Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - R.I.P. Petry Edition

- News
>AfD enters the Bundestag with 94 seats
>Gauland: "We will hunt them."
>Frauke Petry resigns and will not join the party in the parliament
>Petry and her husband will leave the AfD

- Other
>15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
>15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english
>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills
>Keep this thread alive

Other urls found in this thread: Baring Baring,2/afd-o-reparacjach-jesli-polska-sie-zglosi-to-przyjda-do-nas-inni,775795.html

Remind Magda Goebells reincarnated to Alice Weidel .
Never forgette /pol

Take your pills.

So the cucks and liberals are leaving AFD? How is this bad? We saw the opposite in Sweden with our SD and it completely ruined them. Now they're a meaningless mainstream party.

Miller is Joseph Goebbels reincarnation ,same people ,same battle ,different generations ,jews will be wiped .

fuck off back to t_d

The cucks already left the party in 2015


You know that Widel is Magda's sister's granddaugther right? It became a huge issue when she gained some publicity at first.

I've would lose my patience with these semi-larpers


first time hearing ,have pictures to compare?could still be same soul family

As a Britbong it almost pains me to do this but...
Polite applause for Germans.


Good luck fixing your own country

Looks like Marlene Dietrich, the whore of Berlin.

That's the spirit Muslim Mosley.

pls stop i can only get so erect

is that true? can you post some form of evidence?

You should have lurked moar

Gemeingermanische Freundschaft

That's one of the finest pastas Krautchan EVER created, it got so much feel, it was released in 2010 and back then the feeling reading stuff like this was godlike.

>Doch was mit den deportierten Muslimen geschehen wird, weiß niemand so genau.
>Interessiert auch keinen.
maybe we should give them a shower before we send them home, hygiene is important

true, but I was too busy shitposting on Sup Forums

>also bonus screencap of my captcha

I believe you might be thinking of Trixie, who is the granddaughter of Nazi finance minister Lutz von Krosigk.

>>Petry and her husband will leave the AfD
Damn, what did I miss? Why?



the following post is purely about message the AfD should be trying to send across your volk.

Polish TV stations have recently shown Gauland talking about Poland being on rightful German clay.

Germans may follow AfD to 30% on anti-immigration alone, but isn't actual warmongering too much for you meek, docile krauts? Shouldn't he keep this sort of talk to himself?

Immigration is a tangible issue which comes to every German's mind any time he leaves the house. Taking back Polish territory, on the other hand, is a very fringe topic at best.

AfD needs regular, middle class folk to join their anti-eu cause, if they ever want to change anything. Won't AfD scare them with such territorial claims?

tl;dr is Gauland a lone madman off his meds?

cause they are both cucks. I'm happy. Her husband Pretzell was leading the AfD in NRW (where I live) and he basically held the AfD down here because he is so boring and incompetent.


no. The time has finally come. Be afraid.

Work comes before joy over here, so we swipe the broom first and then go have a party.

Can you post a pastebin? Would like to save it.

Nach dem Sturm ist vor dem Sturm

Es ist ein Tag im frühen November, das Nordseetief Timothea befindet sich über Deutschland und es herrscht ein Wintersturm.
Die Wirtschaftskrise ist in der zweiten Runde, verursacht durch weitere Kreditblasen in den inzwischen wieder konservativ regierten USA; wieder waren alle überrascht, niemand hatte wirklich ein Patentrezept, die Arbeitslosenzahlen schießen wieder in die Höhe. Am zweijährlichen Castortransport wird wie immer demonstriert, es sind mehr als beim letzten Mal, die Schwarz-Grüne Koalition hat die in sie gestellten Hoffnungen nicht erfüllt und befindet sich momentan im Abwind. Der linksliberale Teil der Grünenbasis hegt Abspaltungsgedanken, die Grünen sind in Gefahr, den gleichen Weg wie die FDP zu gehen, die diesmal mit knappen 5,1% noch in den Bundestag einzogen. Terrorpanik ist in Mode, erst vor kurzem wurde wieder ein linksextremistischer Anschlag auf ein nicht näher definiertes Ziel verhindert. Niemand wichtiges stört sich daran, dass die Täter, inzwischen unter Verschluss, in der Szene weitgehend unbekannt sind.

Am frühen Morgen fährt über ganz Deutschland verteilt eine kleine Flotte von unauffälligen VW-Bussen durch die Landschaft. Man sieht einen über einen Feldweg rumpeln und schließlich neben einem gewaltigen Strommasten halten. In der Ferne qualmt der Kühlturm eines Atomkraftwerks friedlich vor sich hin, die Wolke durch den starken Wind zerrissen und flach. Drei Männer und eine Frau steigen aus, alle in unauffälliger Arbeitskleidung. Sie hält ein klobiges Iridiumtelefon in der Hand, der Rest holt einige ominöse Päckchen aus dem Kofferraum, jeweils mit Mikrocontroller und einem Funkradio versehen, und bringen sie am Fuß des Masten an.

"Chef, Gruppe Biblis hier, sämtliche Pakete sind abgeliefert. Radioempfang gut, erbitten Anweisungen." - "Ausgezeichnet. Zurück ins Lager."

He never said such a thing, your government is fearmongering.

lel, never gonna happen. You're too submissive for that.

I'm afraid Gauland will scare normal Germans away with this sort of talk. I wish good things for AfD, and that could damage AfD's chances

Sie steigen wieder ein und fahren über den knirschenden Kies ab, fertig mit ihrer Tour durch die Umgebung des Atomkraftwerks. Im ganzen Land beginnen gekaperte Sendemasten damit, statt des üblichen Programms Beethovens Fünfte auszustrahlen. Die Funkradios an den Paketen fangen an zu spielen, plötzlich wird die Sendung durch eine Reihe hässlicher Piepser unterbrochen.
Über Minuten zünden die Thermitpakete in einer genau geplanten Abfolge, im gesamten Land wird das ohnehin marode Stromnetz instabil und eine Überlastungskaskade setzt sich bis ins Ausland fort. Europa erlebt einen großflächigen Stromausfall und die Funkstationen hören auf zu senden. Viele, zu viele Großtransformatoren brennen durch, fast alle Atomkraftwerke des Landes müssen eine Notabschaltung einleiten, da sie ihre Leistung nicht mehr abführen können. In den Krankenhäusern und Rechenzentren laufen Notstromaggregate an. Die Infrastruktur wird Wochen brauchen, bis sie wieder unter Vollast arbeiten kann.

Die Bürger fahren nach Hause, Arbeit ist unmöglich. Auf dem Castortransport gibt es in einer Panikreaktion der Polizei Tote, Gerüchte schwirren. Die Politik ist perplex und verängstigt, mit echtem Terrorismus rechnete niemand. Das Wochenende fängt an, die Neuigkeiten vom Castortransport dringen durch, Demonstrationen überall. Die Polizei versucht Präsenz zu zeigen, aber ist restlos überfordert und kann ihre um und bei Gorleben stationierten Mannschaften nicht schnell genug abziehen. In einigen Städten beginnen Plünderungen, es herrscht Chaos.

Am Abend des Anschlagtages legt in einem unauffälligen und schlecht beleuchteten Haus irgendwo in Deutschland Arnulf Baring sein Satellitentelefon aus der Hand, lehnt sich zurück und sagt, "Wir bedienen hier ein furchtbares Klischee, aber heute waren wir erfolgreich. Her mit meiner Perserkatze und machen Sie die Fahrzeuge klar, wir fahren nach Berlin. Der neunte November wird ein großer Tag für die Republik werden."

It's US propaganda, preparing to place a shiv between Germany and Poland, using Poland as a shield between Russia and Germany. Read up on the Intermarium.

Hm, there is one, but I don't know where.
I got all of this saved on my hd, so I will just post it again.

>>Frauke Petry resigns and will not join the party in the parliament
>>Petry and her husband will leave the AfD

WTF i love petry now

ummm lad I highly doubt they doctored his fucking voice. He said "Poland lays on German clay and it's high time we start talking about it"

Just you wait ...

No, seriously, nobody wants to take your clay. You can keep your onions and cabbage.

I hope you don't have any appointments tomorrow at 5:45 :^)

You know what, yeah, he DID say that.
Well about time, finally we can crush the Polish subhumans and take back the Lebensraum that is ours by divine right.

Is there an article or video of this? I'm really interested in seeing whether this is true or not.

Found something, but it's not the full text Baring

18 days

Thanks buddy

Weidels body language is extremely weird

Why shouldn't he say the truth?

Who cares? Best woman in Germany right now.

So she, her husband and another person are leaving the AFD. But neither of them is forced to vacate their seat in the parliament? Wtf is this bullshit? 3 less seats for the afd just like that?

it just feels cringy and weird to watch her talk in debates. sometimes it seems like she is not confident


>Polen ist ein souveräner Staat mit einer demokratisch gewählten Regierung. Es muss sich von einem demokratisch viel weniger legitimierten Brüsseler Apparat nichts vorschreiben lassen.

>Poland is a sovereign state bla democratically elected government bla EU btfo

Does this sound like someone who wants to invade your country? Gauland is posturing and I think it's funny. The dude knows how to provocate but he's not delusional.

Topkek Spon is losing it

Found some more Baring

I think she might be autistic.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

They want to talk about the past, yeah, to end the eternal guilt trip. These are things which are taboo in Germany, because it could make them feel like they were victims to some degree as well, and paid a price for their "sins", with the logical conclusion that this should end with a clean slate, so to speak, a re-integration not of clay, but of Germany and the German people into the community of nations.
It's thin ice and easy to misinterpret (willfully, in case of political opponents and leftist media), but it needs to be done to ensure our national identity to become healthy again instead of caught in a cycle of self-hate and self-destruction that will ultimately destroy Europe (and Poland) as well, cue: refugees and immigration.

i wonder if she got in touch with coke while working at GS in frankfurt

still - lille = waifu

>implying normies want antifa.
that's the whole fucking problem. they do not realize that people do not think like them or want to act like them.

Yep, that's why they waited until after the election. They could even have their own faction in the Bundestag if enough people joined them now, but obviously that's not going to happen.

>he fell for the afd meme

>I think she might be autistic.

She is very high IQ, which looks to you fucking Normies like "'Autism", also she isn't experienced in this whole stuff, give her two years and she will be alright.

Sounds awfully like the anti-fascists are the fascists here again, but what do i know, right.

The media and the old parties are making a giant mistake by moving even further left. This will strengthen the AfD even more.

I love how they claim democracy is important while going crazy over 12 Percent. Would be like claiming free speech is a right while censoring othe...
Ok nevermind.

>no joke about Hakan and Ahmed being turned into Hackmett

B-but I want her to by right-wing lesbian autistic waifu

It's good news that petry is gone.

Do you have a source?

>le epic activist meme
Stop this bullshit, half the time you do this uBlock doesn't block the retarded shekel ads.

Maybe she got slight autism which comes with high IQ very often, but she will get better as time passes.

It's typical for the left to be guilty of everything they accuse their opposition of

Ok, thanks for the info. Nobody cares! You wouldn't be one of those "concern trolls", would you?

I have seen two debates with Weidel, and in both, the cringy ones are the hand picked audience, the hosts and her opponents.

Bullshit, get your sources right, you fucking poling.

I'm actually pretty happy for you, Germanbros.

You fucked over CDU's coalition chances.

>>Frauke Petry resigns and will not join the party in the parliament
>>Petry and her husband will leave the AfD
Quick rundown on why? Are they pulling a Farage?

you say that like you don't like onion and cabbage.

German cuisine is very similar to Polish cuisine, btw. Just as heavy and just as Kartoffeln-rich.

>he fell for the Japanese My Little Pony meme

Kartoffelreich. REICH!


she is fluent in mandarin
i am learning mandarin for 2 years but this language honestly is a code and i permanently fail at it

this alone leaves me with the conclusion that she is a fucking wunderkind

Mathematician here. Can confirm. Alice is a great plus with brainiacs of all stripes. Make sure to keep her at the centre of the party.

why are you faggot so butthurt? her acting autistic and her policies dont have anything to do with each other. you dont care about any opinions, yet you are on a tibetan knitting forum, where people usually debate their ideas

fucking white knights these days

>le anti-fascists are fascists
Antifa are atheistic anti-nationalist anarchists the farthest thing away from fascism.


>i am learning mandarin for 2 years

>Der totale Krieg,2/afd-o-reparacjach-jesli-polska-sie-zglosi-to-przyjda-do-nas-inni,775795.html

Did you mean this? Because he only says so in regards to Polish reparation claims, as in Poland already got its reparations with all the German lands they got after the war.

Why do you faggot care so much about Weidel's body language? Kys unless you are Hitler 2.0 and just need some rejection.

Here's the thing: she appeals to non-brainlets. Her demeanour is extremely relatable. Intelligent people like someone who shows clear self-doubt a lot more than someone full of bluster.

Poles and Krauts should learn to be friends desu. How about Germans get a slice of Ostprussia in exchange for Poland annexing Belarus, Lithuania and bits of Ukraine?

i dont learn pinyín at all
i want to learn how to speak it first kek


Conservative wing of the CDU calling for Merkel to resign as party leader

I just noticed something!

On old maps Prussia has the same blue as the AfD? Is this a sign?

are you really this fucking retarded, or are you just pretending?
(((They))) violently attack anyone disagreeing with their POV of the world.
Intolerancy towards other ideologies is textbook facism