>Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study
Pol btfoed once again
>Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study
Pol btfoed once again
how do u know if it is genderblind?
Did someone say... blind study?
Its on github, which can't be faked obviously
Funny, every university-level language class I ever took had a very few females, and most of them bitched incessantly about how hard it was.
They wanted me to join in because I'm a minority as well. Good luck, if you can't figure out what the fuck a function is you have no business writing software that has any real-life consequence at all.
Then there were the females who got their husbands to do projects for them.
The sad truth is that females are just very difficult to work with and it doesn't matter what their "skilz" are if they're insufferable cunts.
I don't know anything about coding but I assume women's ability to blindly and faithfully do what they are told means they probably would excel at some coding over men
women are only ok in web development since its easy as fuck.
no way anyone can convince me they are better than men at machine learning etc
well considering there's probably one female per every 100 male students in computer science courses in academia it's fair to say that the one female who is interested and capable in the field is probably in the top 1% of female with regards to intellect. While male intellect in the field has a lot more variation especially if you take all the pajeet coders into account which do fuck awful shit code. (recent internal memo of a finnish IT company concluded that while indian coders are cheaper the project cost will be about 130% higher in the end due to rewrites and mistakes and maintenance compared to finnish coders who produce higher quality code.)
>work in engineering
>field with 10% women
>literally most of the managers are women
>most of them are completely incompetent and have never actually done a single day of technical work
Really made me think when I noticed this in the industry. I know that women get a massive advantage just because of their gaping hole and it's frustrating.
Study invalidated.
They only looked at attention-whores' work.
Holy shit.
They just looked at profile pictures and ASSUMED
Yes this is a stereotype based on observed behavior I see and hear about it everywhere.
I tend to agree. I have a master's degree in computer science, and as you may have guessed there were very few girls in our groups, roughly 10%.
Half were very good students and the other half was alright. As a whole, they averaged better than guys.
I think that as most people think it's a guys' domain, only the most motivated girls decide to pursue this diploma. While some male students end-up there even though they're not really into CS.
To this day, I never had to work with female programmers so I can't say what they're like in a work environment.
>To this day, I never had to work with female programmers
Case closed
The study shows that their code is more accepted, not that it is better. It could be due to white knights accepting shit code from women for virtue points.
Also note how they have no problems at all arguing that women are superior to men. Fucking sexists.
Fuck functions and classes. That's nonsense and probably racist.
Just write spaghetti code.
>The study shows that their code is more accepted
No, it shows that grrrl coderz are more likely to attach a photo to their github profile.
Yeah, no you cockgobbling twat.
Did they consider all cute anime girls as real girls?
all 2 of them
in all seriousness though, there are plenty of times I use cute real girls for my profile picture, so this doesn't represent anything
Coding what exactly? Easy html/js jobs? Mobile devving? Some more hardcore java backend meme? Full stack c# dev working with azure technologies? It's like saying "craftsmen", whereas you could be referring to carpenters, shoemakers or anything like that. tired_frog.png
Also, why do people refer to uni experiences? I can assure you, it has almost nothing to do with the actual industry. Most girls I remotely knew from uni (5% of the class) fell in the "good student" category, but eventually ended up working on test automation or filling manager tier positions.
And to add to the actual topic: I only ever worked with 2 women and they were terrible. But then again there's one I know closely, who I don't work with but everyone around her keeps saying how good she is. Like, quality code (mostly c# and sql related stuff) and sharp thinking. I guess the problem is that our sample sizes are so low usually, that there is not even a place for competition.
House wife no savy
The same could be said about the men who couldnt be identified and the females mistaken as men too dummy. Works both ways around.
I work at a software dev company and can confirm that 40% of my co-workers are females and do a better job compared to men coders who just slack off. All you poltards whining here should stop jacking off to anime images all day in their basements and see for themselves.
>females mistaken as men
a practically irrelevant percentage
>It is plainly observable that best coders are male introverts, or introverts at the very least
>excludes them from the study by default.
Yes becsuse men program we don't "code"
>my anecdotal stories of women saying they don't understand stuff disproves empirical data
from what I remember they are basing it on what gender people put on their profiles and theres much less females on github so skewed ratio in performance.
You can have 1 mil guys working on code and 1000 females working on a hello kitty app
I have never used a picture of a male in any of my profile pictures for anything, only cute anime girls or and jap idols
>genderblind" ""study"" about code acceptance, determining gender based on github usernames
But thank God it's empirical. Now I can discard my personal observations and the heaps of anecdotal evidence from others in my field.
All this aside, I'd love to see some deployment ready software entirely coded in house by an 100% female dev team.
>Pol btfoed once again
wew lad
Nobody stops to think that bullshit like the OP only even seems revelatory because it contradicts what everyone knows to be true. It's like when that one bum finally buys food instead of booze and all of the leftists on the internet are like See? SEE???
The study has not been peer reviewed.
When has no evidence ever stopped you idiots?
>women's ability to blindly and faithfully do what they are told
>ability to blindly and faithfully do what they are told
you mean asking every 10 minutes if what they're doing something correctly and working at a pace 1/100th of a male then sure
>That only holds true, though, when profiles of users are stripped of their gender. The finding shows that when female coders can be identified as women, their acceptance rate plummets and their contributions are accepted at a lower rate than men.
>While GitHub doesn't require gender information, some users have profile pictures from which genders can be gleaned. In order to study the impact of gender on the acceptance of GitHub contributions, researchers tried to manually identify the gender of each user. Contributors whose genders couldn't be determined were eliminated from the study.
So they're trying to say that when the profile says people are female, that contributions are accepted at a lower rate, but when we use "context" to glean that a profile is female (like the profile picture a user uses appearing to be female), that it's accepted at a nominally higher rate.
>difference is only 4% with their methodology
>their methodology is shit because the result changes (acceptance rate for women is lower) if you include users that list themselves as female in the female group
>not peer reviewed
This is clickbait pure and simple. I know shitty male coders and great female coders - and vice versa. Gender really isn't a determining factor.
The "study" has not been published and peer reviewed.
In February of 2016, the BBC ran a fake news article about women being better software programmers than men based on a study which had not actually been published, and of which the authors did not intend to release the data. Of course, since that is bullshit, the BBC has changed the title of the article several times, and now it only claims that gender bias exists.
>80% of the excelling "females" in this study were autistic Anzu-posters
Honestly this wouldn't even be surprising
My alma mater is renowned for doing tons of actual projects instead of primarily book study. We generally completed 12-20 coding projects per semester in the comp sci program.
The definite trend was this: chicks averaged better on quizzes and exams, but were absolutely dismal at coding. Probably half a dozen times, the girls on my group projects contributed ONLY documentation.
This rings true in industry. There is probably 10% female workforce in each of the companies I've worked for, but I have genuinely not seen a single line of code attributed to any of them. I have no idea what they actually do.
It's well known that women are very efficient coders when it comes to doing small modules but they can't design a whole schema or programming architecture because they, of course, have problems seeing the big picture.
If it's the study I think it is, the results actually show that people with excessive social profiles get shat on compared to people with no profile and the effect is stronger in women.
Also the metric of "better coder" is acceptance rate of pull requests.
Not clicking that shit without an archive though.
> not peer-reviewed
That one ? It passed peer review faam. (Although peer-reviewed by marxists proves fuckall.) Maybe after the story?
We hypothesized that pull requests made by women are less likely to be accepted than those made by men. Prior work on gender bias in hiring suggests that this hypothesis may be true.
They statistically bust their own bullshit hypothesis, then they wing it as demonstrating that wymyn are better at coding. Fucking leftists, with their "tails I win, heads you lose" methodology. On top of that, there's the fact that gurlz are outnumbered 20 to 1 in their dataset, the fact that due to this, their error bars are huge and their so-called gaps are minuscule, and the fact that this is probably a pay-to-publish junk journal since it's OA, and the case is settled.
Also what the other anons pointed out.
Just because you know great female coders and shitty male coders doesn't mean shit about gender not being a determining factor you dumb cunt. I suppose the smart mulattoes and the smart blacks in your university classes also means race isn't a determining factor in intelligence statistics? I know loads of muslims and NONE of them want to blow themselves up. Kys faggot
I mean men do seem to overcomplicate their code and not just get down to the nitty gritty.
really now? CSE is the easiest form of engineering at almost every university. even if we accepted this study as fact, then congrats. your top women dominate the reject engineers.