
You should see the list of scientists agreeing with it...

He's right. It's a scam to get rich countries to pay for poor countries.

The climate has changed for billions of years. No one paid for it then, we shouldn't have to pay for it now.

These sophisticated programs they use can't even predict a hurricane just a few days in advance. And they know what will happen in 100 years?

Quality > Quantity

Who is more likely to be right? 100 Children Vs 1 Doctor.

However... I don't know the quality of these scientists.

At this point the amount of propaganda against people that discredit the global warming hoax is reaching levels of the holocaust hoax slandering.

Won't be long until some European countries will pass laws that denying global warming ends you up with a hefty fine or a prison stay. Everything for Jewish interests.

>You should see the list of scientists agreeing with it...
Who's paying them. Of course they're going to agree.

Let's see the list of who's political affiliations and where they get paychecks from before any more of this weird liberal climate change shit keeps coming up.

How many of them have a doctorate in physics, chemistry, mathematics or engineering?

All those people agree with it because their career depends on it. Either they are employed by a "green energy" company, their research funding comes from a "green energy" company or they are graduates in some kind of useless climate studies degree.

The only reason why the global warming narrative is being pushed because governments unload billions of dollars onto private corporations that claim to solve the imaginary problem. It's a kickback scheme.

Of course it is a scam. Human produced C02 annually, 30 GigaTons. Nature produced C02 annually about 700 GT. There is NO experimentation (usually REQUIRED by real science) involved in the "climate scientist's" research, it is all based on "modeling" and so far NONE of the models have PREDICTED THE PAST, much less the future. And Mann was busted in the leaked emails for acknowledging even his flawed models were fed fake data.

As opposed to the scientists being paid by fossil lobbies?

>However... I don't know the quality of these scientists.

and this is where you admit defeat, because it's 97 scientists against 3 (((scientists)))

Thanks user!!!!

I knew humans put out 30 Gigatons (Gt) of CO2 and that Nature out out more, but not how much more.

700 Gt makes the 30 Gt look like nothing!!!

I believe in climate change. I don't believe man is responsible for most of climate change. I believe our weather is mostly driven by the Sun. Pollution and environmental degradation are huge concerns though, and this will mainly be driven by the Earth's growing population, especially as people cut down forests for living space and farmland. Nobody wants to talk about what we really need to do to halt the growth of the human population or even reduce it, because when all the "nice" methods don't work you really only have "literally Hitler" options left.

But anyway, going to the Sun-Earth weather connection, it's fucking obvious that solar activity effects our cyclonic activity, earthquakes, and weather in general. I believe there is a very significant electromagnetic component to the formation and sustaining of tornadoes and hurricanes, but as far as mainstream science understands it they are driven solely by thermodynamics. I truly believe that tornadoes are similar to lightning, but with a fundamental difference. In lightning, the electrostatic potential builds up to the breakdown voltage of the air, and then an arc discharge occurs. But in a tornado, a discharge gets organized below the threshold for lightning, and once it gets going, it keeps going, preventing the potential from building up to the threshold for lightning, while enabling the effects of a sustained discharge to emerge.

I still have to understand why this matter is so political.

only burgershits deny reality

seriously, who likes the:
>imperial system
>non-SP healthcare
>chipless CCs
>having no kinder eggs

y'all fucking stupid

>I believe in climate change

easiest way to spot a pleb


jidf detected

Fix your own problems before you point out our faults. Nothing wrong in Russia?

To expand a little, blue jets, sprite and elves give us an idea of where the energy from supercells is actually coming from. The area in the immediate vicinity of a tornado is often referred to as a "lightning hole", due to a great reduction (50 - 70%) of lightning strikes. This is, in my mind, probably due to the possibility that most of the electromagnetic energy is being transferred through the eye of the tornado. There is also usually very little lightning within the eye wall of a hurricane. Scientists claim this is due to a lack of vertical winds, but I believe they are confusing cause and effect. Certain hurricanes, like Wilma and Katrina, had large amounts of lightning within the eye wall, and what do you know? They discovered vertical winds there. But I believe the vertical winds and lightning occurred because there was such a large amount of electromagnetic energy passing through the eye of the hurricane that breakdown voltage levels were reached more quickly.

Having looked into it a little, I can't deny that CO2 levels are rising, but whether this spooky positive feedback loop gonna happen or not remains to be seen. Plus, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, if you consider increased plant productivity and the fact that we're long overdue another ice age.

So you're saying that those storms are driven by potential difference in the clouds? And what does it matter if the charge separation needed to achieve that potential difference ultimately comes from thermodynamic processes anyway?

I'm looking for sources right now, but if you have them on hand and could save me the time that would be sweet

it rose 50 parts per million.

50 / 1,000,000 = small change

Becuase billions of tax dollars are sucked out of first world nations to "help climate change" in the third world, basically promoting their population boom as we fade away into nothing

Start with Honest Reality : Environmentalism is an Anti-science Cult.

i checked the first french name i found and the guy is accused of being partial because of a support from oïl company total..

Yeah, but we're being told that this small change is gonna be magnified through a corresponding change in water vapor concentration, and that one is a real greenhouse gas.

well...let's see it