What do young men want?


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young women


A thread died for this. Think about that you cunt



good jobs

To be happy I guess. Everyone wants to be happy.

Money Power Respect





To watch the world burn

I have no idea. I really don't.


But it's harder than ever to achieve. Hang in there bros. God has a plan for us. Never let a dindu hold you down. Never let a feminist hold you down. Never ever let so called " white privilege" hinder you. We are in this together.

Fuck niggers

To get laid

they want to worship the god emperor of mankind and slay xenos, mutants and heretics in his name.

I just love guns and cute boys. I want a dude that I can take to the range and then go back home for some couch cuddles.

Throw in some cute sister of battle and I would love to do that.

The sweet release of death.

Personally I want to work my way to a good paying job, marry a fine Aryan woman, have children and exterminate the kike.


this tbqh

I want to see the biggest reset of all time. Do it Rocket Man!



All the non-Whites to go back home.

The public execution of the traitorous establishment.

Guaranteed freedom of speech, privacy and right to defend oneself.

All the non-Whites to go back home.

Common sense laws. The decriminalisation of weed for example.

An end to Anti-White, Anti-Male social engineering.

All the non-Whites to go back home.

Science working on cures and not toxic "treatment".

Females to be elegant, demure, classy lady like. Like Sansa from GoT.

>What do young men want?
A purpose. A reason to live.

I guess someone who loves us would be nice, too.

A nuclear winter.

Europe to be white.

A house, a wife, two kids, and a job that pays well and they can feel proud of.
Jews don't realize just how easily they could pacify the mean nasty nationalist goyim if only they gave them those things.

A purpose. Something to be proud of. A clear goal in live to achieve and work tirelessly towards.

Considering young men are having less sex than the previous generation this is debatable. I have a feeling we're going to see a population decline similar to what is happening in japan within a generation or so. They don't want to drive, they don't want to travel, they don't want to watch TV.

I honestly don't have any idea what generation Z or whatever we're calling them now (considering mellinials are, what 25-35 now?)

It seems to me all anyone wants to do is play videogames and look at their phones. I've been bartending for almost 2 decades now and I'm not seeing many 21-25 year old regulars anymore. It use to be one a week I'd see a 21st birthday party, now I'm lucky if I see one every 2ish months. No one one end of things, good for a decreasing amount of alcohol use among young people. At the same time, this is a sign of changing interests. When I do see young people come in they usually just play with their phones at the bar and don't talk. They don't play pool or darts, or try to pick up chicks, they just fucking sit there....And that's the boys and the girls, they're both anti-social fucks now

Autistic life

They want

- wife and kids
- a job to provide
- to live in a working (white) community

Basically men wanna life in the 50s...

>Considering young men are having less sex than the previous generation this is debatable.
No user, the minority of men are having all of the sex, the majority is having little or none. If you know any women, how many of them are sexually unhappy? I'd say none because women can get sex on demand, most men can't.





> two kids

pic realted

You're a fucking idoit, women don't need sex on demand, they can get a toy that can do things to them men can only dream of doing. When I see women go out they really aren't interested in guys that much, they really haven't ever been unless I see a whore or bachelorette party. BTW, your potential wife to be will most likely cheat on you before your wedding because nothing or hornier than a group of women thinking about marriage. I see it all the fucking time.

Men are pussies, which is why you assholes are on here all the time complaining about how all women are whores but you can't get laid despite your claim that all women are whores.

You say there are a minority of guys having all the sex? WRONG, The minority of guys are having sex with all the whores. Women are just as anti social as men now, they just aren't as vocal online because the neets and weebs lose their shit the moment a women wonders into "their territory"

You fags aren't competing with other men, you're competing with sex toys. If you can't learn to eat pussy you really never have a chance at having a relationship.

conquer the world

>t. angry bartender hypergamist guy


None of your fucking business data harvester

oh look, it's the utter faggot who managed to push it into a couple drunk landwhales and is now doling out advice on the internet-post
> learn to eat pussy brah
literally the type of shit underage kiddos "advise" to each other whilst standing in the corner away from girls

A future.

gender reassignment surgery

That would make things easier.

I don't follow, I've been drinking since I got off work 4 hours ago so forgive me.

If you think that all a woman wants is sex then that would more than explain why you're mad about being single. However, If you expect a women to know how to suck your cock then the least you can do is learn how to eat pussy.

Big daddy dick pounding my ass with his thumb in my mouth

Droid women because they are video game junkies who can not socialize! They dont leave their house unless it to go to a drive thru to get their food!

young men = independence
middle aged men = children
old men = a legacy

This is why we need Christianity.

video games + asian bf

a reason to leave my room

They can have sex with a man whenever they want if they're averagely attractive, period.
>When I see women go out they really aren't interested in guys that much
Correction, they're not interested in most guys. They want money and social status, that's why 60% of men throughout history never reproduced and that's why you have twice as many female ancestors than male.

>Women are just as anti social as men now
Bullshit my man. Look at their social media, it's full of club bathroom pics and places they travel to. They're showered with attention every fucking day and an average man can't even comprehend how much attention an average woman gets every day. And they're actively seeking attention.

Australia with the top tier bants

Fatass, my dick wouldn't even fart in the direction of "women" you managed to bed in your pathetic life, can you tone it in with your pro-tips you utter sadcase?
> hurr im just this drunk neet betabux posting late @ nite, listen to my advice kiddos
you're at least 10 kinds of pathetic
and as far as pussy eating is concerned, that shit is for special occassions, because if you can't dick girls proper, THAT'S when you consider turning into a lesbian

Learn socialization skills take a dance class and work out already learn how to use power tools stop being a puss!

you could keep your penis and balls in a clutch purse and take them out when you need to assert male privilege.

Dick in the ass and a warm glass of milk for the upset tummy caused by stirring up the intestinal soup.

A secure career and lots of kids

Their not having sex because they fear becoming a transgenders victim!


God, what is with you faggots and dance classes? Do people unironically go there hoping to meet girls?

It helps at dance clubs, look at Patrick Swayze and John Travolta!

Okay, so I'm going to address the social media thing first. Social media DOES NOT mean you're social. All the weebs add as many girls as they can hoping to get laid and, the lonely girls, add as many people as they can to make up for their insecurities.

You know why you don't notice the girls with only a few friends? Because they only have a few fucking friends and you probably don't know them. And if they choose to only have a few friends then they wont add them and never notice them

Okay, buddy. You're the one making the claims as to the women you've slept with, where as I never even claimed to be straight or a man so I'm calling BS on everything you just said. I bartend and people literally tell me everything whether I want to hear it or not. Women tell me what they want and their insecurities and men do the same. I listen and pretend to care because I know I'll make more money if I do.
