
Along with Archive use Hooktube


It won't give them clicks

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nah, fuck off

this guy is only here in the first place because we liked him waving a flag around and acting ridiculously patriotic

Does anyone know whom the black guy on the Piano is?
Is he mentally challenged or something, he cannot say anything without repeating himself 5-10 times, this include interjections like "hey" or "ooh" -and then he repeat it a half dozens of times.

Blantant racebaiting faggot, just disregard everything that's reality goy.


All comment sections on social media should be closed. Perhaps also on news sites. No one gain anything from it.

Damn Trump makes you wish you were American. What a guy.

wow, hes so funny, i couldn't watch more than a minute.

It's hard to watch this and think we're not going to have to kill a lot of people

but really, is it humanly possible to shove your head any further up the democratic parties ass. i don't think so.

That's the band leader and his sidekick. He is supposed to act like a hype man and make the jokes funnier in the monologue.

what''s funny is he's blatantly doing a jiggaboo act from like the 1920s and nobody realizes it, least of all colbert rofl. white people are so afraid of being called racist they don't recognize a self-denigrating nigger when they see one.

What have you done with Norbot? I won't stand for this. I AM IN CHARGE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

He didn't bend the knee to me so I had my dragon torch him

I refuse to give Colbert views


Can't believe I ever liked this guy for a second

We've all been oblivious to marxist propaganda at some point, user.

This kike puppet hailed from the John stewart show that tried to manipulate and indoctrinate fence sitting millennial who hadn't made a decision as to what path to take in life.

They carefully minced truthiness (lies) with comedy and masqueraded their respective shows as alternative hard hitting news. Swaths of brainlets flocked to them and the opiod was mainstreamed. Now its become completely wholesale packaged for both boomers and middle aged millenials alike.

Utterly shit tier brainwashing

The comment section is like, strawmans, strawmans everywhere. The left really is completely unable of rational thinking is it?

Logic has abandoned this ship and its skippers moral duty to crash us into an iceberg and sink this degenerate piece of shit.

But they are fun to read


>and nobody realizes it
what evidence do you have to make this claim? Its literally part of the act for him to act that way so why do you think "nobody realizes it"? just curious how autistic people think so take your time

this is turning into one of those long green txt memes...you know the ones