Korean Youth Will Stamp out Deranged Americans for Final Victory in Showdown with U.S

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- Korean youths, regarding it as their lifeline to devotedly safeguard their leader, solemnly declare the will of the young vanguard to wipe out all the deranged men going reckless, being unaware of who their rival is, and bring about the final victory in the showdown with the U.S.

A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League, stressed this in a statement Monday.

Trump threatened to "totally destroy" the DPRK, in violation of the dignity of the supreme leadership and the sovereignty of the DPRK, at an official UN General Assembly session, not at White House or at golf range. His hysteric outburst is the most heinous provocation and never-to-be pardoned hideous crime against the Koreans including youth.

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Trump fond of barking as he pleases is not a politician but a boss of gangsters and a rabid dog, not human, the statement said, and went on:

Whenever ignorant gangster Trump trumpeted about "military option" and "toughest sanctions and pressure", failing to have elementary understanding of the situation, we repeatedly warned him to come to his senses and even showed off the tremendous might of Juche Korea with the ICBM launch and detonation of H-bomb.

But the silly old man who failed to evolve into a human, was hard of hearing. So we proved that a stick fits a rabid dog and fire should be responded with fire.

Our generation will write the final page of the shameful end of the U.S. by carrying forward the tradition of victory displayed by the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners who defeated the ferocious gangster-like Japanese imperialists in the forests of Mt Paektu, and by the heroic fighters in the 1950s who humbled the arrogance of the U.S. imperialists and created the July 27 myth of war victory. -0-

Secondo te attaccheranno per primi loro?

Why is he so fucking fat

He eats all the food so that he can see the others starve

Kim has nothing to gain from a war. He can't win. So he will not start it. Also China promised to help Kim only if he is attacked by America. But if a war starts we will never know who started it. The Americans will say that their bomber was in international airspace when the Koreans fired on it, the Koreans will say that the bomber was in Korean airspace.

The only threat they have is nuclear weapons. They launch one and we intercept it, and emp the shithole then their nukes are useless.

>But the silly old man who failed to evolve into a human, was hard of hearing.
oh, that's gold.

>They launch one and we intercept it,

>intercepting a nuke
>burger logic

I'd love to see America nuke them till they glow but it isn't going to happen. The far more boring spraying of airborne biological and chemical agents that's been taking place will get the job done. Norks gone not with a bang but a cough and a sneeze. Nothing of value will be lost.

i wonder if this is ever going to happen

trump will surely act
*turns into skeleton*

What are you a dumb nigger, has the world forgot we have the technology now to shoot these faggot rockets out of the sky

Our current missile defense actually does have about a 50% success rate for ICBM interception, and coupled with NK's relatively poor accuracy that means any NK nuke would only have about a 20-40% success rate.
Of course they wouldn't launch just one, they'd launch about 10-15, and the more ICBMs in the air at once, the less can be stopped by missile defense.


This isn't necessarily a good thing, though, as it means the chinks have the option of intervening in case of an ambiguous first strike.

Now this is just a theory but I strongly think the US military seriously plays down their capabilities. Especially our missile defense and aircraft. Everyone else exaggerates. They know the US is powerful but why would they let on exactly how powerful. International nuclear texas hold em

It helps that North Korea is a small country with a lot of ocean borders, so it's fairly easy to get a Guided Missile Destroyer with the right weapons in position to intercept during the Boost Phase, which is far easier than a mid-course interception.

I'd love to see this place get macro-waved 2bh
I just hope I'm not in the crosshairs

Which I am but I wont let that change my mind. We need to get knocked down a few rungs. It's just not a good place, we're a land based Death Star

We aren't giving people freedom, we're taking their shit and many of them are too stupid to realize it.. and then there's our mindset, our daily lives, how we treat each other. This is just as revolting as how our government treats certain other nations. Penance for our sins, NK might be our salvation

Friendly reminder why we're going to nuke these commie gooks. twitter.com/foxandfriends

check out the otto vid

Eh, I don't actually have a problem with that bit. The only part of the neocon war agenda that really bothers me is the apparent need to bring the human garbage generated by wars in third world shitholes back to this country.

As a US citizen, I'm not to worried. Their failure rate on ICBMs is pretty high. Japan and South Korea have to worry, not too worried about US. The US has the most powerful military the world has ever seen, NK might take out a few hundred thousand but we, as the leaders of the free world, cannot allow them to exist.

Kim Jong Un is an arrogant child who is going to get hundreds of thousands of innocents killed. I cannot wait for him to be destroyed enough.

China and Russia want to take his side probably on just a symbolic stance, but those countries fear us. They want to give us empty threats thinking that if war never happens that those threats will mean something. It's time we show the world that the US is made off. As unfortunate as it may be, we cannot allow Russia, China, NK and other countries to continue to get away with crimes against humanity.

May the US wipe NK off the map and show the rest of the world what our military is capable off. We could take out Russia and China in a number of weeks and may NK be an example of that fact. We need NK to attack us to show Russia and China just who the hell their fucking with.

Yes I'm a nationalist and may the US have mercy on their irritated souls

Dude, you Are human garbage
How can you be so oblivious?

NK said they'll shoot even in international airspace, so the onus is on them to show proof that it was.

SK, Japan and US will all have radar data too.

As far as ABM systems are concerned, you are correct. Patriots were in Vandenberg and Alaska in the 90's, far before bush said installation started in the 00's. Problem with ABMs is they break the MAD theory, so we try to play them down as only for small rouge nations (NK, IRAN) so that major powers don't feel the pressure to escalate their own systems. Didn't work, Putin sees writing on the wall. His talk with press last year laid it out, and their advanced MIRV system Satan 2 is a clear escalation of tech to overcome our ABM's which are most definitely there to increase survival in a MASS exchange, breaking MAD logic.

per piacere sparati.

This is a worthless statement.

Soviet Union also issued statements like this in the name of us, but in reality everyone was waiting for the moment to backstab the tyrants.

Even then I still have a feeling we are hiding a lot of tech. Why in the world would we ever make our top projects and their actual abilities available. The only way Russia could know about everything is if they had spies or managed to steal/recover tech. The only reason why I say that is due to something my father told me once he retired from the AF as a F-16 then F-22 fighter pilot, "There are a lot these planes can do that most people don't know about" Other interesting quote when I asked him about aliens was him saying that he hadnt seen any, but there were things he say that he couldnt explain. Both answers were very vague and left more questions

And in between fighter squadrons while on reserve he worked at some testing centers for weapons and aircraft that he never spoke about. So I can only assume its not complete BS

>2030 Today marks the 12th anniversary of the end of the korean war.
11 year old kim is half american along with therest of the children his age after the american forces seeded north korea

US has a lot of black project stuff, one off planes and space craft for example, which would mostly be of use against say, China or Russia.

NK is another Iraq insofar as conventional forces go. It might get a ballistic missile through, but hitting the US or its ally with a nuke means it's game over.

>50% success rate for ICBM interception
Wrong. They have not tested THAAD against ICBM's in the terminal phase. They have done most tests against SRBM's, and one test against a warhead dropped out of a plane to represent an IRBM.

Better together.

>US has the most powerful military the world has ever seen
Yet we've rarely won a war since the 60's... Your expectations might not align with reality.

we always had to fight cucked, for the (((neocons and neolibs))). we have trump and can annihilate shit now, like god intended.

We keep a state of continued war because it is profitbable for the higher ups. Do not confuse that with use having the most powerful military in the world. We keep wars going because they are profitable, not because we want to win them. NK wants to attack us and we'll show the world just how fast we can win a war.

desert storm took what 6 days?

11 days of actual combat. my bad.

It's been almost 40 years, the world needs a reminder. People also like to say that our current defenses can't handle this kind of threat.

To that I say, bitch, please, that's only what we let the world know about. China and Russia have hacked some of our highest security bases and they are trying to keep NK in check. It was all show, but they know more about what we can do now than the general US public does. Bring it on NK, give us the chance to show the world untold destruction.

>When the people of some idiotic third world banana republic are more honest about Trump than any leaders of the civilized world.

who voted for Muhammad again? Oh, right, not the US.....

You do realize we can take n.korea without even using a single infantry unit right? They are smaller than cali if they give us a reason to use deadly force that inch of land is ours

Ok, so like, to which point is the dellusion in the Norks real and how far is it hyperbolic western interpretation?
I mean, do the Norks legit think they can take the US? I don't mean, the generals, goverment members and party leaders, but the average citizen. I know people talk a lot of "country wide brainwashing", but how far does that brainwashing go, exactly?

This is not a question for this thread exactly, but a general question I always had about Korea.

i wish one of these two would quit pussying around and start it already.

I know what you mean but how you enter a war matters very much morally to potential allies on both sides and whether they will join on your side.

trump should just do it. don't wait for them to endanger any of these other countries. sorry, you fat ass commie, it's burger time.


>Yet we've rarely won a war since the 60's
Which wars have we lost


The USA/SK forces can absolutely decimate the norks without having to go nuclear, and that's solely by air superiority. The nork airforce doesn't have the equipment to fend off a full on aerial assault. There may be some losses, but it would be a handful comparitively speaking. China is the biggest hurdle in flat out destroying the nork regime.

Parla quello che ha la bandiera europea
Ammazzati coglione ahaha

In China the 1950-1953 Korean War is called the "War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea"