Do Jews have no shame?

Do Jews have no shame?

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hide your shame
shame is located in the foreskin

the heart wants what it wants

What exactly should he be ashamed about?

> No that's why we call them kikes

he raised that woman when she was a child. He was banging her the whole time, but only announced it when she was legal.
The question should be, don't jews have any taste in women? If you're going to 'adopt' a gook, why not get a fit one?

op is just jelly

You answered your own question. He's had her since she was a kid, he didn't know she'd turn out this way, and no turning back now.

No, that's why they originated the concept of chutzpah.

Nice reaction image

I thought George Burns was dead


too soon.

does that chinese bitch even know who woody allen is?
i dont

Woody did the right thing here. He traded in his aging Edsel for a new Chery. Mia BTFO

he knows...


Fucking a gook you adopted as your daughter?

>hollywood liberal jew

pic one

woody allen's sex life is hid behind smoke and mirrors. That plain faced chink is supposed to be his wife and lover since she was a kid, yet they didn't have their own kids, but instead they adopt other kids - a full chink and a full white. b4 this allen surrounded himself with hot white women. Its's possible he now uses the chink as a PR wife, but nothing else.
It's quite frequent amongst hollywood actors, adopt kids in public. Whether they believe their own bulshit \ virtue signal so hard as to abort their own linage and raise bastards, or if its smoke and mirrors PR while behind the scenes they are in 'eyes wide shut' sex clubs, i dunno.

Thank you for shedding light on this. So glad he's dead.


i know Jews take all the good women right user

Jews traditionally experienced shame more acutely than others, presumably as a result of Jewish religious practice and culture along with high average intelligence.


I see that couple every once in a while when I go to buy lunch. It's creepy and hilarious all at once.

lol I should have known you fags would beat me to it.

Woody Allen is just one example, but I was thinking about Jews in general.

I think there are ways to make money where whites would go "no, that would be wrong to do that", or they think there would be some sort of shame associated with doing something.

Ezra Levant might be another example. He is pretty shameless about trying to raise money from The Rebel - "sign our petition! Chip in now to pay for our costs!"

I mean, I don't wanna single him out, and it's certainly true that whites can be shameless in this way, and so can Asians, and DEFINITELY niggers...

Eh, maybe there's shameless people in all races.

Hm, you might be onto something there.

What about when Christians do it? Or Muslims? Or anyone who isn't Jewish?

Do they have shame?


t. Shlomo Shekelburg

>Do Jews have no shame?
weiner does. he was crying like he lost all his shekels during the beatdown at the church.

but we all know he will be out in a week.

the Founding Myth of Sup Forums is that people of other religions, races, and sexual orientations are fundamentally different (and therefore worse) than themselves. It's a coping mechanism.

Looks like the guy who shot Gabrielle giffords

That's the foundation myth of all politics. Politics is the field whose primary distinction is that of the self and the other, the group that belongs and the rest who are excluded. Nation-states have citizens and aliens; religions make a political distinction between their believers and the non-believers, and when they gain political power they wage crusades or jihads on that basis; trade unions make a distinction between workers and parasites, and when they gain political power they hang the bankers from the lampposts. The division of self and other is inherent in all politics: it's not a coping mechanism but rather the distinction upon which politics itself exists.

>If you're going to 'adopt' a gook, why not get a fit one?
Because it's hard to predict how female will look 20 years later. Also it'd be a mistake to think that such kind of a relationship only benefits male. If he drops her for a younger\better looking one now she can simply start talking about her childhood. Also to even seriously consider trading the bitch of your life for somme random prettyface and young body one has to be young dickass, (and probably a nigger as well) which is clearly not the case.

I'd take that several steps farther to argue that humans are hardwired with a basic survival concept of us vs them, in nearly every situation

Jews were raised in other morals. The morals of the Talmud. They only simulate shame.

The proclivity for distinguishing self from the other is inherent but nevertheless flawed thinking.

The distinction between self and other arises naturally whenever a group of individuals (the internal self of the individual being the ultimate self against the other of the rest of the external universe) bands together for some common cause. A man and woman start a family: they and their children form a group, from which everyone else is different. A group of people band together as a tribe or nation, and the rest of humanity does not join them: the distinction is already there. Any time a group exists, a boundary also exists defining that group. Eliminating the distinction between self and other means eliminating any and all possible groupings of individuals and also eliminating the boundaries of the individual, both of which are as impossible as illogical.

Maybe that the problem... I Like this quote I dislike this quote
“Pizza is a lot like sex. When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good.”

Woody Allen

>Eliminating the distinction between self and other means eliminating any and all possible groupings of individuals and also eliminating the boundaries of the individual, both of which are as impossible as illogical.
Not according to Star Trek

I take it to mean he never enjoyed Uncle-style pizza

Eliminating said boundaries may be impossible, but expanding them clearly isn't. What once was limited to blood-relatives has expanded to whole nations and (lately) disparate groups united only by trivialities such as religious affiliation, melanin levels, etc. The self-other barrier is infinitely plastic.

I don't know how someone that raised a girl could end up wanting to fuck her. Then again, jew.

Or maybe he's a pedo.

more like the dick wants what it wants

The self-other barrier exists whenever and wherever a group is defined. It's the logical result of that very definition, of the existence of a group. Religious affiliation means belonging to a group, and the fact that the group is defined means that its members are a self and non-members an other. Arguing to eliminate self-other distinctions is really arguing to eliminate the groups defined by those distinctions: eliminating the "other" of religious affiliation means eliminating religious groups and thus any diversity in religion.
You cannot have diversity without others, because eliminating others means an absolute monoculture, a hive mind without individuality.

Science fiction is fiction.

I would execute 1,000 Woody Allen's and consign all his movies to the ash-bin of history if we could get one more Mel Brooks film.

Literally nothing wrong with a woman falling in love with the man who cares for her. And vice versa

He fucking married his own adopted daughter you tard

And bring Gene Wilder back from the dead to star in it