You can't win this battle, even the military is against Trump and standing for the national anthem. Remember when it was unpatriotic to be against the Vietnam war? Well now it's universally agreed that the war was a mistake. Think about it, sometimes unpatriotic is the correct thing

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Fuck off kike

are you sure that guy didnt just fall and cant get up

Fuck you leaf, go pay for Abdul and his 15 kids

Unpatriotic is not defined by what people say.

That said, not supporting, defending and trying to influence the country you are born is unpatriotic.

Unpatriotic is always wrong.

But heh commie, you hate family, right? What do you care for the greater family called nation?


Dont think he will be voting in the next election

Anthony Weiner got sentanced to 21 months for being a pedo.

>things that never happened
>2 posts by this ID
Remember what goes in every field, kids.

As a commie I put country before your white tears

Not tears, nor white.
As commie you put gangrape before closed borders.

See my flag and show yours, nigger.