Why are today's teens putting off sex, driving, dating and drinking?

Has the Jew finally managed to sterilize and numb an entire generation?


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I can't get any sex
No women near me
Any interested in me are far away
I drink a lot to pass the time

why do you think they're not doing drugs and fucking? the whole bi/xe/panomatic bullshit is extended public negotiations for sex.

>going outside and risk losing access to memes, vidya and porn just to have a chance of obtaining a roastie to siphon away my free time and wagebux like a fucking vampire

fuck that

>An user with a crusader flag complains that young people are allegedly not doing degenerate things and then he blames jews for them not doing degenerate things
Who is jewing who here?

I don't care about three of them and I'm under 25 in the UK so I can't buy a nice car either.

>mfw paying under £2k for a new driver in a shitbox for a years insurance is reasonable

I paid just over £1700 and that was in the cheapest possible insurance group.

This. Gen Z is more conservative than our past generations because they've seen firsthand where degeneracy gets them. Driving is not as economically reasonable for many teens since they can not drive and save money. Gen Z will most likely promote the fascist state a lot of people want here. I don't think fascism is the answer but we'll see.

Gen Z is literally a bunch of shemales and hewomen.

They don't drink because they are too cucked to break a law.

They aren't having sex because they are betas conditioned to hate the other sex.

They don't drive because their balls will never drop and a passing vehicle gives them a panic attack that can only be solved by extra dilation.

Gen Z is literally the pussy zhe generation.

>low res phoneposter

no wonder pussy drys up near you.

They aren't.

Honestly, I think this is the reason why. Even dating in general is barely worth it, considering how easily you can be accused of rape.

You assume were all good looking, t-thanks but fuck off youre wrong

Because we're finally expelling degeneracy, you larping faggot.
Sex is meant for only your spouse. We were meant to have one sexual partner, and wait for marriage. And getting drunk all the time is a sin. We aren't supposed to give in to temptations like that. Everything in moderation. As for not driving, people just cannot afford cars like that anymore. Though it's funny how the article states instead they are educating themselves and doing manly outdoor activities like rock climbing, and you criticize that. Who is the Jew here?

>too cucked to break a law
>teens having less sex is a bad thing
I haven't been here in a while. What the fuck happened to this board?

This is only in the white gen z'ers

>t. Im 18

>mfw introverts become the new normalfags
Seriously, wageslaving students I work with are more robot-esque than expected. Even tall/good looking guys seem kinda off. And yes, they're very open to discussion about conspiracy theories.

Reality happened. Teens were having sex in all of history and it doesn't alarm you that white males in Western countries aren't now?

You are not even remotely conservative if you can't understand this simple thing. In fact, you might as well suck on Obama's schlong if you can't understand it.

>Putting off drinking

I literally cant function unless i spend all weekned getting blasted

>tfw a wizard in one of the most degenerate countris on the planet
>tfw dont even care

Just waiting for the sex bots to arrive. I have patience.

Also, can any of the younger people confirm this with me?

Doesnt it seem like girls our age either seem like theyre autistic and id theyre not autists theyre total fembots that are scared to even look at guys. And the ones that dont fit this criteria are either sluts, thinking they have to be sluts because thats the jew indoctrination, fat weebs or koreaboos, or black and mexican.

What have you done to serval-chan

Boomers fucked like crazy, they grew up in the greatest time in America and fucked it up by doing drugs and fucking like animals, then ruined the golden economy they were gifted.
Millenials aren't the degenerates, its the degenerates who raised them.

Same lad

Furthermore Millenials have always been less degenerate than their parents, they're just public about it. The internet gives exposure to things that didn't exist before. If your parents had access to the internet itd be far worse. Boomers are selfish, entitled, and mentally stunted. SJWs and LGBTAQWGDRSBBQs are nothing compared to the hippies of past. The worst they do is blog on Tumblr. Boomers ruined America.

>used to be a gearhead
>complete /o/ fag
>encyclopedic knowledge of automobiles
>pass on graduation school trip to use the money for driving school
>buy a car
>get hit head on whilst on a moped
>6 teeth busted, collarbone broken, left wrist broken, right shin bone broken
>become afraid of traffic, to the point where I get panic attacks in vehicles
>sell car
>unwilling to drive

Yeah it was the jews

The emotional intelligence of the human specie is extremely underrated. When things are rotten to their core, and everything that grows out from that core is by extension rotten, humans can easily see it for what it is: fundamentally flawed, untrue, and not an extension of your own soul. (Your culture/people)

We need a massive right-wing uprising for things to change, to rip out what's rotten. And guess what?

It's happening.

What is this?

even in vidya gayms you get cockblocked

The fact that teens don't fuck everyone everywhere anymore isn't relevant, what is important is them having kids in the future. It's to soon to assume that these kids won't settle with a girl at the age of 24~28

The future, my dear user.

Yeah, but you can ban players in video games withuot repercussion.

Ban someone in real life and you get 20 to 30 with no parole.

But what is it called?

Because internet porn is free and everywhere, cars and gas are fucking expensive now, dating brings pointless drama, and getting caught drinking under 21 now fucks you up a lot worse than it did our parents generation



You realize all three of those charavters are dudes irl, right?

oh god...

I just get one of the many hundreds of sluts on Adultwork to come over and nosh me once a month, fuck having an actual relationship these days it's cheaper just to fuck escorts. No marriage, no kids, no alimony.

Do you really think my dick cares?
The avatar is all that matters...


>VRChat Weird Moment
The whole game is a weird moment.

user take me shopping
user take me to the cinema
user take me on holiday
user take me to my nanas house 100 miles away

etc. chicks cost too much.

It's not that we can't do those things, it's that we don't want to because we are tired of living in a world of degenerates.

>the least white generation will promote a fascist state
o boi am i laffin

The point is that they aren't doing really anything. It's not like they're getting into trades, or rediscovering their faith or become more traditional or anything like that. They went from degeneracy to apathy like their Nip counterparts (maybe a little less extreme). I'm fine with that if the next step is tradition or at least more conservatism, but I'm not seeing it.

Pendulum swinging

Teenagers do stuff to look cool and be edgy

Now what used to be edgy is normal

As for the sex thing?

Young WOMEN are still having loads of sex, but like 80% of young men don't


yeah that was nice i lafd

It's probably like Japan. They aren't having sex because porn and masturbation has become better than sex for them.

In a way this is fine, as humans have been cancer on this planet. In other way is fucked up because the only people still pumping out kids are Africans, rural India and Chinks and in huge numbers too.

>trying VR
>trying nu Trek VR

I remember reading an article about how there's more virgins among teens today than in the last few generations, but it's almost all an increase in male virgins while the amount of female virgins has stayed the same. I do think we are going the way of the nips, but as previous posters said as long as whites end up having 2 or 3 kids it won't be as huge of a deal for them not fucking around in their youth

Anime turning young men into anti social perverts.
Anime is the #1 scourge of the white race

I can take it or leave it if I please

>Has the Jew finally managed to sterilize and numb an entire generation?
Pretty much.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

They use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>implying VR + artifical wombs will not be the salvation of the male race as a whole.



>tfw tall attractive mentally unstable introvert who is very open to discussion about conspiracy theories

Pretty much, funny enough the best conversation I've had in months was with my hair dresser the other day. Could actually hold up the talk and express ideas about what we were talking about.

My fellow uni students? Not a fucking chance.

>complains about not being good looking
>is a fat turd
Okay bro. Go lift fagget

Bunch of limp wristed, spoiled faggots.

Whatever hit you in the head was probably thrown by a rabbi.

it was a BMW e30 318 that forgot to turn on his indicators.

Dem jews be strong these days

brain freeze

You and I both know that was never a real option or possibility for you anyways, so why bitch and moan about it?


Always confused me why (((they))) always seem to own and operate German cars.

>tfw no cute loli to headpat

probably to honor and be with their 26 gorillion fallen ancestors who got smelted for plastic used for dashboards

Midwestfag here, not noticing whatever the fuck this article is talking about
Weed is extremely prevalent because of Colorado bordering us, alcohol is almost cultural for everyone to drink, the only sigma against underage drinking is the legal sigma.
I don't get why not having relationships is a point of concern. There's too much shit for high schoolers to worry about and almost everyone is aware that short relationships are worthless and long relationships are unlikely, so what's the point

This is just another "muh millennials" but for Gen Z

Hey, here is a grand idea! What if teens are just lying about not doing those things...


I have no counter argument.

My fictional girlfriend is pretty down to earth other than some plot related magical powers that don't have anything to do with why I like her anyway. The things I admire in others have sadly become much rarer than they once were. Simplicity, generosity, kindness, putting effort into the things you do even if you're not that great at them, being patient. I feel like all I want from my significant other is to just be a regular person who passed the basic social skills portion of kindergarten and yet somehow, in today's world, I can only find that in the realm of fiction.

It's because the boomers have created a ponzi scheme by forwarding all the costs to the future generations, now the youths are stuck eternally trying to become adult but society offering little places to become one, often at ages far beyond what is reasonable.

>1960s - sustain entire family on job right after high school, get an apprenticeship in your own town having older people teach you all the ropes of the trade
>2000s - either get a decent job past your prime and after a massive college debt or be barely able to sustain just yourself on uneducated employment

>1960s - 20yo doing simple labour can buy a family house
>2000s - 20yo forced to live at home or have zero savings because rent is 60% of your spendable income due to boomers owning all the houses

>1960s - women using their youthful appeal and fertility to seek a working man to start a family
>2000s - women spending their youth in college trying to become a worker, further driving down wages and rejecting the notion of being with a man earning less than them

>1960s - strong family values and social ties allows young people to easily find a stable partner, easily find employment, get many opportunities to grow
>2000s - boomers abolish all social ties, sell out society to the liberal guilt driven mindset and leave their children with no social network outside of their classroom

>1960s - getting entire houses and many treasures of your grandfathers as a will to further the family name
>2000s - boomers spend all their savings and sell their house leaving nothing for their children

I'm very sad now.

>mfw the internet, especially social media and even more so dating apps, was the world's greatest eugenics program that no one realized they were taking a part of
>mfw it's too late to stop or saying anything about

>need car
>car costs money
>need job for money
>need car for job
>need experience for job
>need job for experience

The whole system is broken


doing drugs can get you a mandatory minimum, and stuck in the loop of the 70% of prisoners that come back to jail.

driving isnt neccesary unless you have a job, or occasionally for other things, most just use public transport.

dating is retarded, every fifth person cant make any talk outside of "hurr durr did you see (input random event/person)"

and sex is too risky to try and have it, because if your a guy you can simply be accused of rape with no evidence whatsoever and have it ruin your life, and as a non feminazi woman you cant get any because at this point alot of men are afraid of said rape allegations.

but look on the bright side, there is an ever growing population of teenagers that are dumber than ever and they are having enough sex, doing enough drugs, and basically being stupid enough to compensate for the rest of us.

in conclusion: love is dead and or dying, the only ones having sex and doing drugs and driving are tyrones/shaniquas and white tyrones/shaniquas.
and lets face it, they have as much of a brain as a jake paul fan has.

19 here
Women don't give me the time of day
I do have a license but I go out very little so it's not cost effective to buy my own car.
See above
I have a terrible sweet tooth and bitter things disgust me.

Indeed, population being replaced by 80 IQ moslem apelings is a great result of eugenic program.

I feel like we will turn it around though, out of necessity. most young people have accepted or are starting to realize life for us won't be as good as it was for our parents and grandparents, but I think those who don't adapt will suffer, while others thrive

Ayy I'm shittin' me pants ova heer.

who do you think is conducting the program?

> the paragraph on dating and conversation.
What the fuck did you mean by this?

> Why are today's teens putting off sex, driving, dating and drinking?

Sex has never been easier to get. All the other things are easily explained by easy-sex.

Why don't you hire a few and pay them a decent enough wage so they buy a car?

>Women have been (((sexually liberated))) and only fuck 10/10 Chads
>As a result, dating for anyone not in the top 15% of me is pointless
>If you can't get a woman, why should you drive when it's easier to just get a taxi or an Uber?
>If you can't get a woman, why go to a party or bar just so that you can see how much pussy Chad gets?

Women absolutely love things they can't get. Tell a woman you are visiting and leaving town in a day or two and you will I'll get enough one night stands to end up with aids if anyone are remotely interested. No BS turning Into friendzone games. Have fun.

>not drinking
>something bad
Liquid jew is worse than actual hooknose jew. And they dare to complain that less people become untermenschen indulging in it is a bad thing.

>if anyone are remotely interested

Wise words, also, with women, and society in general, as it is nowadays, I'm not at all surprised that some guys just don't want to get a girlfriend and then see her turn into a feminist because of the education system and the media. And God forbid she gets knocked up, them leaves you and makes you pay alimony and child support and what-not. No thank you!

I know it's a low blow to go after feminism. Whatever.

Without dominant religion influencing our culture we are reverting to our natural instinct of 20% of the men getting 80% of the women, the alpha male model seen amongst many mammals in nature including our closest relatives. The jews have nothing to do with it.

Fufiling primal urges to lay some pipe is degenerate
Driving is overvalued
Not degenerate at all

Fuck off OP

I'm gen Z and already lost my virginity .
But yeah it is kinda meh

I tried too settle down. end up getting the "I'm not ready for a relationship" :(

Only the men are putting off sex, involuntarily. Women are still having regular sex.

I would say 1% of men are niw fucking 99% of women

dating is totally degenerate. arranged or matchmaker marriages should be the order of the day.

but making threads without any actual contribution to discussion makes you a genius right? you are as shit as the ones you criticize.
tell us, user, whats the porpose of yoru thread?
cmon be honest sweety

Sex is degenerate and the ultimate redpill is celibacy, but dating is the beta shit you could do.
It's either a first sight thing or she approaches you because she is impressed by your work or worth to society in combination with your attractiveness.

Hoping to seduce her with conversations is cucked. Betas and omegas do dating.

