Help me compile a list of everyone who has committed career suicide in last 2 weeks

I'll start

1. NFL owners, players and coaches
2. Lebron James
3. Steph Curry
4. Gillian Anderson- one tweet has killed best tv show of all time
5. Jennifer Lawrence

7. All of Ferguson

What was the best show of all time? The Xfiles? No

You're going to find yourself alone on an island talking to yourself about how everyone else has committed career suicide. #trump2020

It was good for its time. Major cult following .

Wasn't Tim tebow shunned for taking a knee in the end zone? Isn't this an angle we can pursue?

Donald J Trump

>le take le knee
It's called kneeling for fuck's sake. The twitheads are only saying it because they saw it on Game of Thrones.

yeah, now i have an xfiles poster to burn.

Taking a knee is a common expression and strategy in American football, it precedes the GoT meme.



7. Greg Popovich

What did Gillian tweet?

>gurl power
>let me bang this director to get a lead in his pretentious ass movie
>"it's the fans fault, I'm taking a 2 year break"


I saw mother and it was pure film school thesis paper bullshit. Good riddance.


Keep living in that fantasy world where everyone loves Trump and his words hold power.

Trump is a joke. Anyone who works for him is ruining his career. Expect mass exodus next year once people pass the one year mark necessary to put working in the white house on your resume without it looking like you admitted you made a mistake.

And how would Hillary have done?

Honestly these two have more credibility to me than some asshole who got a small loan off a million dollars and thinks the American voters elected his children to office. And I think Hillary should still be in jail.

>But but Hillary!
When will trumplets get new rhetoric that doesn't point out their cluelessness

i was high as balls when the gillian anderson tweet got liked by some sjw fag i follow, and thus got bumped up onto on my feed last night. i just burst out laughing and couldn't stop for like five minutes straight.

The divisiveness this one fucking act is creating is singlehandedly driving an enormous wave of redpills for whites.

It demonstrates to whites that blacks care more about their race than about their nation.

If blacks care more about their race than their nation, then why should whites not do the same?

Delete this image, please.

the only thing that gives me comfort is that she looks like an old woman now but you just know agent fox is still smashing 20yos

Mulder and Scully too?

Ah no but last seasons reboot was pretty shit desu overall but it did have a few good moments that kept it up.

Im hoping it is better but only if they dont have that copycat mulder and scully in it.

You retards complain that Trump sucks yet you voted for her or didn't vote at all.

that may be true, I hope it is, but more likely this is being seen as a Trump protest than a BLM protest. People are stupid and easily forget.

Also checked.

No they don't want to admit they are that obsessed with him. It's funny because that is the one thing that could have saved

Hollywood didn't do it for the money. Worst summer in decades.

Comics didn't do it for the money. Sales are down across the board.

Video games didn't do it for the money. Any game that tried flopped.

The NFL isn't doing this for money either.

So then why are they doing it?

X-files was objectively horrible. Every 10 episodes was about the alien long term story, and everything in between was boring with them visiting some small hick town whose Sheriff didn't believe them about the monster in the woods.

Skully was a know it all cunt who never believed cracked out Mulder even after her own alien abductions.

Zzzzzz waste of time.

>cant even defeat some hollywood kikes
>want defeat chyna, the taliban etc
>maga fanboy logic

we tasteful protest nao

POWER. Oh no! A short term loss of some money in exchange for control over language, institutions and the narrative.

Libshits will cry about church and state.

Will they turn the show into investigating blacks getting shot by cops? I mean, aliens and folk lore are just not as good as din du nuffin files and enforcing civil rights.

Just walk off the field old man. Its over.

what are you talking about? no one gives a fuck about trump or his trumpcuck's opinions. you are all irrelevant and will die childless and alone.