

sorry, i was about to waste my time trying to apply some logic to the situation

Its illegal, but not if they're married before they arrive.

Same thing goes for their child brides?

hell, why not, arent you tollerant of child rapists you damn raysis?


im not sure, but i think the houses in OP picture and on the link are not the hosues they got. that location is worth more than 5 mill Kronors.

pluss they are renting them, but they get money from goverment so the rent is paid inderectly

stop shitposting your way back into my heart Israel.
I-i-i-its not working.

>pluss they are renting them, but they get money from goverment so the rent is paid inderectly
Like these people ever will get jobs..

dont be such defeatist, we got right-wing goverment just now, and the majority votes went to the strictest immigartion parties on left and right. Lets just continue on this path

When we kick out more than get to stay, I'll be content.

Meanwhile i cant get a break. Yet i'm the oppressor...

I would show tolerance. In Islam the husband had the obligation to prvide for his family. If he can't, the marriage gets divorced and the woman moves back to her parents.
They should keep it that way for showing respect for Islam.
I can't understand why other people have to finance the shitty life decisions of other people. If you are dumb enough, to have so many children, deal with it by yourself

KYS Lars.

Happens here too.

The most gullible libtards have even been worried about Somali "single mothers" who in reality are not single mothers but Islamically married women.

I would only pay welfare to muslim single mothers if they can give me a good excuse why they're still alive.
Than I would make DNA test with every refugee and see if there's a match.
If there is a match, I would deprt everyone involved for making false allegations and force them to pay back all money they have received until then.
But I know that'll never happen


And this is considered luxury house in Sweden ? Top fucking kek

Ah, the old "I'm divorced under your laws but still married under Islamic laws to get more gibs" trick!
Its pretty common here as well. Women who claim to be divorced but still live with their husbands just so they can claim single mother benefits.