(((They))) created the Jesuits AND the Bavarian Illuminati...

(((They))) created the Jesuits AND the Bavarian Illuminati. There were many groups generally called "Illuminati" but the first group that used that name (though in greek but not in latin) is the one made by Pythagoras of Samos, an Ionian Greek Mystic. The original Illuminati had been dead ever since the last Neo-Pythagorean died. The renaissance had failed to grasp Platonic logic as well as what the hell Zeno was trying to convey in his supposed "paradoxes" which aren't actually paradoxes but a failure to understand incommensurability. The second "Illuminati" is the Los Alumbrados, it was formed in the kingdom of Aragon by former Knights Templar that escaped persecution for their discoveries in the fertile crescent as well as their cooperation with the Venetian banking system that pretty much bankrupted Europe and created the economic dark age and their Genoan merchants brought the black plague through their boats from exotic lands. It's the Genoan flag that England uses. The St. George's flag, a red cross on a white field, was adopted by England and the City of London in 1190 for their ships entering the Mediterranean to benefit from the protection of the Genoese fleet. The English Monarch paid an annual tribute to the Doge of Genoa for this privilege. The Knights Templar paid tribute to the Venetians and are more loyal to them than to the Vatican, and it's from the Venetians that they had developed their own banking system, which some of their wealth was transferred to the Knights of Malta which their presence is also strong in England. Freemasonry is based off of Templarism. The Rosicrucians are merely a form of Templarism. The Los Alumbrados and the Rosicrucians were more or less one and the same time frame although one is Catholic as the Los Alumbrados became the Jesuits, another is Protestant, both funded the destruction of Christianity, both are full of Jews.

The Jesuits became irrelevant but they had fled towards England with their Venetian masters while the Bavarian Illuminati that Adam Weishaupt had created (though a student of a Jesuit school and is merely a front for the Venetians via proxy through the Jesuits of which Ignatius Loyola himself was an agent of the Venetians). The Venetians used their knowledge in the bible as well as the Babylonian Talmud to dissuade certain monarchs from marrying for political gain. The Venetians are so intertwined with modern Pharisaic Judaism to the point that there's rumors of them making edits to some copies of the Babylonian Talmud. Sir John Dee (AKA: 007) the "Enochian" cooperated with Rabbi Judah Loew in the dark arts to guide Queen Elizabeth Stuart I based on astrotheological principles of which all forms of "magic" is based on alignments of the celestial bodies first and foremost, sacrifices and sex rituals are more secondary.

The real enlightened ones are those that understands both the Kosmos Aisthetos and the Kosmos Noetos.

You're still a faggot for even (hopefully) ironically claiming that Hitler was a Jew with one testicle, that's the exact same words that gay nigger spammer had said.

The Jesuits became irrelevant (because they were kicked out for general kikery tier militant mystic "Catholicism") but some of them had fled towards England with their Venetian masters while the ones that stayed in Europe kept it on the down low and kept on subverting the people through their Jesuit schools of which Adam Weishaupt went to a Jesuit college and is the "poster boy" leader of the Bavarian Illuminati which the Bavarian government kicked them out, but they were wherever there were revolutions in Europe among the Jacobinites and French Freemasons that sought to destroy France which was already independent from the Normans. The Normans were Venetian puppet monarchs but they later became the Venetians. Queen Mary Alexandra Elizabeth II has ancestry of the House of Guelph. the Genoan noble houses are a part of the Venetians which are sister republics.

There's two main concepts that makes up what I call "Templarism": the banking system of monetarism practiced in the temple of apollo, and the intel gathering spy network with any front, whether religious, political, economic, academic, militaristic, doesn't matter. In order to justify their own evil, they look good in all aspects of life while internally, doing the opposite among themselves internalizing and suppressing their evil through externalization and oppressing innocent people behind closed doors away from the public view. The Juden as the Israelites always did this and were exposed by their own God for such evil that they've created a bullshit excuse to depart from the Levitical system. I call anything that isn't of the Levitical system to be either anti Juden Christianity, or modern Judaism of which modern Judaism is primarily Pharisaic, secondarily a Jewish attempt to reconcile their cult with Hellenic rationalism and with other Eastern cults. Pro Juden Christianity were bred out as they've no longer have a physical king and their religious king/savior gone up to heaven long ago while they were ashamed to be by any cultural extension to be associated with Pharisaic Judaism, abandoned their own tongue and learned Greek and Latin.

Is Pharisaic, Rabbinic, Talmudic Judaism original Judaism/Israelism? No. Did Templarism come from the Pharisees? No, but they've sure adopted its model. So what is Templarism? Fundamentally, it's metapolitics. They use money to bypass anything and everything. A byproduct of metapolitics is "demonic" in its original sense since demons deal with distribution of fortunes, so they distribute fortunes for more fortune. In their irrational mindset, or rationalized attempt to explain the irrational, they partake in orgies, degenerate behavior, etc., at the expense of innocent children, which drinking their blood at the peak of adrenaline rush from fear and stress for adrenochrome is merely a coincidental attribute of a sick fuck that again, tries to rationalize the irrational, ignorant things that they do. Why the hell do Rabbis eat baby foreskins and suck the blood off of it? There's no rational answer to that.



Goebbels is so cute

